Forum for Just a Second (#2)
Hi everyone,
probably now everyone knows that Knut Wuchtig (the Klingon player) is playing a holiday replacement for Snouka (the Crystal player). This is legitimate, and would probably have gone un-noticed if I hadn't talked them into using the "Replacement Player" feature of the server.
Now, the first replacement turn triggered the PHP Abyss check between Crystal and Colony, who are otherwise completely unrelated.
I therefore invite Snouka and Cherek to explain how Chereks key went into the game directory Snouka gave Knut.
Hi everyone,
probably now everyone knows that Knut Wuchtig (the Klingon player) is playing a holiday replacement for Snouka (the Crystal player). This is legitimate, and would probably have gone un-noticed if I hadn't talked them into using the "Replacement Player" feature of the server.
Now, the first replacement turn triggered the PHP Abyss check between Crystal and Colony, who are otherwise completely unrelated.
I therefore invite Snouka and Cherek to explain how Chereks key went into the game directory Snouka gave Knut.
I wonder if it might be related to a very early version of the WinPlan 32 I'm using. On a couple other sites where I play two THost games, I kept having "Corrupted File" shutdown or AT kept refusing my TRN files. I kept going back to the earlier and earlier versions until I found a version that worked at both sites. The version I'm currently using is the second version tested. But given that, it shouldn'tr matter since I copied my REG.key file into the WinPlan directory. That is the only explanation I can offer since I haven't given my Reg.key file to anyone. If you need any furture explanation or information, let me know. I am more than willing to offer you anything you want to know.
I therefore invite Snouka and Cherek to explain how Chereks key went into the game directory Snouka gave Knut.
I wonder if it might be related to a very early version of the WinPlan 32 I'm using. On a couple other sites where I play two THost games, I kept having "Corrupted File" shutdown or AT kept refusing my TRN files. I kept going back to the earlier and earlier versions until I found a version that worked at both sites. The version I'm currently using is the second version tested. But given that, it shouldn'tr matter since I copied my REG.key file into the WinPlan directory.
Do you still know where exactly you got that copy of Winplan32 from, so I can take a look?
I'm asking because a registration key consists of more than just the REG.KEY file, and I believe that there have been "jump-start bundles" with preloaded keys around.
The version at BitMask's site looks sane.
I therefore invite Snouka and Cherek to explain how Chereks key went into the game directory Snouka gave Knut.
I wonder if it might be related to a very early version of the WinPlan 32 I'm using. On a couple other sites where I play two THost games, I kept having "Corrupted File" shutdown or AT kept refusing my TRN files. I kept going back to the earlier and earlier versions until I found a version that worked at both sites. The version I'm currently using is the second version tested. But given that, it shouldn'tr matter since I copied my REG.key file into the WinPlan directory.
Do you still know where exactly you got that copy of Winplan32 from, so I can take a look?
I'm asking because a registration key consists of more than just the REG.KEY file, and I believe that there have been "jump-start bundles" with preloaded keys around.
The version at BitMask's site looks sane.
I got my version from Bitmask site. But as I said, from some reason unknown I was having crashes and TRN files not being accepted at C-M and High Command and had back up to previous versions until I was able to get TRN file accepted.
When I get home, I'll reload the lastest and greatest from Bitmask, redo my turn and see if that works out ok. Plus I'll check the screen to see what the registration screen says. You said there is more than just the REG.key file to registering WinPlan, is there something else I might be able check?
Edited: I got the ealier versions from the site that Bitmask is working with on the WinPlan 32.
Do you still know where exactly you got that copy of Winplan32 from, so I can take a look?
I'm asking because a registration key consists of more than just the REG.KEY file, and I believe that there have been "jump-start bundles" with preloaded keys around.
The version at BitMask's site looks sane.
I got my version from Bitmask site. But as I said, from some reason unknown I was having crashes and TRN files not being accepted at C-M and High Command and had back up to previous versions until I was able to get TRN file accepted.
When I get home, I'll reload the lastest and greatest from Bitmask, redo my turn and see if that works out ok. Plus I'll check the screen to see what the registration screen says. You said there is more than just the REG.key file to registering WinPlan, is there something else I might be able check?
There's also a file SCRAM21.OLE which must match the REG.KEY, i.e. just swapping one file is not enough.
You have been using the same key for the whole game. It's snouka's registration number which changed, and I'm really interested in how that happened.
Do you still know where exactly you got that copy of Winplan32 from, so I can take a look?
I'm asking because a registration key consists of more than just the REG.KEY file, and I believe that there have been "jump-start bundles" with preloaded keys around.
The version at BitMask's site looks sane.
I got my version from Bitmask site. But as I said, from some reason unknown I was having crashes and TRN files not being accepted at C-M and High Command and had back up to previous versions until I was able to get TRN file accepted.
When I get home, I'll reload the lastest and greatest from Bitmask, redo my turn and see if that works out ok. Plus I'll check the screen to see what the registration screen says. You said there is more than just the REG.key file to registering WinPlan, is there something else I might be able check?
There's also a file SCRAM21.OLE which must match the REG.KEY, i.e. just swapping one file is not enough.
You have been using the same key for the whole game. It's snouka's registration number which changed, and I'm really interested in how that happened.
I have been using the same key and same version for several months at C-M, High Command and since I joined here.
If snouka was involved in the test game, it might be possible that while I was looking for a version of WinPlan 32 that would work, I copied a file that had some of his information in it. I'll copy the SCRAM21.OLE, from an old backup when I get home and see what happens.
So, when I get home, I'll do the following.
Download the last and greatest WinPlan 32. Copy my REG.key and SCRAM21.OLE files into my new directory. Redo turn and upload the TRN file.
Ok, I created a new folder called PHost. I downloaded and extracted the new files into it. Copied the Reg.key and Scam21.ole into the directory clicked on Winplan32.exe.
Now for the strange part. For Game 1, the RST and TRN path already filled in with C:\users\workspace\vb6port\vpwork1 and Game5 shows Steril Conquest 5. Various other game slots show "x" in different races.
With the latest development, mentioned above, it would appear that, 1. there might be data in the files that I downloaded or 2. in downloading earlier versions of WinPlan 32, I somehow download a version that had Knut information in the files and is in my Registry. IMHO, I think #2 is the more plausible.
I am going to back up my vpwork folders, try removing all my WinPlan folders (3), check my registry and try to reinstall WinPlan 32.
One question, is it possible to check our turns to see if the we still have the problem before our next host?
One question, is it possible to check our turns to see if the we still have the problem before our next host?
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
One question, is it possible to check our turns to see if the we still have the problem before our next host?
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
Thank you.
After spending hours deleting directories, editing my Registry, re-installing WinPlan 32, I decided to resolve the issue by using PCC-2. I was thinking that the problem was with me. This morning, I was glancing over what I did, as I was drinking my first cup of coffee when it hit me.
I had not changed/added/deleted anything to any VGAP directory since before I joined PalnetsCentral. For the first 14 turns with both Knut and Snouka playing separate players everything was fine. Now, I'm not sure when Knut temporally took over the Crystal player, but why did the Abyss hit the Crystal player and myself instead of the Fascist, Crystals and myself? Is it a fluke with the system or is there another explanation?
I have just a small question: How many races are played by you? A holiday takeover is not a problem, especially if you have a full level alliance. It is a very tricky issue because how can i join into an alliance with one player against another if they are played by the same person and i do not know about it.
Please watch that issues is saw a lot of rounds collapsing because of issues like that.
I have just a small question: How many races are played by you? A holiday takeover is not a problem, especially if you have a full level alliance. It is a very tricky issue because how can i join into an alliance with one player against another if they are played by the same person and i do not know about it.
Please watch that issues is saw a lot of rounds collapsing because of issues like that.
If you are asking me, one race, in one game here at PlanetCentral. I have also signed up for one of the new games that is awaiting players.
I have just a small question: How many races are played by you? A holiday takeover is not a problem, especially if you have a full level alliance. It is a very tricky issue because how can i join into an alliance with one player against another if they are played by the same person and i do not know about it.
Please watch that issues is saw a lot of rounds collapsing because of issues like that.
Right now I have no reason not to trust Cherek. Innocent until proven guilty. And my log files don't show anything conspicious.
I know about this problem. That's why I made the "holiday replacement" feature in a way that it's obvious to everyone. And that's why I'm hesitating to make a "hey, you're playing with another player's key" warning, because that would help the tricksters.
I still have no idea how that problem could occur. I have now played around with Winplan32, and it behaves as expected. In particular, it generates turn files with the expected key from REG.KEY.
A few facts:
- Cherek has been submitting his turns with the same reg# all the time
- Knut has been submitting his turns with the same reg# all the time
- Snouka has been submitting his turns with the same reg# all the time -- but this very turn, it changed to be the same as Cherek's. Although Knut is now listed as replacement, Snouka still did that turn.
This would leave it to Snouka to clear the problem up. But he's on a business trip.
Question to everyone: Assuming the reg# problem has been sorted out, how do we proceed? Do you want me to re-host turn 15, or proceed with turn 16?
After spending hours deleting directories, editing my Registry, re-installing WinPlan 32, I decided to resolve the issue by using PCC-2. I was thinking that the problem was with me. This morning, I was glancing over what I did, as I was drinking my first cup of coffee when it hit me.
I'm note entirely sure whether that would change the format of the turn files you generate. For a simple test, just make a blank turn file (open result, close again, get turn file) and send me, so I can check.
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
Does that mean, the game is stalled right now?
And if re-hosting turn 15 is an option than there isn't any use in doing the next one right now, is there?
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
Does that mean, the game is stalled right now?
Yes. Unless the problem can be sorted out until tomorrow noon, the Friday turn will be skipped. But there is no sense in running it and getting the same problem again.
And if re-hosting turn 15 is an option than there isn't any use in doing the next one right now, is there?
This is precisely the reason why I believe re-hosting is not a good option, but I wanted to hear opinions.
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
Does that mean, the game is stalled right now?
Yes. Unless the problem can be sorted out until tomorrow noon, the Friday turn will be skipped. But there is no sense in running it and getting the same problem again.
And if re-hosting turn 15 is an option than there isn't any use in doing the next one right now, is there?
This is precisely the reason why I believe re-hosting is not a good option, but I wanted to hear opinions.
Hi folks,
just for the records, snouka asked me to make some turns for him while he is on a trip but he was the one who made the last turn. I haven't made a turn for snouka yet. I searched the planets-version snouka send me to make his turns for the registry and the key was his normal number (different from Chereks), not the one that made the last turn stale.
So I have no idea what went wrong. But I can do the last turn for snouka with a "harmless" reg-key in case of a rehost.
I would vote for a rehost under that circumstances because it would be unfair to the two players involved to loose their turn (so long as we do not know if anyone made a mistake or what exactly was the problem).
By the way, does anyone in this game not speak German? Could be easier for some of us to discuss this matter in our home-language if we don't exclude some players herewith.
Greetings, Knut
I have just a small question: How many races are played by you? A holiday takeover is not a problem, especially if you have a full level alliance. It is a very tricky issue because how can i join into an alliance with one player against another if they are played by the same person and i do not know about it.
Please watch that issues is saw a lot of rounds collapsing because of issues like that.
If you are asking me, one race, in one game here at PlanetCentral. I have also signed up for one of the new games that is awaiting players.
BTW, the alliance isn't the issue since I'm not in an alliance with anyone.
I have set the game to "manual hosting" until the problem is sorted out.
Does that mean, the game is stalled right now?
Yes. Unless the problem can be sorted out until tomorrow noon, the Friday turn will be skipped. But there is no sense in running it and getting the same problem again.
And if re-hosting turn 15 is an option than there isn't any use in doing the next one right now, is there?
This is precisely the reason why I believe re-hosting is not a good option, but I wanted to hear opinions.
I'll restore directories and files and extract the zip file build a factory or mine and do a maketurn. How should I send in the TRN file, the normal way or by email?
As far as turn 16, I think that stalling the game until the issue is resolved. I will not spend too much time trying to resolve this issue. If nothing else, I'll try using PCC-2.
Edited Redo turn 15 or not, it doesn't matter to me.
By the way, does anyone in this game not speak German? Could be easier for some of us to discuss this matter in our home-language if we don't exclude some players herewith.
Greetings, Knut
I don't speak German, but feel free to use it. Just remember, my replies will be in English or as my wife says, I speak American not English.
Hi folks,
just for the records, snouka asked me to make some turns for him while he is on a trip but he was the one who made the last turn. I haven't made a turn for snouka yet.
Think you for filling in the gap. That would explain why it happen between the 2 of us instead of all 3 of us. Still don't explain how it happen.
Question to everyone: Assuming the reg# problem has been sorted out, how do we proceed? Do you want me to re-host turn 15, or proceed with turn 16?
Mir ist es egal, aber es sollte weiter gehen.
I do not care, but the game should go on.
Best regards
The Wanderer (Orion)
For the sake of having motivated player do a rehost. Everybody should know that he has to redo his turn to avoid other players having problems with their turns. For it is ok.
I have received example turns from Knut Wuchtig and Cherek which bear different registration numbers --> ok.
So far we have three votes for a re-host and one "don't care". I will try to do the re-host this evening. I will use the turn files I already have; I'll sanitize them so they do not trigger the crash again.
You will receive new result files for this turn and will have to redo your current turn. I will keep the game on "manual hosting" so I can inspect the turn files before host runs next time. If everything goes ok, regular scheduled hosting will resume.
If anyone objects, please object now.
streu: Do you want me to re-host turn 15, or proceed with turn 16?
i prefer that you re-host turn 15.
I have received example turns from Knut Wuchtig and Cherek which bear different registration numbers --> ok.
So far we have three votes for a re-host and one "don't care". I will try to do the re-host this evening. I will use the turn files I already have; I'll sanitize them so they do not trigger the crash again.
You will receive new result files for this turn and will have to redo your current turn. I will keep the game on "manual hosting" so I can inspect the turn files before host runs next time. If everything goes ok, regular scheduled hosting will resume.
If anyone objects, please object now.
No objections from me.
streu: Now, the first replacement turn triggered the PHP Abyss check between Crystal and Colony, who are otherwise completely unrelated.
i am curious about the effects of that Abyss thing. does it also prevent those players from doing the turn after the turn that it hits?
streu: Now, the first replacement turn triggered the PHP Abyss check between Crystal and Colony, who are otherwise completely unrelated.
i am curious about the effects of that Abyss thing. does it also prevent those players from doing the turn after the turn that it hits?
Hi it should hit them as long as the Tim continuum sees them playing with the same registration files. If they change back to their original files it will just continue normally. This is my experience from the good old days when i was hosting by hand. This often happens if files are copied together in one folder to see both turns. I would not recommend that - it is better to play the other player in his separate folder structure, even if it is less comfortable. I have also seen player doing that intentionally to send their fleet all over the galaxy - but it was not helping them to win...
i am curious about the effects of that Abyss thing. does it also prevent those players from doing the turn after the turn that it hits?
Hi it should hit them as long as the Tim continuum sees them playing with the same registration files. If they change back to their original files it will just continue normally. This is my experience from the good old days when i was hosting by hand.
This often happens if files are copied together in one folder to see both turns. I would not recommend that - it is better to play the other player in his separate folder structure, even if it is less comfortable.
Most clients require you to use two registration keys for that.
If you use only one key, you better play them all in one directory. Turn files made with one key need to "know each other", otherwise the host assumes a pirated key. Winplan has special magic to allow turn files to "know each other" even if they are in different directories (but it still must be the same winplan copy).
I have also seen player doing that intentionally to send their fleet all over the galaxy - but it was not helping them to win...
Just for the records: this will not "work" in PHost. In PHost, the Abyss just stalls the player's economy, and does not throw him around wildly. This is what actually makes re-hosts feasible. Otherwise I'd now have to use the flashy-thing on a few players :-)
OK, now watch me performing a stunt I've never performed before.
I have re-run host for turn 15. However (and this is new), I did so in a way that you do not have to re-do your turns. Nine turns were already in, and it would have been a waste if you had to re-do them. I already fed your turns for the next turn into the system.
You have received new result files for turn 15. Except for Crystal and Colony, they are 99% identical to the ones you already have (the only differences are, if I saw correctly, some wormhole sightings, and of course scans of ships moved by Crystal/Colony).
This was only possible because the game is still in a rather early state and there are few interdependencies between players (and because I found a ten-year old program on my hard disk that allows me to fake the time() syscall).
So, please now submit turns for Crystal and Colony so I can run the next host. I'll be away from my computer tomorrow so I cannot promise I can run host tomorrow, but it will be the first thing I do on Sunday.
And when Snouka returns from his trip, I'll be excited to hear what he did :)
streu: ...I have re-run host for turn 15. However (and this is new), I did so in a way that you do not have to re-do your turns. Nine turns were already in, and it would have been a waste if you had to re-do them. I already fed your turns for the next turn into the system.
OK, how do i replace the files i have for turn 15 without changing my turn 16 data?
Roy Ruediger aka GhostWriter
knut_wuchtig: ...By the way, does anyone in this game not speak German?
i do not speak German, nor does my son who is/was playing. that is, Coldblooded (EE player.)
OK, how do i replace the files i have for turn 15 without changing my turn 16 data?
You can keep playing with your old result file. The server will accept turns made with either result because they are substantially identical (*).
If you're interested in the new scans, unpack the new one to a new game directory and read it there. You can also copy the files kore6.dat, mdata6.dat, shipxy6.dat, and target6.dat from the new directory to your regular directory (close Winplan first!).
If you're playing with a client that does not unpack result files (PCC2 and, I believe, JVPC), just replace the RST.
If that sounds too complicated, you can also just redo your whole turn from the new result, as if you had just received a new turn (and as you had to do if I hadn't been able to fix it this way). This complicatedness is an offer to save you from that.
Footnote (*): host will not accept intercept/tow orders for ships you saw with the original turn-15 RST, but not with the turn-15 rerun. So if your Plan-to-take-over-the-Cluster includes intercepting an enemy ship this turn, make sure you see it.
streu: ...You can also copy the files ... from the new directory to your regular directory (close Winplan first!).
i am using Dosplan with VPA. does that effect what files i move from the new directory to my regular directory? this moving files seems easy enough :-)
thanks in advance. Roy
streu: ...You can also copy the files ... from the new directory to your regular directory (close Winplan first!).
i am using Dosplan with VPA. does that effect what files i move from the new directory to my regular directory? this moving files seems easy enough :-)
You probably don't have a kore6.dat file, so skip that.
You should invoke VPA as "vpa ... /M" once to make it read messages again.
streu: ...You can also copy the files ... streu: ...You should invoke VPA as "vpa ... /M" once to make it read messages again.
OK, all done. the only glitch seems to be a couple of damaged (additional?) messages at the end, with a bunch of symbols glitched in the messages.
would i be correct that those two messages can be ignored and not affect my game any further on any subsequent turn?
edit to add: i tried to load turn 15 in full screen 1024x768 PCC-2, and it would not load, citing a short mdata6. suggestions?
streu: ...You can also copy the files ... streu: ...You should invoke VPA as "vpa ... /M" once to make it read messages again.
OK, all done. the only glitch seems to be a couple of damaged (additional?) messages at the end, with a bunch of symbols glitched in the messages.
would i be correct that those two messages can be ignored and not affect my game any further on any subsequent turn?
This could be a misunderstanding of VPA and the history. The new message file has two messages less than the old one (the Abyss messages). VPA somehow caches the messages in its VPA.DB file.
There's a really old program to remove a turn from a VPA database:, maybe it helps.
edit to add: i tried to load turn 15 in full screen 1024x768 PCC-2, and it would not load, citing a short mdata6. suggestions?
This sounds like something to have gone wrong with the file transfer. I had unpacked all turn 15 results and they were fine.
So, please now submit turns for Crystal and Colony so I can run the next host. I'll be away from my computer tomorrow so I cannot promise I can run host tomorrow, but it will be the first thing I do on Sunday.
Host for turn 16 has run. I will keep the game on observation (=manual hosting) for the next turn, too; then resume regular automatic hosting.
streu: ...VPA somehow caches the messages in its VPA.DB file.
streu: ...This sounds like something to have gone wrong with the file transfer. I had unpacked all turn 15 results and they were fine.
OK, what i have done is to ignore the turn 15/2 hiccup, and proceed directly to turn 16, still in VPA.
i did not expect to see any problems doing this, and so far, don't see any problems.
turn 15/2 did not load in PCC-2, so i will try PCC-2 another turn...
So, please now submit turns for Crystal and Colony so I can run the next host. I'll be away from my computer tomorrow so I cannot promise I can run host tomorrow, but it will be the first thing I do on Sunday.
Host for turn 16 has run. I will keep the game on observation (=manual hosting) for the next turn, too; then resume regular automatic hosting.
The game is now back to regular hosting.
The mail announced the next host for Friday. This is because host ran too late for a scheduled Monday host. Of course, the next host will run earlier if you submit your turns earlier.
Hello folks!
whoa, I didnt expect things like this happeneing while I was away... Just as a sidenote: I was on a dog sleigh trip in Lapland, pure wilderness, no communication devices. Now I am in Stockholm before I will be back in Munich on Thursday. I will take over again on that day. :)
So, what did I do... When the game started I was still using my Winplan version on a simulated Windows XP, just like I did all the time for the game "first steps". However, it was annoying me a little, so I was going through the forum of good ol´ rcworld to finally get a 32 version that is supposed to run on Win7. I downloaded the latest one that was provided there, this is the link from Eriond:
After installing I entered my reg key and tested the whole thing with the "first steps" game. worked fine. no errors, no bugs.
but then... I made my turn for "just a second" with it, of course with the game data in a second folder. and it was that one last turn before I left for my holidays. I shouldn´t have done that, but to me it seemed to run smoothly.
so right now i can just guess what happened, but it seems that there´s somehow Cherek´s reg key mingled into that setup.exe.
Stefan, please take over from here! :D I will have a look at this page and my mails tomorrow too, hope we can get over this quickly. If no solution will be found I will just keep on making my turns with my simulated WinXP. :P
wish you a nice evening! Matt
Hello folks!
whoa, I didnt expect things like this happeneing while I was away... Just as a sidenote: I was on a dog sleigh trip in Lapland, pure wilderness, no communication devices. Now I am in Stockholm before I will be back in Munich on Thursday. I will take over again on that day. :)
So, what did I do... When the game started I was still using my Winplan version on a simulated Windows XP, just like I did all the time for the game "first steps". However, it was annoying me a little, so I was going through the forum of good ol´ rcworld to finally get a 32 version that is supposed to run on Win7. I downloaded the latest one that was provided there, this is the link from Eriond:
After installing I entered my reg key and tested the whole thing with the "first steps" game. worked fine. no errors, no bugs.
but then... I made my turn for "just a second" with it, of course with the game data in a second folder. and it was that one last turn before I left for my holidays. I shouldn´t have done that, but to me it seemed to run smoothly.
so right now i can just guess what happened, but it seems that there´s somehow Cherek´s reg key mingled into that setup.exe.
Stefan, please take over from here! :D I will have a look at this page and my mails tomorrow too, hope we can get over this quickly. If no solution will be found I will just keep on making my turns with my simulated WinXP. :P
wish you a nice evening! Matt
I was doing the same thing with WinPlan, running in XP Mode when I came back to VGAP. then I tried WinPlan 32 and everything worked fine until about half way through my first game, then started having trouble with WinPlan 32 in other games. Good luck with WinPlan 32.
I myself think Abyss had a hic up.
However, it was annoying me a little, so I was going through the forum of good ol´ rcworld to finally get a 32 version that is supposed to run on Win7. I downloaded the latest one that was provided there, this is the link from Eriond:
Thanks for this link. I have tried this version, and this totally explains what happened.
This version comes with a registration key preloaded. Probably Hauke's key (the programmer who prepared the version).
You said, "After installing I entered my reg key". You probably just answered the program's prompt for Name/Address/Activation Code. Those have no significance to the host. What is significant is the serial number which is displayed on the green screen upon exiting.
Therefore, here's a big fat warning: do not use the Winplan version from the above link.
Or, if you do, you must replace the files reg.key and scram32.ole with your versions. You can copy them out of your original Winplan installation running in Windows XP mode. Preferably, do so between turns or in a fresh installation (Winplan doesn't like its key to change within a turn), and then make sure that the serial number displayed on the green screen is yours.
The Winplan32 version from does not come with a preloaded key, and also claims to be newer, so maybe you prefer that.
Executive summary: It was not an Abyss hiccup. It was not caused by the server's "vacation replacement" feature. Neither Snouka, nor Cherek, nor Knut are evil software pirates or cheaters. The problem was caused by suboptimally-packaged software (and nobody can expect a non-programmer to figure that out).