For each ship a record of 8 bytes. Ships that are invisible or have not yet been built are stored as location (0,0). The file ends with Signature 2. These ships are visible on the starcharts, though not necessarily scannable (see TARGETx.DAT).

Generally, this file contains an XY entry for every ship in the SHIPx.DAT, TARGETx.DAT, and KOREx.DAT files, and possibly more. Allied targets as sent by Host 3.22.039 do not have a corresponding entry, though.

For a standard host, this file contains 500 records (4000 bytes, plus 10 for the signature), Host999 uses 999 records (7992 bytes plus signature).

Note that if Host999 is not used but the RST was unpacked with Winplan999 or Unpack999, this file will have 999 entries, but the last 499 of them are garbage. These will have bad coordinates (e.g. X = 12592 ($3130, "01", first two digits of timestamp)), but not necessarily bad owners. Praise Tim.

A ship record:
 +0     WORD    X position
 +2     WORD    Y position
 +4     WORD    Owner
 +6     WORD    Mass in kt