Syntax: enemies add|drop <player>

Enabled by: CPEnableEnemies

Since: PHost 4.0g

Ships normally have a primary enemy order which can be used to tell the ship to behave aggressive to one particular race. Alternatively, Kill can be used to make them aggressive to anyone.

Using enemies add, you can make your ships aggressive to several races at once (repeat the command to add several races to your set of enemies).

If your ship has a primary enemy setting of none and a mission other than Kill, it will behave peacefully as it ever did. If it has a primary enemy, however, it will behave aggressively to all your enemies (and to the ship's primary enemy). For example, assuming you have issued the commands enemies add 3 and enemies add 9, your ship will behave as follows:

MissionPrimary EnemyAggressive to
Killanyanyone (as usual)
any but Killnonenobody (as usual)
any but Kill3players 3 and 9
any but Kill7players 3, 7, and 9

These settings are global and apply to all your ships. PHost will remember these settings, and remind you about your settings each turn with a message.

To cancel a previous enemies add PLAYER, issue a enemies drop PLAYER command.

This command affects all places where the primary enemy is consulted:

Alliances override enemy settings. If you are allied with someone and offer him combat level, you will not be able to attack them, with neither of Kill, primary enemy, or this command.

Conflict Resolution: Commands are executed in order received, therefore the last one takes effect.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at