This file is located in the game directories and contains information on the player's fleets.

Version 0 files are used by all versions of PCC, when a standard host (500 ships) is used. Version 1 files are only used with Host999 when there is a fleet with "high" members.

 +0   8 BYTEs   Signature "CCfleet",26
 +8     BYTE    Version number (0 or 1)
--- Version 0 ---
 +9 500 WORDs   fleet membership info, for all ships:
                 Bits 0..14     Id of the fleet the ship is in (0 = not in
                                a fleet). The fleet Id is the same as the
                                ship Id of the leader, so if the ship Id
                                equals the fleet Id, you're dealing with a
                 Bit 15         1 = there's a name for the fleet this ship
                                is leader of.
                If a ship not owned by the player is registered as a fleet
                member or leader, PCC will automatically correct the
                situation to account for the fact that the ship might have
                been destroyed.
+1009 n BYTEs   Names as Pascal strings. If a non-fleet leader has bit 15
                set, a string is read from the file, but immediately
--- Version 1 [PCC 1.0.11+ and Host999] ---
 +9     WORD    Number of entries following
+11   n WORDs   fleet membership info, same as above
 +?   n BYTEs   names