Another faked DLL. The file contains the monochrome counterparts for the ship images in the Bitmap files. There are ships flying to the left and ships flying to the right. These are used in the VCR.

--- Ships flying to the right ---
  +0 160 DWORDs Addresses of images in the file, as usual + 1. Some images
                are unused and contain address 0.
+640   9 BYTEs  unused
+649 160 WORDs  Sizes of these images
+969  31 BYTEs  unused
--- Ships flying to the left ---
+1000           the same 4 fields again.
--- Images ---
+1999           Here are the pictures addressed by the fields above. They
                are all complete 50x50 monochrome bitmap files. To display
                a picture, Winplan copies the image to TEMP.BMP and
                displays that file. It is a real BMP file that can be
                edited with Paintbrush.