This file is created by MASTER, but not used by the host. The external REF program uses this file, RCONFIG can edit it.

 +0     WORD    1 if a scenario was chosen in RCONFIG, 0 otherwise
 +2     WORD    Scenario chosen in MASTER (starting conditions)
                 1      Classic (Homeworlds in a circle)
                 2      Custom (Homeworlds at selected positions)
                 3      Wandering Tribes (all at the same spot)
                 4      Wandering Tribes (all at selected positions)
                 5      Wandering Tribes ("mass confusion")
                 6      Ashes of the Empire
                 7      Crazy Intermix (no borders)
                 8      Disunited Kingdoms (all with a number of planets)
                Master 3.00 can do scenarios 1 to 3 only.
 +4     WORD    ? (0)
 +6  11 WORDs   Id numbers of homeworlds, 0=none ("Wandering Tribes"
                scenario, or race is not playing) Set by MASTER.
+28     WORD    ? (0)
--- "Tantalus" ---
+30  11 WORDs   Number of turns the race already controlled the Tantalus
+52     WORD    Id of planet with Tantalus machine
+54     WORD    Number of turns a player needs to control the Tantalus
                machine in order to set it off
--- "Ashes of the Empire" ---
+56     WORD    Race playing the empire
--- general ---
+58     WORD    Scenery chosen in RCONFIG (victory condition)
                 1      Elections
                 2      Ship Tonnage
                 3      Election + Ship Tonnage
                 4      Tantalus Machine
                 5      Moly The Spice of Life (Molybdenum)
                 6      Ashes of the Empire
                 7      Invasion (capture homeworlds)
+60     DWORD   ? (0)
+64  11 DWORDs  Current REF scores
+156    DWORD   Score required to win (except "Ashes..." and "Tantalus")
+160    DWORD   ? (0)
+164    WORD    Winning race, 0 = no one yet

The fields marked ? are probably remainders of BASIC arrays: a `DIM a(11)' statement defines an array with 12 members (0..11).

Fields for scenarios other than the chosen one are zero.