[Posting] Re: PHP Abyss incident
Thread:PHP Abyss incident
Forum:Just a Second
In reply to:Re: PHP Abyss incident
Date:Wed, 2013-02-27 19:29 GMT

I therefore invite Snouka and Cherek to explain how Chereks key went into the game directory Snouka gave Knut.


I wonder if it might be related to a very early version of the WinPlan 32 I'm using. On a couple other sites where I play two THost games, I kept having "Corrupted File" shutdown or AT kept refusing my TRN files. I kept going back to the earlier and earlier versions until I found a version that worked at both sites. The version I'm currently using is the second version tested. But given that, it shouldn'tr matter since I copied my REG.key file into the WinPlan directory.

Do you still know where exactly you got that copy of Winplan32 from, so I can take a look?

I'm asking because a registration key consists of more than just the REG.KEY file, and I believe that there have been "jump-start bundles" with preloaded keys around.

The version at BitMask's site looks sane.
