This section contains a list of files, not all of which are documented here, with brief information on who uses them. This is useful from time to time when digging through game directories sent with bug reports. Files marked [*] have descriptions here. Obvious names have usually been omitted (i.e. `echoview.ini'). This list is expected to grow.

"Standard" means that every nontrivial program handles this file. "PCC1" means PCC 1.x only, "PCC2" means PCC2 only, "PCC" means both versions. Likewise, "PHost4" means PHost 4.x only.

This list, like the rest of this documentation, shows file names in all-uppercase. See the introduction for a few words about file name case.

    .CCB            PCC, CCBSim, PlayVCR: Battle simulations [*]
    .CCP            PCC1: printer driver (plain text)
    .CCR            PCC1: report definition
    .KFB            TKF: Saved battle setup [*]
    .Q              PCC: script (plain text)
    .QC             PCC2: compiled script [*]
    .PHL            PHost4: single language (see PLANGxx.HST [*])
    .SEL            PCC: Saved Selection (plain text) [*]
    .VPM            VPMC: Movie [*]
    1BANCO.HST      1Banco (1st Corsarian Satellite Bank): ?
    AFSIM.SAV       AFSim: Saved simulation setup [*]
    AFSREPL.EXE     AFSim: helper program
    ALIENS!.HST     Aliens!: Hosting Information [*]
    AUTOEXEC.Q      PCC: user initialisation script
    AUTOx.DAT       Winplan: Auto tasks [*]
    AUXBATT.INI     THost: combat replacement (batch file)
    AUXBC.INI       Standard host: before-combat hook (batch file)
    AUXCMDS.TXT     PHost: injecting commands into host run (plain text)
    AUXDATA.HST     PHost: Miscellaneous [*]
    AUXHOST1.INI    Standard host: first hook (batch file)
    AUXHOST2.INI    Standard host: last hook (batch file)
    AUXHULL.DAT     VPHost: additional hull info
    BDATA.HST       Standard host: Starbase data [*]
    BDATAx.DAT      Standard client: New Base Data [*]
    BDATAx.DIS      Standard client: Old Base Data [*]
    BEAMSPEC.DAT    Standard static: Beam weapons [*]
    BRAIN.HST       CPlayer: ?
    BUFF.TMP        THost: Temporary File [*]
    BUFFPNT.TMP     THost: Temporary File [*]
    C2NU.INI        c2nu: State (plain text)
    C2RST.TXT       c2nu: Downloaded RST file (plain text)
    C2TRN.TXT       c2nu: Prepared turn file (plain text)
    CC.RES          PCC: Resources [*]
    CHARTx.CC       PCC: Starchart database [*]
    CHECK.LOG       PHost: turn check result (plain text)
    CHECK2.LOG      PHost: detailed turn check result (plain text)
    CLOAKC.HST      Standard host: Cloak & Shield State [*]
    CMDx.TXT        PCC: command processor commands (plain text) [*]
    CMRDATA.HST     FHost: ?
    COLORx.DAT      Winplan: ?
    COMBAT.LOG      PHost: combat parameter log (simulator hook) (plain text)
    CONFIG.CC       PCC1: Configuration (up to 1.0.16)
    CONFIG.TXT      THost: configuration written by hconfig.exe (plain text)
    CONFIG2.CC      PCC1: Configuration (1.0.17+) (plain text)
    CONTRLx.DAT     Winplan: Checksums [*]
    CONTROL.DAT     DOS Planets: Checksums [*]
    CORE.Q          PCC: system initialisation script (plain text)
    COREx           PCC1: core dump
    CPERROR.LOG     CPlayer: error log (plain text)
    CPx.CC          PCC1: Command Processor Commands [*]; no longer used
    DEVSPEC.DAT     VPHost: device specifications
    DISTTABL.DAT    Static: distance computation table [*]
    DOMERR.LOG      Dominate: error log (plain text)
    DOMOLD.LOG      Dominate: previous error log (plain text)
    EBANGx.DAT      EchoView: explosions
    EBASEx.DAT      EchoView: starbases
    EGRAPHx.DAT     EchoView: drawings
    EHOLEx.DAT      EchoView: wormholes
    EMINEx.DAT      EchoView: minefields
    ENGSPEC.DAT     Standard static: Engines [*]
    EPLANx.DAT      EchoView: planets
    ERROR.LOG       THost: current error log (plain text)
    ERROROLD.LOG    THost: complete error log (plain text)
    ESCOREx.DAT     EchoView: scores
    ESHIPSx.DAT     EchoView: ships
    ESTORMx.DAT     EchoView: storms
    ETEMPx.TMP      THost: Temporary File [*]
    EUFOx.DAT       EchoView: Ufos
    EVxxxRx.DAT     EchoView: ?
    EXP.LOG         PHost4: Experience upgrade log (plain text)
    EXPLMAP.HST     Explore Map: Seen Planets [*]
    EXTMINES.HST    PHost: Minefields [*]
    FATx.TRN        Winplan: temporary file
    FCODES.CC       PCC: Friendly code list (plain text)
    FHCONFIG.HST    FHost: configuration file
    FIXPLN.EXE      SRace: race picture patch
    FIZZ.BIN        Standard client: Checksums [*]
    FLAK.HST        FLAK: All combat [*]
    FLAKx.DAT       FLAK: Player's combat [*]
    FLEETx.CC       PCC: Fleet Information [*]
    FRIDAY.DAT      SRace: Race Assignments [*]
    GAMEBASE        PDV: ?
    GAMESTAT.DAT    Winplan: Game list [*]
    GEN.HST         Standard host: Passwords and other [*]
    GENx.DAT        Standard client: General Information [*]
    GREY.HST        THost: Miscellaneous [*]
    HCONFIG.HST     THost: Configuration [*]
    HCONFIG.INI     VPA: configuration file (hconfig) (plain text)
    HOST.LOG        Standard host: log file (plain text)
    HOSTMESS.TXT    Standard host: messages to host (plain text)
    HULLFUNC.DAT    PHost static: Hull functions [*]
    HULLFUNC.TXT    PHost static: Hull functions (plain text)
    HULLSPEC.CC     PCC1: Extended Hull Specification [*]
    HULLSPEC.DAT    Standard static: Starship Hulls [*]
    INCMES          PDV: saved incoming messages (plain text)
    INF.Gx          Informer: Game Definition [*]
    INFNOTES.Gx     Informer: Notes [*]
    INIT.TMP        Standard client: Player List [*]
    KFROBO.HST      TKF: Battle summary [*]
    KFTONS.HST      TKF: Tons sunk [*]
    KFVCRx.DAT      TKF: Combat recordings [*]
    KOREx.DAT       Winplan: Starcharts [*]
    LANG.PLN        THost: Host Language [*]
    LASTTURN.HST    Standard host: Timestamp [*]
    LEECHx.DAT      THost: file sent with RST (used by Taccom)
    MAP.INI         VPA: configuration file (starchart) (plain text)
    MDATAx.DAT      Standard client: Received Messages [*]
    MESS.EXT        Standard host: External Messages (sent by Hostmaster) [*]
    MESS.OLD        Standard host: Old Messages (=sent last turn) [*]
    MESS.TMP        Standard host: Current Message Traffic [*]
    MESS35x.DAT     Winplan: Sent Messages [*]
    MESSPNT.EXT     Standard host: Pointers to External messages [*]
    MESSPNT.OLD     Standard host: Pointers to Old messages [*]
    MESSPNT.TMP     Standard host: Pointers to Current messages [*]
    MESSx.CC        PCC: Message-related Stuff [*]
    MESSx.DAT       DOS Planets: Sent Messages [*]
    MINES.HST       Standard host: Mine fields [*]
    MISPLAN.EXE     SRace: planets.exe mission name patch
    MISSION.CC      PCC: Mission list (plain text)
    MISSION.INI     Winplan: Missions (plain text) [*]
    MSGx.INI        VPA/PCC: message-related configuration (plain text) [*]
    MTx.TXT         Winplan: MAKETURN log (plain text)
    MYCONFIG.SPL    Spacelord: ?
    MYPLANx.SPL     Spacelord: ?
    MYSHIPx.SPL     Spacelord: ?
    NAMES.CC        PCC: short name definitions (plain text)
    NAMES.DAT       PTScore: player names (plain text)
    NEXTTURN.HST    Standard host: Timestamp [*]
    NOTESx.DAT      Winplan: Notes [*]
    NAUTOx.DAT      Hacked Winplan: auto tasks (see AUTOx.DAT) [*]
    OBJx.CC         PCC1: Objects in the starcharts [*]; no longer used
    OLDFIG.HST      THost: Host Configuration [*]
    PATCH.PLN       SRace: data file for FIXPLAN.EXE
    PATH.DAT        Wisseman programs: Game Directory [*]
    PCONFIG.HST     PHost: configuration file (compiled); no longer used
    PCONFIG.SRC     PHost: configuration file (plain text)
    PDATA.HST       Standard host: Planet data [*]
    PDATAx.DAT      Standard client: New Planet Data [*]
    PDATAx.DIS      Standard client: Old Planet Data [*]
    PLANETS.NM      Standard static: Planet names [*]
    PLANG.HST       PHost: Language database
    PLANGENG.HST    PHost: English-only language database
    PLAYERx.RST     Standard: Host-to-player communication [*]
    PLAYERx.TRN     Standard: Player-to-host communication [*]
    PLNHELP.DAT     DOS Planets: Help texts [*]
    PHONEY.HST      Standard host: hull-remapping hook (used by RacePlus)
    PREFx.DAT       Winplan: ?
    PSTATE.TMP      PHost: temporary file; no longer used
    PVIEW.NTP       PView: Notepad [*]
    RACE.NM         Standard static: Race names [*]
    RACES.INI       VPA: configuration file (SRace/PlayerRace) (plain text)
    REFDATA.HST     THost/Ref: Victory Conditions [*]
    REG.KEY         Winplan: Registration Key [*]
    REG.LOG         Standard host: registration log (plain text)
    RESOURCE.PLN    DOS Planets: Pictures [*]
    RN.DAT          Winplan: RACE.NM Treatment [*]
    SCANMESS.DAT    EchoView: message templates
    SCORE.CC        PCC2: Statistics (scores) [*]
    SCORE.LOG       Standard host: score log (plain text)
    SCRAM21.OLE     Winplan: Registration Protection [*]
    SCRIPTx.CC      PCC2: Virtual Machine State (scripts) [*]
    SGATE.HST       FHost: ?
    SHIP.HST        Standard host: Ship Data [*]
    SHIPSCAN.EXT    PHost: Ship Scan Information (plain text) [*]
    SHIPXY.HST      Standard host: Ship Coordinates [*]
    SHIPXYx.DAT     Standard client: Ship coordinates [*]
    SHIPx.DAT       Standard client: New Ship data [*]
    SHIPx.DIS       Standard client: Old Ship data [*]
    SHPNAMES.HST    Dominate: ship names
    SKOREx.DAT      Winplan: Extended Ufo Database [*]
    SNOOKER.DAT     Winplan: TempLock Deluxe [*]
    SUNBST.HST      FHost: ?
    SUNDATA.HST     FHost: ?
    STAT.CC         PCC1: Statistics (scores) [*]
    STORM.NM        Standard host: Names for Ion storms [*]
    TARGETx.DAT     Standard client: Visible enemy ships ("Contacts") [*]
    TARGETx.EXT     VPUnpack/VPUtil: More enemy ships [*]
    TASKx.DAT       Winplan: Auto tasks [*]
    TBRAINx.HST     Dominate: ?
    TEAMS.DAT       PTScore: Teams [*]
    TEAMx.CC        PCC: Team Settings [*]
    TECH.MOF        DOS Planets: Font [*]
    TEMP.BMP        Wisseman programs: Temporary file [*]
    TEMP.PLN        Wisseman programs: Temporary file [*]
    TEMPLOCK.DAT    DOS Planets: Checksums [*]
    TONS.HST        Standard host: Ship tons "sunk" this turn [*]
    TONS2.HST       THost: weighed tonnage sunk this turn [*]
    TORPSPEC.DAT    Standard static: Torpedoes [*]
    TRACE.LOG       PHost: event trace requested by user (plain text)
    TRAFFIC.HST     Dominate: ?
    TRUEHOST.DAT    SRace: Original TRUEHULL.DAT [*]
    TRUEHULL.DAT    Standard static: Assignment Player <-> Starship Hulls [*]
    TRUEHULL.NEW    SRace: modified TRUEHULL.DAT
    TURNBASE        PDV: ?
    TURNSTAT.LOG    PHost: turn status log (green/red, ...) (plain text)
    UFO.HST         Standard host: Ufos, 3rd party additions [*]
    UTIL.TMP        PHost: Temporary UTILx.DAT Files [*]
    UTILDATA.CC     PCC: UTILx.DAT parser definition (plain text)
    UTILx.DAT       PHost: Information for Client Programs [*]
    UTILx.EXT       PHost: Add-on Information [*]
    VCR.CFG         PlayVCR: configuration of Winplan integrator (plain text)
    VCR.HST         Standard host: VCRs [*]
    VCRINIT.TMP     DOS Planets: Temporary file [*]
    VCRx.DAT        Standard client: Visual Combat Recordings [*]
    VMx.CC          PCC1: Virtual Machine State [*]
    VPA.INI         VPA: configuration file (plain text)
    VPA.MSG         VPA: message templates (plain text)
    VPACLRx.INI     VPA: configuration file (colors) (plain text)
    VPADATx.INI     VPA: configuration file (data transfer) (plain text)
    VPAMSG.DAT      VPA: Message Information [*]
    VPAMSGx.DAT     VPA: Message Information [*]
    VPASNMx.DAT     VPA: ship name scrambling
    VPAVCR.INI      VPA: ?
    VPAx.DB         VPA: Database [*]
    VPH35.DLL       THost: Version 3.5 Signatures [*]
    VPMIDI.INI      Winplan: music configuration (plain text)
    VPMOVIE.TMP     VPMC: State of the world [*]
    VPSOUND.INI     Winplan: sound f/x configuration (plain text)
    WORMHOLE.TXT    PHost: wormholes (plain text)
    WPVCR.DLL       Winplan: Images for the Winplan VCR [*]
    WRAPPER.LOG     PlayVCR: log file of the Winplan integrator (plain text)
    XTERNCMD.EXT    PHost: External Commands (plain text) [*]
    XTRFCODE.TXT    PHost: Special Friendly Codes (plain text) [*]
    XYPLAN.DAT      Standard static: Planet coordinates [*]
    XYPLAN.HST      Standard host: Planet coordinates [*]
    XYPLANx.DAT     Explore Map: per-player starchart (see XYPLAN.DAT)