This file contains the state of PCC's script interpreter for player x. Scripts which are suspended (`Stop') end up here, including auto tasks. You should understand how PCC's interpreter works before attempting to manipulate this.

The file format consists of a header, followed by a sequence of code snippets, followed by a sequence of suspended processes.

Format of header:
 +0   4 BYTEs   Signature 'CCvm'
 +4  18 BYTEs   Timestamp
+22     BYTE    Signature 26 (^Z)
+23     BYTE    Format version (currently 0)
+24     WORD    Number of bytes following in header (currently 4)
+26     WORD    Turn number
+28     WORD    Player Id
--- end of header ---
+30   n BYTEs   Code snippets
 +x   n BYTEs   Processes
Format of a code snippet:
 +0     DWORD   Size of this record, not including this DWORD (0=last entry;
                then this is the only word in this snippet)
 +4     DWORD   "uid" Unique identifier. This code snippet is referenced
                by this number. This may be any bit pattern, there's no
                particular rule imposed on this (actually, PCC uses raw
                16:16 bit pointers here which are meaningless once PCC
 +8     WORD    Minimum argument count
+10     WORD    Maximum argument count
+12     WORD    "nalloc" Number of allocated argument names
+14     WORD    "code" Total size of code in bytes
+16   n BYTEs   "Name hint". Pascal string with a subroutine name. Can be
                anything without very negative consequences. The VM loader
                can use this, the "nalloc" field and the argument names as
                a hint that this code snippet originally was the specified
                subroutine, and if it matches the current definition,
                merge them; if the subroutine is not defined, this has no
                effect (this optimisation isn't implemented in any PCC
                version until now).
 +x   n BYTEs   Argument names; "nalloc" names (see `Name List' below)
 +x   n BYTEs   Code. "code" bytes, a sequence of pascal strings.
Format of a process:
 +0     DWORD   Size of this record, not including this DWORD (0=last
 +4     WORD    "sp" Stack pointer (number of inactive code blocks)
 +6     WORD    "ctos" Context stack pointer. Specifies how many contexts
                this process entered, and thus must leave before
                terminating. The others were created by PCC before the
                process was started.
 +8     BYTE    Process status. Should be 3 (suspended).
 +9     BYTE    Process priority, 0 to 99. Low priorities run first.
+10   n BYTEs   Process name, pascal string (currently 45 characters max).
 +?   n BYTEs   Command sources. "sp+1" records of variable length, see
                below. A command source contains one or more commands that
                are to be executed.
 +?   n BYTEs   Contexts. Records of variable length, see below. At least
                "ctos" contexts, usually "ctos+2" or more.
Format of a saved command source (stack frame):
 +0     BYTE    Type of command source (0 or 1)
 +1     BYTE    Capabilities of this command source
                 0      "One"
                 1      "Stream"
                 2      "Random"
                Usually, type 0 command sources have the value 2 here,
                type 1 command sources have the value 0.
 +2     DWORD   Instruction pointer; index of next line to be executed
 +6     WORD    "nnam" Number of local variable names
 +8     WORD    "nval" Number of saved local variable values.
                The previous two words do not have any connection, there can
                be more names than values or vice versa.
+10   n BYTEs   Local variable names, "nnam" names (see `Name List' below)
 +?  6N BYTEs   Local variable values, "nval" records of 6 bytes each.
 +?   n BYTEs   String values of local variables.
                See CHARTx.CC, block 7/8, for details about the previous
                two fields.
--- Type 0 Command Source ---
 +?     DWORD   "ip" of first line in saved code snippet
 +?     DWORD   Code snipped identifier ("uid")
--- Type 1 Command Source ---
 +n   n BYTEs   Pascal string, line 0
 +n   n BYTEs   Pascal string, line 1 (must be a single command word, may
                be empty)
Format of a saved context:
 +0     WORD    Type. 0=last context, no information follows. All other
                contexts contain at least one (possibly unused) WORD.
                Values not defined here are reserved for the future; there
                is no way to load a saved context with an unknown number.
--- Type 1 (Struc) ---
 +2     WORD    -
--- Type 2 (Global) ---
 +2     WORD    -
--- Type 3 (If/Select) ---
 +2     WORD    Subtype; used for syntax checking
                 0      "Else" branch of an "If"
                 1      "If" branch of an "If"
                 2      (1.1.13+) "Case" of a "Select"
--- Type 4 (With) ---
 +2     WORD    1 if one-line "With"
--- Type 5 (Try) ---
 +2     WORD    1 if in "Else" branch, 0 otherwise
 +4     DWORD   "ip" of "Try" statement + 1
 +8     WORD    "sp" of "Try" statement
--- Type 6 (Do) ---
 +2     WORD    -
 +4     DWORD   "ip" of "Do" statement + 1
 +8     WORD    "sp" of "Do" statement
+10     BYTE    Type of loop/condition: 0 = "Do", 1 = "Do While",
                2 = "Do Until", 3 = "For"
+11   n BYTEs   Condition (Pascal string)
--- Type 7 (ForEach) ---
 +2     WORD    -
 +4     DWORD   "ip" of "Do" statement + 1
 +8     WORD    "sp" of "Do" statement
--- Type 8 (Sub) ---
 +2     WORD    "sp" of this subroutine (what the value of the process's
                "sp" field would be if the subroutine contained a single
                `Stop' only)
--- Type 9 (Planet) ---
 +2     WORD    Planet Id
--- Type 10 (Engine) ---
 +2     WORD    Engine Id
--- Type 11 (Torpedo) ---
 +2     WORD    Torpedo System Id
--- Type 12 (Launcher) ---
 +2     WORD    Torpedo System Id
--- Type 13 (Beam) ---
 +2     WORD    Beam Id
--- Type 14 (Ship) ---
 +2     WORD    Ship Id
--- Type 15 (Hull) ---
 +2     WORD    Hull Id
--- Type 16 (Player; 1.0.8+) ---
 +2     WORD    Player Id
--- Type 17 (Minefield; 1.0.11+) ---
 +2     WORD    Minefield Id
--- Type 18 (Ion Storm; 1.0.11+) ---
 +2     WORD    Ion storm Id
--- Type 19 (Lock; 1.1.2+) ---
 +2     WORD    0
 +4   n BYTEs   Lock name, Pascal string
 +x   n BYTEs   Info text, Pascal string

Name Lists

As of PCC v1.0.7, a name list is a sequence of Pascal strings (length byte + text), with a maximum identifier length of 31 characters. Valid characters in identifiers are capital letters, digits, `$', `.' and `_'.