UTILx.EXT - PHost - Add-on Information [V]

The UTILx.DAT files are generated by PHost to allow client programs to get information in machine readable form, without parsing messages.

PHost-aware add-ons can write their information to a UTILx.EXT file in the host directory, PHost will append that file to the final UTILx.DAT file. Note that UTILx.EXT is purely a host-side thing, it is never sent to players. Players only receive the final UTILx.DAT.

During PHost processing, add-ons still see the old UTILx.DAT files. If you want to check something in such an add-on, you may try to use the UTIL.TMP file generated by PHost, see under the `Host files' section.

In several records, PHost attempts to do you a favor in sending you "human-readable" values, namely

  • you often get a population count, not the number of clans like in the other files. Divide by 100 to get clans;
  • you get an actual Fahrenheit temperature, not the encoded value from the PDATAx.DAT file. Subtract from 100 to get a PDATA-compatible value.

General File Structure

The file contains records of the following layout:
 +0     WORD    Type
                     0..40      used
                    41..16383   reserved for PHost
                 16384..16399   Torsten Czerny
                 16400..16431   Jens Hofbauer
                 16432..16447   Rafael Alvarez
                 16448..16479   Sven Bursch
                 16480..16511   Ingo Korb
                 16512..16639   Stefan Reuther
                 16640..32767   Available
                 32768..65535   Reserved
 +2     WORD    Number of data bytes following
 +4   n BYTEs   data

The file begins with a control record (type 13). A program can use this record to check if the file corresponds to the current turn. PHost generated records follow in more or less chronological order. Finally, an End record (type 30) terminates the PHost information, after it follow records from add-on programs (UTILx.EXT).

This file lists all known version dependencies, but you should not rely on them: to know whether a particular piece of information is available in your UTILx.DAT, check the actual record sizes, not version numbers. Records might grow in the future, so you should handle the size anyway.

The records

--- Type 0 (Mine field) ---
 +0     WORD    Mine field Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Owner
 +8     DWORD   Mine Units
+12     WORD    Type (1=Web, 0=normal)
--- PHost 2.0+ (?): ---
+14     WORD    for own mine fields, Id of planet with friendly code,
                zero otherwise.
--- PHost 2.6d+: ---
+16     WORD    Cause of this report:
                 0      Mine field laid
                 1      Mine field swept
                 2      Mine field scanned

The most current information comes last. If the player this minefield belongs to uses Winplan, non-existence of a `Minefield scanned' record means the minefield does no longer exist.

--- Type 1 (Explosion) ---
 +0     WORD    X
 +2     WORD    Y
 +4     WORD    Ship Id
--- PHost 3.4+: ---
 +6  20 BYTEs   Ship name

--- Type 2 (Mine hit) ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Damage %
--- PHost 3.4b+: ---
 +8  20 BYTEs   Ship name

--- Type 3 (Dark Sense) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Owner
 +4   4 DWORDs  Minerals (N,T,D,M)
+20     DWORD   Money
+24     WORD    1=Starbase exists

--- Type 4 (Super Spy) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Mines
 +4     WORD    Factories
 +6     WORD    Defense Posts
 +8   3 BYTEs   Friendly Code
+11   4 DWORDs  Minerals (N,T,D,M)
+27     DWORD   Money
--- PHost 3.0+: ---
+31     DWORD   Supplies

--- Type 5 (Planet) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Temperature (actual value, not 100-F like in PDATAx.DAT)
 +4     WORD    Owner (0-11)
 +6     DWORD   Colonists (not number of clans!)
+10     WORD    1=Starbase exists

--- Type 6 (Sensors) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Owner (1-11)
 +4     WORD    Industrial activity
                 0      minimal         0  ..  29 structures
                 1      light           30 ..  59 structures
                 2      moderate        60 ..  89 structures
                 3      substantial     90 .. 119 structures
                 4      heavy           >= 120 structures
                 5      heavy           >= 150 structures
                (structures is mines + factories)

Note that the value 5 here gives more information than there is in the actual messages. This is considered a (minor) bug and may be removed in the future.

--- Type 7 (Battle result) ---
 +0     WORD    left ship Id
 +2     WORD    right ship/planet Id
 +4     WORD    1=right is planet
 +6   2 WORDs   Owners (left, right)
+10   2 WORDs   Damage after fight
+14   2 WORDs   Torpedoes after fight
+18   2 WORDs   Fighters after fight
+22   2 WORDs   Battle results
                 0      Winner
                 1      Object captured (ships only)
                 2      Object destroyed
                 3      Object without ammunition
--- PHost 1.3+: ---
+26     WORD    X
+28     WORD    Y
--- PHost 3.4b+: ---
+30     WORD    Random Seed

--- Type 8 (Meteor) ---
--- Type 9 (Meteorite Shower) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2   4 DWORD   Minerals (N,T,D,M)

--- Type 10 (Visual Contact) ---
 +0     WORD    Id Number
 +2     WORD    Owner
 +4     WORD    Warp
 +6     WORD    X position
 +8     WORD    Y position
+10     WORD    Type of starship hull
+12     WORD    Heading in degrees, 0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West
+14  20 BYTEs   Ship name

This is the same format as in TARGETx.DAT.

--- Type 11 (allied starbase) ---
 +0     WORD    Base Id
 +2     WORD    Base owner

--- Type 12 (allied planet) ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Owner
 +4     WORD    Temperature (0-100, actual value, not 100-F)
 +6     WORD    Native race
 +8     WORD    Native government
+10     DWORD   Natives (number of natives, not clans!)
+14   4 DWORDs  Mined minerals (N,T,D,M)
+30     DWORD   Colonists (number of colonists, not clans!)
+34     DWORD   Supplies
+38     DWORD   Money

--- Type 13 (Control record - File Header) ---
 +0  18 BYTEs   Timestamp
+18     WORD    Turn number
+20     WORD    Player number
+22     BYTE    PHost Major version
+23     BYTE    PHost Minor version
+24   8 DWORDs  "Digests" of the files HULLSPEC.DAT, ENGSPEC.DAT,
                PCONFIG.???, RACE.NM, see below
+56  32 BYTEs   Game Name
--- PHost 2.11h+: ---
+88     BYTE    PHost Release Code ('e' in 3.2e)

--- Type 14 (Wormhole) ---
 +0     WORD    X
 +2     WORD    Y
 +4     WORD    Mass
 +6     WORD    Stability               Chance of successful passage
                 0      very stable      95%
                 1      stable           85%
                 2      quite stable     70%
                 3      unstable         50%
                 4      very unstable    20%
                 5      totally unstable <20%
 +8     WORD    Id. Even number for entry points, odd for exits
--- PHost 3.4h/4.0e+: ---
+10     WORD    Id of corresponding Ufo
+12     WORD    1=bidirectional, 0=enter only

For how wormholes and wormhole Ufos correspond, see UFO.HST.

--- Type 15 (Wormhole Travel) ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    caused damage
 +8     WORD    Total damage = original damage of ship + caused damage
+10     WORD    Wormhole Id

--- Type 16 (Ship recycled) ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Base Id

--- Type 17 (Ion storm) [PHost 1.3+] ---
 +0     WORD    Storm Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Voltage
 +8     WORD    Heading
+10     WORD    Speed
+12     WORD    Radius
+14     WORD    Class (1..5)
+16     WORD    Growth

This record has been defined since PHost 1.3, but is not generated until 4.0j. There is at least one add-on (by Vladimir Babchuk) which also generates these records.

--- Type 18 (Colonize Mission) [PHost 1.3+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Planet Id

--- Type 19 (Ship surrendered) [PHost 1.3+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    old ship owner
 +4     WORD    Base Id
 +6     WORD    base owner

In PHost 1.3, this record did not contain the base owner (same format as type 20), and reported a ship that surrendered to the enemy.

--- Type 20 (Ship built) [PHost 1.4+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Base Id
 +4     WORD    0=normal build, cloned otherwise

This record is used since PHost 1.4. In PHost 1.3, record 20 reported a ship that surrendered to us:

 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Base Id
 +4     WORD    original owner

--- Type 21 (Ship given away, "gsN" friendly code) [PHost 1.3c+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    old owner
 +4     WORD    new owner

--- Type 22 (Alliance) [PHost 1.4b+] ---
 +0  11 BYTEs   Offered to ...
+11  11 BYTEs   Offers exist from ...
                 Bit 0  Ships
                 Bit 1  Planets
                 Bit 2  Minefields
                 Bit 3  Combat
                 Bit 4  Visibility
                 Bit 5  1=Valid offer, 0=invalid
                 Bits 6,7 = 0
--- PHost 2.6+: ---
+22  11 BYTEs   Conditionally offered to ...
+33  11 BYTEs   Conditional offers exist from ...
                 Bits 0..4 like above, rest 0

--- Type 23 (Bioscan) [PHost 2.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Native race (see PDATAx.DAT)
 +4     DWORD   Natives (people, not clans!)
 +8     WORD    Temperature

--- Type 24 (Glory Device exploded) [PHost 2.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y

--- Type 25 (damaged by Glory Device) [PHost 2.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Total damage
 +8     WORD    Ship Owner
--- PHost 3.4b+: ---
+10     WORD    Hull type of damaged ship
+12  20 BYTEs   Name of damaged ship

--- Type 26 (Ship boarded) [PHost 2.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Old owner
 +4     WORD    New owner
--- PHost 2.9e+: ---
 +6     WORD    Id of boarding ship

--- Type 27 (PCONFIG.SRC) [PHost 2.6 to 2.9] ---
 +0   n BYTEs   File data. Verbatim copy of PCONFIG.SRC.

This record isn't in use any more since PHost 2.10.

--- Type 28 (Ground combat) [PHost 2.6+] ---
 +0     WORD    Planet
 +2     WORD    Owner
 +4     WORD    Attacker
 +6     WORD    Result
                 0      Owner wins
                 1      Attacker wins
                 2      All colonists killed

--- Type 29 (Minefields explode) [PHost 2.6d+] ---
 +0     WORD    X Mine field 1
 +2     WORD    Y Mine field 1
 +4     WORD    Id Mine field 1
 +6     WORD    X Mine field 2
 +8     WORD    Y Mine field 2
+10     WORD    Id Mine field 2
+12     DWORD   Number of exploded mines

--- Type 30 (End of PHost info) [PHost 2.7a+] ---
This record doesn't contain data.

PHost sends this record as the last one in UTILx.DAT, before it appends UTILx.EXT.

--- Type 31 (Mines scooped "msc") [PHost 2.9d+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Mine field Id
 +4     WORD    Number of torpedoes made
 +6     DWORD   Number of removed mines
--- PHost 2.11h+: ---
+10     DWORD   Number of mines before this action

--- Type 32 (Pillage Mission) [PHost 2.9d+] ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     DWORD   Colonist clans(!)
 +6     DWORD   Native clans(!)
--- PHost 3.4g/4.0c+: ---
+10     WORD    Owner of Klingon ship (important in PlayerRace games)

--- Type 33 (General Object) [PHost 2.10+] ---
 +0     WORD    Id (Ufo Id, or bigger than 1000 if there isn't a matching
                Ufo record)
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Color
 +8     WORD    Radius
+10     WORD    Speed
+12     WORD    Heading
+14  20 BYTEs   Name
+34  20 BYTEs   Info 1
+54  20 BYTEs   Info 2
                Note that the PHost specification file does not say
                anything about the format of these strings. By analogy with
                Ufos, one would expect standard BASIC strings (space
                padded), but the fact that PHost is in C speaks for zero-
                terminated strings. So, for a robust program, expect both
+74     WORD    Type code
                     1024        Ion Storm by Vladimir Babchuk
                 32765-32766     QVS by Hans Wilmer
                    32767        Starbeamer by Hans Wilmer
+76   n BYTEs   optional additional information

Note that it is definitely possible to receive two objects with the same Id, but different type codes, as it's quite hard to synchronize add-ons among each other. It is not quite clear if it's legal for an add-on program to generate two objects with the same Object Id and type code, which only differ in the info strings and in the additional information block. Most existing client programs (EchoView, PCC) will not handle this.

This record is never generated by PHost; it is intended for use by add-ons.

--- Type 34 (File) [PHost 2.9d+] ---
 +0  12 BYTEs   File name
+12     BYTE    Flags
                 Bit 0  1=Text file, 0=binary
                 Bits 1..7 are reserved
+13   n BYTEs   File data

This record type is used by PHost to transfer RACE.NM, PCONFIG.SRC and XTRFCODE.TXT, the results of the "send racenames", "send config" and "send fcodes" commands. It should not problematic for your add-on to use it for similar purposes.

--- Type 35 (Cloak failure) [PHost 2.10b+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Cause
                 0      Cloak Failure Rate
                 1      No fuel
                 2      Hull damaged
                 3      Ionic pulse (Super Spy)
                 4      Wormhole passed
                 5      Tachyon pulse (Loki)

This record is superseded by type 44, but is still sent.

--- Type 36 (Cloaked ship detected) [PHost 2.11g+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Owner
--- PHost 3.4e/4.0c+: ---
 +8     WORD    1=before movement, 0=after

--- Type 37 (Remote-controlled ships) [PHost 3.0+] ---
 +0   x BYTEs   Records of 4 bytes each
                 +0     WORD    Ship Id
                 +2     WORD    True owner. If the ship is in your
                                SHIPx.DAT file, you're controlling a ship
                                owned by this player. If it's a target,
                                you're scanning a remote controlled ship.
                                -1 for an own ship means remote control is
                                disabled for that ship.

--- Type 38 (Activities) [PHost 3.0+] ---
 +0     DWORD   old value
 +4     DWORD   decayed points
 +8     DWORD   gained points
+12     DWORD   new value

--- Type 39 (Build Queue) [PHost 3.0+] ---
 +0   n BYTEs   Records of 10 bytes each
                 +0     WORD    Base Id
                 +2     WORD    Hull Type
                 +4     WORD    Position in build queue
                 +6     DWORD   Priority

--- Type 40 (Web Drain Complete) [PHost 3.0+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
--- PHost 3.4d+: ---
 +2     WORD    Ship Owner
 +4  20 BYTEs   Ship Name

--- Type 41 (RGA) [PHost 3.3c+] ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    0 = No natives, 1 = Planet has natives
--- PHost 3.4g/4.0d+: ---
 +4     WORD    RGA player (important in PlayerRace games)

--- Type 42 (General Object Destruction) [PHost 3.3c+] ---
 +0     WORD    Object Id
 +2     WORD    Type Code

See record type 33 for more information on General Objects.

This record is never generated by PHost; it is intended for use by add-ons.

--- Type 43 (Minefield Status) [PHost 3.3c+] ---
 +0  11 WORDs   Minefield limits, for all players. This is the value of
                the MaximumMinefieldsPerPlayer config option.
 +2  11 WORDs   Number of minefields, for all players. You only see the
                numbers of your race and your minefield allies; the other
                positions are -1 (0xFFFF).

This record is only sent if it actually contains useful information; if minefield limits are not in effect, this record is not sent.

--- Type 44 (Failure Notice) [PHost 3.4+] ---
 +0     WORD    Action (=UTILx.DAT record number, if possible):
                 20     Ship construction (cloning in particular)
                 21     Ship trade
                 35     Cloaking
                 45     Planet trade
                 10000  Ship mission failed
                (new actions might be added, see PHost docs for a
                definite list)
 +2     WORD    Ship Id
 +4     WORD    Planet Id
 +6     WORD    Cause
                  0     Random chance
                  1     Not enough fuel
                  2     Too badly damaged
                  3     Ionic pulse
                  4     Wormhole travel
                  5     Tachyon pulse
                  6     Ion storm
                 10     Not enough minerals
                 11     Not enough tech
                 12     No receiver unit at this place
                 13     Host has disabled feature
                 14     Not allowed by rules
                 15     Not allowed by partner
                 16     No slot for object (global limit exceeded)
                 17     Player limit exceeded
                 18     Unit does not have needed capability
                 19     Target object does not exist
                 20     Per-unit limit exceeded
 +8   ? BYTEs   additional info could follow here
                --- Action 10000 ---
                 +8     Mission number
                 +10    Intercept parameter
                 +12    Tow parameter

--- Type 45 (Planet Trade) [PHost 3.4b+] ---
 +0     WORD    Planet Id
 +2     WORD    Old owner
 +4     WORD    New owner

--- Type 46 (Mine field) [PHost 3.4b+] ---
 +0     WORD    Mine field Id
 +2     WORD    X
 +4     WORD    Y
 +6     WORD    Owner
 +8     DWORD   Mine Units
+12     WORD    Type (1=Web, 0=normal)
+14     WORD    Id of planet with friendly code, or zero
+16     WORD    Cause of this report (0=laid, 1=swept, 2=scanned)

This record has the very same format as record 0. It is used for minefields with Id numbers >500 when AllowMoreThan500Minefields is off for that player.

--- Type 47 (Nonexistent Planets) [PHost 3.4c+] ---
 +0   n WORDs   Ids of non-existent planets. All planets listed here do
                not exist for the host and an attempt to (for example)
                drop cargo there will fail.

Note that this record has been defined since version 3.4c, but is actually generated only by 4.1a/3.5a+.

--- Type 48 (PAL Summary) [PHost 3.4c+] ---
 +0  11 DWORDs  Player Activity Level for each player. -1 if not known.

--- Type 49 (Ship Score) [PHost 3.4d / 4.0+] ---
--- Type 50 (Planet Score) [PHost 3.4d / 4.0+] ---
 +0  50 BYTEs   Name; player-readable description of this score.
+50     WORD    Identifier
                 1      Ship / Planet Experience Level
                 2      Ship / Planet Experience Points ($FFFF if larger
                        than 16 bit)
                 3..99  reserved
                 100+   available
+52     WORD    Limit, -1 if no limit. The interpretation of the limit
                depends on the type of the score. For experience, this is
                the maximum level which can be reached.
+54 2xN WORDs   Scores. Each entry is a pair of object Id and score.
                Units for which the score is not known are not listed here.

--- Type 51 (Player Score) [PHost 3.4d / 4.0+] ---
 +0  50 BYTEs   Name; player-readable description of this score.
+50     WORD    Identifier
                 1      Per-game Score. This is intended to be used by
                        the "main" scoring program in use for this game
                        to report "the score".
                 2      Build points (PAL / PBP)
                 3      Minefields allowed
                 4      Minefields laid
                 5..99  reserved
                 100+   available
                 1000   (c2nu) Military Score
                 1001   (c2nu) Inventory Score
+52     WORD    Turns-over-limit required to win, -1 if not known.
+54     DWORD   Win limit, -1 if none
+58  11 DWORDs  Scores for each player. -1 if not known.

--- Type 52 (Ship Abilities) [PHost 4.0a+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2   n WORDs   List of ability numbers.

See HULLFUNC.DAT for a list of special functions. Values <1000 are reserved for PHost, higher values are available to add-ons. Records are cumulative.

PHost 4.0i and later allow definition of hull functions restricted to a particular set of experience levels. The numbers used to refer to these functions are defined using record 57. Do not assume that record 57 always precedes record 52.

--- Type 53 (Minefield Exploding) [PHost 4.0b+] ---
 +0     WORD    X
 +2     WORD    Y
 +4     WORD    Minefield Id
 +6     DWORD   Units lost

This record is used by PHost since 4.1a/3.5a. It reports asymmetric losses due to rounding problems.

--- Type 54 (Enemy Report) [PHost 4.0h+] ---
 +0     WORD    List of enemies
                 bit 0   unused
                 bit 1   Feds
                 bit 2   Lizards

--- Type 55 (Production Report) [PHost 4.0i+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    Type produced
                 0       Neutronium
                 1       Tritanium
                 2       Duranium
                 3       Molybdenum
                 4       Colonists
                 5       Supplies
                 6       Cash
                 7       Ammo (Torps / Fighters)
                 8       Experience [PHost 4.1+]
 +4     WORD    Items consumed, bitfield. Can be 0 if items were free.
                 bit 0   cargo room of ship (e.g., alchemy)
                 bit 1   planet resources (e.g., gather-build torps)
 +6     WORD    Amount produced

--- Type 56 (Repair Report) [PHost 4.0i+] ---
 +0     WORD    Ship Id
 +2     WORD    How ship was repaired
                 0       Supply repair
                 1       Starbase "fix" order
                 2       Mission "Self repair"
                 3       Mission "Super refit"
                 4       Mission "Repair ship"
 +4     WORD    Id of unit helping with repair (planet Id for "fix" or
                "super refit", ship Id for "repair ship", zero otherwise)
 +6     WORD    Damage repaired
 +8     WORD    Crew added

--- Type 57 (Special Function Definition) [PHost 4.0i+] ---
 +0     WORD    Function Id
 +2     WORD    Basic function. See HULLFUNC.DAT for a list.
 +4     WORD    Experience level mask (bit 0 = level 0 etc.)

This record defines a modified hull function. If record 52 contains the number listed here as "Function Id", the ship has the device reported as "Basic function" restricted to the listed experience levels.

--- Type 58 (Minefield Explosion) [PHost 3.5c/4.1c+] ---
 +0     WORD    X
 +2     WORD    Y

This reports the explosion of a ship in a minefield. It corresponds to the Explosions field from Winplan RST files.

Digests for specification files

The control record (type 13) contains "digests" of the specification files, to help ensuring that both host and players use the same file set. These digests are kind-of a CRC, and are computed as follows:

* first, initialize a table -- as usual for CRC calculations

    VAR crctab : ARRAY[0..255] OF DWORD;  { 256 unsigned 32 bit quantities }
        b, i   : BYTE;                    { 8 bit, unsigned }
        x      : DWORD;

    FOR b:=0 TO 255 DO BEGIN
      x := b;
      crctab[b] := 0;
      FOR i:=0 TO 7 DO BEGIN
        IF x AND 1 <> 0 THEN x := x XOR $10811;      { `$' means Hex }
        x := x DIV 2;
        crctab[b] := crctab[b] + (x+1) * $10811;     {*}

* then, initialize a DWORD variable `digest' to zero.

* now, for each byte `b' from the appropriate file, do

      digest := digest + crctab[(digest AND 255) XOR b] + digest DIV 65536

* the result in `digest' is the required 32 bit digest.

The computation of the digest uses the following parts of the files:

* The "undefined" bytes at the end of the files are ignored. Only the parts which are actually needed are covered:
- 6300 bytes of HULLSPEC.DAT;
- 594 bytes of ENGSPEC.DAT;
- 360 bytes of BEAMSPEC.DAT;
- 380 bytes of TORPSPEC.DAT;
- 440 bytes of TRUEHULL.DAT;
- 682 bytes of RACE.NM.

* The XYPLAN.DAT file is treated as if all owner fields were zero.

* The configuration digest is a byte-wise checksum over the internal configuration structure of PHost. It depends on the endianness of the host machine as well as the padding. In PHost below 3.0, this was the PCONFIG.HST file; I believe there is no longer a real use for this checksum outside PHost in 3.0 and later.

In PHost 3.4c and later, the configuration checksum covers the PCONFIG key names and values in text form, with whitespace and comments stripped. For example, when your PCONFIG.SRC contains "GameName = First Strike", the byte sequence "GameNameFirstStrike" is checksummed.

  Note: except for the line marked {*}, this is precisely a standard CRC
  (for a CRC-16, one would say `crctab[b] := x' after the inner loop). If
  you have more information on this code, please tell me.