Stage name: Movement

  • Hyperjumpers decloak; remaining cloakers perform cloak fuel burn;
  • Invalid intercept orders (target has died) are cleared;
  • Moves all "normal" (non-intercept) ships in Id order.
    • Move the ship towards its waypoint. In the presence of minefields, determines which (if any) the ship will hit and processes the the effect: the ship will, during this stage, accumulate damage (and therefore might have to de-cloak), possibly get slower (and therefore possibly lose its tow lock), and burn fuel for movement or hitting a web mine.
    • The Ramscoop operates after the ship's movement has come to an end.
    • If the ship has towed another ship, that ship will now either be allowed to move on its own, or have its waypoint cleared.
    Hyperjumpers and fuelless ships also move during this sub-phase, according to much simpler rules (no mine hits, no towing).
  • Next, intercepts are resolved and all intercepting ships moved.
  • Then, ships travel through wormholes.
  • Then, gravity wells pull ships towards planets.
  • Finally, ships burn FuelUsagePerTurnFor100KT.

Ships that move can run on mines and get damaged. Ships running on web mines lose fuel. This may cause their cloaking device to fail immediately. Ships can not run on mines during...

  • ...hyperjumps and wormholes. Movement in hyperspace bypasses all minefields.
  • movement (if AllowNoFuelMovement is enabled). Ships use their sub-warp impulse engines for that and are safe from sub-space mines.
  • ...gravity wells. This is a natural process not affected by human/lizard/pick-a-race-made devices.

De-Cloak: After this stage, ships may have lost enough fuel to be unable to cloak any longer. Actually, ships de-cloak immediately when getting too badly damaged from a mine hit, or running out of fuel. Ships which travel through a wormhole de-cloak as well.

(4.0i/3.4k) Ships which hyperjump must also decloak.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at