This file contains information on various things that are on the player's starcharts and are archived over a few turns.

New Format [PCC 1.0.8+]

The new starcharts file format is designed to be extensible, and to be parsable by a program which does not fully understand it. So it is divided into chunks, somewhat like UTILx.DAT.

 +0   8 BYTEs   Signature, "CCchart",26
 +8     WORD    Turn number
+10     WORD    Start of first data block (file offset, 0-based)
+12     WORD    Number of extra planet properties
+14     WORD    Number of extra starship properties
+n    n BYTEs   Names of extra planet properties
+n    n BYTEs   Names of extra ship properties

By default, there is a planet property `COMMENT' and a ship property `COMMENT' declared. Users may declare more properties.

 +0     WORD    Type
                 1      Planet History (one per planet)
                 2      Ship History (one per ship)
                 3      Ship Track (one per ship; but see below)
                 4      Mine Field (may be many)
                 5      Painting (may be many)
                 6      Auto Build (one)
                 7      Ship Property (one per ship)
                 8      Planet Property (one per planet)
                --- PCC 1.1.6+: ---
                 9      Ship Score (one per score; but see below)
                10      Planet Score (one per score; but see below)
                11      Painting Tag Info (see below)
                --- PCC 1.1.7+: ---
                12      Ufo History (one per Ufo)
 +2     DWORD   Size
 +6   n BYTEs   data

After CCMERGE is used, several of the records given here might appear multiple times even if the above says the converse:

  • Ship Track
  • Ship Score
  • Planet Score PCC will merge them when it loads the starchart file.

PCC2 supports CHARTx.CC as well, starting with version 1.99.3.

  • 1.99.3: types 1, 4, 5, 6, 11
  • 1.99.4 and later: types 1 .. 12
--- Type 1: Planet History (mostly a standard PDATAx.DAT record) ---
 +0     WORD    (b) Owner
 +2     WORD    Id [*]
 +4   3 BYTEs   FCode
 +7   3 WORDs   (b) Mine / factory / defense count
                If only industry level known ("light" etc.), the factory
                count is 30000+n (n = PHost industry level 0..5)
+13   4 DWORDs  (a) Mined N/T/D/M
+29     DWORD   (b) Clans
+33     DWORD   (d) Supplies
+37     DWORD   (d) mc
+41   4 DWORDs  (a) Ground N/T/D/M
+57   4 WORDs   (a) Density N/T/D/M
+65   2 WORDs   colonist / native tax
+69   2 WORDs   colonist / native happiness
+73     WORD    (c) native government
+75     DWORD   (c) Natives
+79     WORD    (c) Native race
+81     WORD    Temperature (-1 unknown)
+83     WORD    Starbase present? (0 or 1)
+85   4 WORDs   Timestamps: (a) = minerals, (b) = colonists, (c) = Natives,
                (d) = mc/sup
--- PCC2 ---
+93     BYTE    Known-to-have-natives flag

--- Type 2: Ship History ---
 +0     WORD    Id [*]
 +2     WORD    Player id [*]
 +4   3 BYTEs   (b) FCode
 +7     WORD    Speed
 +9   2 WORDs   (b) WaypointDX/DY
+13   2 WORDs   X/Y
+17     WORD    (b) Engine
+19     WORD    Hull
+21   2 WORDs   (a) Beam, Beam count
+25     WORD    (a) Bay count
+27     WORD    (a) Launcher type
+29     WORD    (a) T/F
+31     WORD    (a) Launcher count
+33     WORD    (b) Mission
+35     WORD    (b) PE
+37     WORD    (b) Tow id
+39     WORD    (a) Damage
+41     WORD    (a) Crew
+43     WORD    (b) Clans
+45  20 BYTEs   Name
+65   4 WORD    (b) N, T, D, M
+73     WORD    (b) Supplies
+75   7 WORDs   (b) Unload
+89   7 WORDs   (b) Transfer
+103    WORD    (b) Intercept id
+105    WORD    (b) Money
+107  2 WORDs   Timestamps: (a) weaponry/combat, (b) rest

--- Type 3: Ship Track ---
 +0     WORD    Id
 +2     WORD    Ref. Turn (=turn number of first record)
 +4   n BYTEs   Records of 9 bytes each, newest turn first
                 +0   2 WORDs   X, Y
                 +4     BYTE    Speed
                 +5     WORD    Heading
                 +7     WORD    Mass

--- Type 4: Mine Field ---
 +0  n BYTEs    Records of 16 bytes each. The number of such records is
                determined by the size of the whole block. There may be
                any number of Mine Field blocks, each containing several
                mine fields.
                 +0     WORD    Id
                 +2     WORD    X
                 +4     WORD    Y
                 +6     WORD    Owner
                 +8     DWORD   Number of mine units
                +12     WORD    Type
                                 0      Normal Mines
                                 1      Web Mines
                +14     WORD    Turn of last information about this field

--- Type 5: Painting ---
 +0  n BYTEs    Records of variable size. The number of records is
                determined by the size of the whole block. There may be
                any number of Painting blocks, each containing several
                 +0     BYTE    Type of element
                                 0      Line
                                 1      Rectangle
                                 2      Circle
                                 3      Marker
                                Bit 7   1 if comment present
                 +1     BYTE    Color
                 +2     WORD    X1
                 +4     WORD    Y1
                 +6     WORD    Line, Rectangle: X2
                                Circles: radius
                                Markers: Type
                                 0      "+" (plus)
                                 1      "!" (exclamation mark)
                                 2      "x" (cross)
                                 3      "<>" (diamond)
                                 4      "p" (flag)
                                 5      (down-up `lock' arrows)
                                 6      "><" (right-left `lock' arrows)
                                 7      [PCC 1.1.11+] (cactus)
                 +8     WORD    Line, Rectangle: Y2
                                others: zero
                +10     WORD    Tag (non-negative for user-defined markers)
                +12     WORD    Turn of expiry (-1=never). If this field is,
                                for example, 17, the marker will be deleted
                                at turn 18.
                +14   n BYTEs   Comment (Pascal string), only if bit 7 in
                                type set. Used only for markers.

--- Type 6: Auto Build ---
 +?   & BYTEs   500 Records of 12 BYTEs each
                 +0     WORD    Number of Mines
                 +2     WORD    Number of Factories
                 +4     WORD    Number of Defense Posts
                 +6     WORD    Number of SB Defense
                                0..999 specify the wanted amount, 1000
                                means "max".
                 +8     BYTE    Speed for Mines (1..100)
                 +9     BYTE    Speed for Factories (1..100)
                +10     BYTE    Speed for Defense Posts (1..100)
                +11     BYTE    Speed for SB Defense (1..100)

--- Type 7: Ship Properties ---
--- Type 8: Planet Properties ---
 +0     WORD    Id
 +2     WORD    Number of values
 +4   n RECORDs of 6 bytes each. These store the type information for each
                value, as well as scalar values.
                 +0     WORD    Type
                                 0100h   EMPTY
                                 0200h   Integer
                                 0300h   Boolean
                                 0400h   String
                                 0500h   IEEE `single'
                                 0600h   Long String
                                 0700h   (PCC2 VM) Subroutine reference
                                 0800h   (PCC2 VM) Array reference
                                 0900h   (PCC2) Blob
                                 0A00h   (PCC2) File handle
                                 0B00h   (PCC2 VM) Hash reference
                                 0C00h   (PCC2 VM) Struct reference
                                 8000h   (PCC2 VM) Ship
                                 8100h   (PCC2 VM) Planet
                                 8200h   (PCC2 VM) Minefield
                                 8300h   (PCC2 VM) Ion storm
                                 8400h   (PCC2 VM) Hull
                                 8500h   (PCC2 VM) Engine
                                 8600h   (PCC2 VM) Beam
                                 8700h   (PCC2 VM) Torpedo
                                 8800h   (PCC2 VM) Torpedo launcher
                                 8900h   (PCC2 VM) Stack frame
                                 8A00h   (PCC2 VM) Global context
                                 8B00h   (PCC2 VM) Lock (mutex)
                                 8C00h   (PCC2 VM) Iterator
                                 8D00h   (PCC2 VM) Player
                                 xx00h   reserved
                                 others  Real
                 +2     DWORD   Value
                                + EMPTY: unused
                                + Integer, Bool, File handle: value
                                + String: 0 if empty string, nonzero if
                                  non-empty string (actual value follows
                                + Real: all 6 bytes form a Turbo Pascal Real
                                + Single: IEEE 32-bit floating point number
                                  (read by PCC 1.0.9+)
                                + Long String, Blob: length of string, if
                                  non-zero, value follows below (PCC2, read
                                  by 1.0.18+)
                                + Ship, planet, etc.: object id
                                + Stack frame: index relative to current
                                  function, 0 means top ("static")
                                + Subroutine/array/hash/struct reference:
                                  object Id, relative to current file. This
                                  is not currently supported in starchart
                                  files (CHARTx.CC), only in VM (SCRIPTx.CC)
                                  and object files.
                                + Lock: flags; bit 0 set if this lock is
                                  associated with the current process
 +?   n BYTEs   String values. Non-empty strings follow here, in correct
                order. A normal string (0400h) is stored as length byte
                plus actual string data. A long string (0600h) contains
                just the data; the length is in the header. A lock contains
                the data for the lock:
                 +0     DWORD   Length of name
                 +4     DWORD   Length of note
                 +8   n BYTEs   Name
                 +?   n BYTEs   Note

Note: the variable value representation is optimized for size. It uses the fact that each Turbo Pascal Real whose first byte is zero has an effective value of zero, independently of the other bytes. We therefore normalize actual zeroes by setting them to six-bytes-zero, such that the other type tags do not appear in regular real values.

  Turbo Pascal Reals are 48 bits, where
   Bits 0..7    Exponent "e"
   Bits 8..46   Mantissa "f"
   Bit 47       Sign "s", 0 means +1, 1 means -1
  The actual value is
     e = 0              0.0
     otherwise          s * 2^(e-129) * 1.f

PCC 1.0.9 and later will also read files with IEEE 32-bit floating point numbers, but will never write them this way. This feature was originally intended to be used by programs such as PCC 2, which use IEEE floating point internally. However, as of 21/Jan/2009, PCC 2 writes Reals only, which have significantly higher precision. IEEE FP can still be read by both.

  IEEE float ("single precision") has 32 bits:
   Bits 0..22   Mantissa "f"
   Bits 23..30  Exponent "e"
   Bit 31       Sign "s"
  The actual value is
     e = 0, f = 0       s * 0.0 (signed zero)
     e = 0, f <> 0      s * 2^-126 * 0.f
     e = 255, f = 0     s * inf (signed infinity)
     e = 255, f <> 0    NaN (not a number, error)
     otherwise          s * 2^(e-127) * 1.f

Likewise, 1.0.18 can read Long Strings (although it will truncate them to 255 bytes). PCC 2 writes String or Long String, depending on the size of the string.

Other values with a zero exponent are reserved. PCC up to at least 1.1.17 will read those as Real 0.0. However, if one such value describes a complex value that has data in the String Values area, those would be misparsed. PCC 2 therefore refuses to read Property records containing such values.

Entries marked "PCC2 VM" are only valid in the PCC2 virtual machine state file (SCRIPTx.CC), which uses the same data structure.

--- Type 9: Ship Scores [PCC 1.1.6+] ---
--- Type 10: Planet Scores [PCC 1.1.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Size of the following structure
 +2  54 BYTEs   Header. This is the same header as in a type-49 resp.
                type-50 UTILx.DAT record. The size is explicitly given
                above in case we someday enlarge this structure.
                 +0  50 BYTEs   Name
                +50     WORD    Score Id
                +52     WORD    Score Limit
 +x  3N WORDs   Score entries. The number is implicitly given by the
                total block size.
                 +0     WORD    Id
                 +2     WORD    Score Value
                 +4     WORD    Turn number

--- Type 11: Painting Tag Info [PCC 1.1.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Number of entries in this record
 +2   n WORDs   Tag values
+2N   n BYTEs   For each tag value, a Pascal string

If existent, this record precedes a Painting record (type 5). It defines how Tag values corresponded to strings (atoms) when the file was written. Upon loading, PCC will modify the tags in the paintings accordingly.

When CCMerge was used, there will be multiple Painting Tag records. Each of them only applies to the Painting record which follows.

--- Type 12: Ufo History [PCC 1.1.7+] ---
 +0     WORD    Id
 +2  78 BYTEs   Standard Ufo record. See UFO.HST for a detailed description
                of the fields.
                 +0     WORD    Color
                 +2  20 BYTEs   Name
                +22  20 BYTEs   Info 1
                +42  20 BYTEs   Info 2
                +62   2 WORDs   X, Y
                +66     WORD    Speed
                +68     WORD    Heading
                +70     WORD    Planet visibility range
                +72     WORD    Ship visibility range
                +74     WORD    Radius
                +76     WORD    Type
+80     DWORD   Real Id number. If the Ufo represents some object which has
                its own Id number, this Id number is stored here. For
                PHost wormholes, this is the wormhole Id.
+84     WORD    Turn when this Ufo was last seen
+86     WORD    X position where this Ufo was last seen
+88     WORD    Y position where this Ufo was last seen
+90     WORD    X movement per turn
+92     WORD    Y movement per turn
                PCC uses the last four fields to estimate the wormhole's
                current position.

Old Format [up to PCC v1.0.7]

The file may end at any --- mark, depending upon which PCC version is used. Programs must detect this and not reject the file. Likewise, the file was extended quite often at the end. Gee, is this an ugly file format... Rest in peace.

 +0   n BYTEs   500 records
                 +0     WORD    Color of planet (see below)
                 +2   n BYTEs   Comment as Pascal string
--- Planet history ---
 +n     WORD    Number of stored planets. All planets ever seen with a
                Sensor Sweep Mission or visited by a ship are stored here.
+n+2  m BYTEs   Records of 67 bytes each
                 +0     WORD    Id number of planet
                 +2     WORD    Owner, 0=unowned
                 +4   4 DWORDs  Minerals on surface (N, T, D, M)
                +20   4 DWORDs  Minerals in ground (N, T, D, M)
                +36   4 WORDs   Mineral density (N, T, D, M)
                +44     WORD    Temperature. Value 0 = unknown, 101-Temp.
                                otherwise. This value is the PDATAx.DAT
                                value plus 1.
                +46     WORD    Native race
                +48     DWORD   Number of natives (Clans)
                +52     DWORD   Number of colonists (Clans)
                +56     BYTE    1, if starbase exists, 0 otherwise
                +57     WORD    Industrialization
                                 0      unknown
                                 1      light
                                 2      heavy
                                --- PHost only ---
                                 3      minimal
                                 4      moderate
                                 5      substantial
                                This strange order reflects the fact that
                                PCC was not originally designed for PHost.
                +59     WORD    Turn for information at +57
                +61     WORD    Turn for information at +4..+36
                +63     WORD    Turn for information at +46..+48
                +65     WORD    Turn for information at +52
                If one of the turn numbers is 0, no information is
                available. The turn number corresponds to the newest value
                in each group.
--- Mine fields ---
 +y     WORD    Number of mine fields. All minefields ever seen are stored
                here. The original size is saved, PCC always computes the
                current size itself.
+y+2  @ BYTEs   Records of 16 bytes each
                 +0     WORD    Id
                 +2     WORD    X
                 +4     WORD    Y
                 +6     WORD    Owner
                 +8     DWORD   Number of mine units
                +12     WORD    Type
                                 0      Normal Mines
                                 1      Web Mines
                +14     WORD    Turn of last information about this field
--- Paintings ---
 +n     WORD    Number of user paintings in starcharts
+n+2  x BYTEs   Records of variable size
                 +0     BYTE    Type of element
                                 0      Line
                                 1      Rectangle
                                 2      Circle
                                 3      Marker
                                Bit 6 set if "new fields" at end
                                Bit 7 set if comment exists
                 +1     BYTE    Color
                 +2     WORD    X1
                 +4     WORD    Y1
                 +6     WORD    Line, Rectangle: X2
                                Circles: radius
                                Markers: Type
                                 0      "+" (plus)
                                 1      "!" (exclamation mark)
                                 2      "x" (cross)
                                 3      "<>" (diamond)
                                 4      "p" (flag)
                                 5      (down-up `lock' arrows)
                                 6      "><" (right-left `lock' arrows)
                 +8     WORD    Line, Rectangle: Y2
                                others: zero
                +10   n BYTEs   Comment (Pascal string), only if bit 7 in
                                type set. Used only for markers.
                --- only if bit 6 of type set, v1.0.5+ ---
                 +x     WORD    Tag (non-negative for user-defined markers)
                 +y     WORD    Turn of expiry (-1=never). If this field is,
                                for example, 17, the marker will be deleted
                                at turn 18.
--- Starship History [v0.98.4+] ---
 +q     WORD    Number of starship history entries
+q+2    WORD    Number of history entries (10)
+q+4    WORD    Turn number
+q+2  r BYTEs   Records of 93 bytes each (for 10 history entries)
                 +0     WORD    Starship Id
                 +2     BYTE    Hull Id (type), 0 = unknown
                 +3   n BYTEs   10 records of 9 BYTEs (History entries).
                                The first record is the turn specified
                                above. The second one is the turn before
                                etc. All values may be -1 for "unknown".
                                 +0     WORD    X
                                 +2     WORD    Y
                                 +4     BYTE    Warp Factor
                                 +5     WORD    Heading in degrees
                                 +7     WORD    Mass
                                Mass = -1 means the ship position was
                                "guessed" by PCC.
--- Starship History #2 ---
 +$ 500 BYTEs   Starship owners
--- Starship Comments [v0.98.5+] ---
 +X   y BYTEs   500 Pascal strings with starship comments
--- Auto Build Goals [v0.99.3+] ---
 +?   & BYTEs   500 Records of 12 BYTEs each
                 +0     WORD    Number of Mines
                 +2     WORD    Number of Factories
                 +4     WORD    Number of Defense Posts
                 +6     WORD    Number of SB Defense
                                0..999 specify the wanted amount. To
                                specify "the maximum under the current
                                conditions", PCC up to v1.0.2.1 uses the
                                value -1, v1.0.2.3 and later use 1000.
                 +8     BYTE    Speed for Mines (1..100)
                 +9     BYTE    Speed for Factories (1..100)
                +10     BYTE    Speed for Defense Posts (1..100)
                +11     BYTE    Speed for SB Defense (1..100)
                The 7th bit of the speed values is reserved for additional
                flags which might be introduced in future. PCC initializes
                all these records with defaults when creating this file.

Colors in PCC

Colors are stored as PCC's internal color numbers, not as the numbers 1..30 exported to scripts.

         1      Dark gray
         2      Light gray
         3      Green
         4      Red
         5      Dark green
         6      Light blue
         7      Blue
         8      Dark blue
         9      Yellow
        15      White
        128..137 Additional colors in 256 color mode. Displayed as white
                in 16 color modes.