+0  18 BYTEs   Timestamp (10 bytes date mm-dd-yyyy, 8 bytes time hh:mm:ss)
+18  88 BYTEs   11 score records of 8 bytes each:
                 +0     WORD    Number of planets, 10 points each
                 +2     WORD    Number of capital ships, 10 points each
                 +4     WORD    Number of freighters, 1 point each
                 +6     WORD    Number of starbases, 120 points each
+106    WORD    Player Id
+108 20 BYTEs   Password
                The password has 10 characters (padded with NULs). Each
                character of the password is decoded as follows:
                  VAR pw : ARRAY[0..19] OF BYTE;    { this field }
                      ch : ARRAY[0..9] OF CHAR;     { password }
                  FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO
                    ch[i] := Chr(pw[i] - pw[19-i] + 32);
+128    BYTE    unused
                This field may belong to the password data. If you define
                an array of size 20 in BASIC, this field really gets 21
                elements (0 to 20). The password only uses 0 to 19.
+129    DWORD   Checksum of SHIPx.DAT/DIS
+133    DWORD   Checksum of PDATAx.DAT/DIS
+137    DWORD   Checksum of BDATAx.DAT/DIS
                These checksums are the total sum of all bytes of the
                appropriate files (i.e., count word, data, and signature
                block of both files).
+141    WORD    13 if the password has changed, 0 else
+143 10 BYTEs   New password, if any: each byte is increased by 50
+153    WORD    Turn number
+155    WORD    Checksum of the time stamp = sum of bytes at 0 to 17
From this data, a file signature is constructed:
+118 10 BYTEs   (second part of password data)
                Signature 1 is these 10 bytes.
                Increase the first byte by 1, the second by 2 and so on.
                The result is Signature 2.

Note on passwords

Passwords are padded with NULs, not spaces. High-ASCII characters are not allowed in passwords and should be treated as NULs: MASTER sometimes generates those.

The password "NOPASSWORD" disables the password query.