[Posting] Re: PHP Abyss incident - Resolution
Thread:PHP Abyss incident
Forum:Just a Second
In reply to:PHP Abyss incident
Date:Fri, 2013-03-01 20:07 GMT
Edited:Fri, 2013-03-01 20:17 GMT

OK, now watch me performing a stunt I've never performed before.

I have re-run host for turn 15. However (and this is new), I did so in a way that you do not have to re-do your turns. Nine turns were already in, and it would have been a waste if you had to re-do them. I already fed your turns for the next turn into the system.

You have received new result files for turn 15. Except for Crystal and Colony, they are 99% identical to the ones you already have (the only differences are, if I saw correctly, some wormhole sightings, and of course scans of ships moved by Crystal/Colony).

This was only possible because the game is still in a rather early state and there are few interdependencies between players (and because I found a ten-year old program on my hard disk that allows me to fake the time() syscall).

So, please now submit turns for Crystal and Colony so I can run the next host. I'll be away from my computer tomorrow so I cannot promise I can run host tomorrow, but it will be the first thing I do on Sunday.

And when Snouka returns from his trip, I'll be excited to hear what he did :)
