This file contains information to be transmitted to the host, which did not fit into the standard data files. Mainly, this is the PHost command processor commands, but not only those. This file is never empty: if there are no such commands, it does not exist at all.

PCC and later are able to save commands in the standard message outbox (MESSx.DAT, MESS35x.DAT), so they can be seen in other clients. In that case, this file will only be used for the THost alliance command. PCC's MAKETURN will still use this file, so you can add commands to have them sent with the TRN.

PCC 1.0.17 and later use the CMDx.TXT file format instead.

 +0   6 BYTEs   Signature, "CCcmd",26
 +6  18 BYTEs   Timestamp
+24     WORD    Number of commands (0..10000)
+26   n BYTEs   Records of variable length, the commands:
                 +0     WORD    "c" Command code
                 +2     WORD    "i" Integer argument
                 +4   n BYTEs   "s" String arg, Pascal string (<=43 chars)

The limits for number of commands and the string argument length are the current limits of PCC and will be increased as the need arises. There can be at most one command with the same (command code, integer arg) pair.


Unused arguments are zero or empty. Command 12 is only generated in THost mode, all others only in PHost mode. Commands 7 and 8 are not yet generated by the PCC user interface, but supported by PCC's MAKETURN.

  • c=0, s=language name: "language" command;
  • c=1: "send config" command;
  • c=2: "send racenames" command;
  • c=3, i=1..3, s=name: change race name; i specifies component (1=full name, 2=short, 3=adjective);
  • c=4, s="yes" or "no": "filter" command;
  • c=5, i=player number, s=codes: "allies config" command. s contains alliance configuration codes, e.g. "~v +c";
  • c=6, i=player number, s="add" or "drop": "allies" command;
  • c=7, i=ship Id, s=stringified race number (e.g., "7"): give ship to specified race;
  • c=8, i=planet Id, s=stringified race number: give planet to race;
  • c=9, i=ship Id, s=remote control command ("control", "forbid", etc): configure remote control, or request/drop RC for allied ship;
  • c=10, s="forbid" or "allow": "remote default" command;
  • c=11, i=ship Id, s=codes: "beamup" command, s contains requested minerals;
  • c=12, s=codes: configure THost alliances. The string argument is a collection of control characters: bit 0..3 specify the race number, bit 6..7 is 00 (offer alliance), 10 (drop), or 01 (offer FF alliance; PCC 1.0.15+);
  • c=13: "send fcodes" command.