Parameter 1 (I): Id of ship to intercept

Intercept the ship specified in parameter 1. Essentially, instead of moving normally, the interceptor will wait until the target moves, and will then move towards the target. All the other normal movement rules still apply: interceptees burn the normal amount of fuel, and can run onto mines like anyone else, too.

If the ship you want to intercept disappears from your sensors, the mission will be cleared after performing it.

When the ship has a cloaking device, and its primary enemy matches the intercept target (directly or via enemy setting), it will attack the target first, before normal battle order (Intercept Attack, XA). The interception itself happens uncloaked.


  • you must see the intercept target to set this mission
  • the target ship must remain visible for you to perform this mission (i.e. if it cloaks, you lose the intercept lock)
  • interceptor must have fuel

Relevant PControl Stage: Movement, Combat.

Relevant Formulas: Movement, Intercept Resolution.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at