Forum for Pleiades 1 (#7)
Hello, seems the game is over. Result like I wrote 11.28.2013 in
Primary one left to write. Well played Klingon/Crystal. I expected you move Klingon on pos 2 with a transfer of some unit from Crystal to Klingon. But you had after dropping so many Web so many resources left....
Bye Alexander
Hello, seems the game is over. Result like I wrote 11.28.2013 in
Primary one left to write. Well played Klingon/Crystal. I expected you move Klingon on pos 2 with a transfer of some unit from Crystal to Klingon. But you had after dropping so many Web so many resources left....
Well, the Klingon transferred a massive amount of resources to me during the game, so it's only fair to return the favor :-)
The game is not formally over though. I don't expect major changes in player positions though.
Congrats for the winning Tholian/Klingon team! They were so mighty already many turns ago, that it was just a walk through in the last turns in the game;-)
Thanks everyone for playing, it was fun ^^
Another turn! *pffffff*
Well, then. As players of Pleiades 3 should already know I might not be able to make some turns somewhen in the next few weeks. I cannot give a precise date so I am just asking to pause the game should the need arise.
streu wrote back to me about the ending of the game:
Das Spiel beendet sich selbst. Das Ende wird zufällig jeden Zug ausgewürfelt, ohne, dass ich es vorher weiß. Das soll die Unsitte verhindern, in Zug X-1 sein komplettes Kapital in sinnloses Zeug zu investieren (evtl. noch gepaart mit "in Zug X-2 seine Einwohner bis zum Umfallen besteuern"), nur um Score zu kriegen, weil man ja immer noch das Risiko hat, einen weiteren Zug überleben zu müssen. --Stefan
I just dont know if the probability that the game will end is getting higher with each turn. let's just sit and wait.
ComCitCat: just tell me when you're away and I will stop taking action :3
already in "First Steps", we had criticism about how long the game "overshooted" (First Steps ended in turn 90). I'm watching this game's referee; here are his dice rolls so far, from the log file:
[2014-02-27 12:00:04] [cron] I rolled a 46
[2014-02-27 12:00:04] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 10
[2014-03-02 12:00:08] [cron] I rolled a 77
[2014-03-02 12:00:08] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 12
[2014-03-06 12:00:07] [cron] I rolled a 55
[2014-03-06 12:00:07] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 15
[2014-03-09 12:00:08] [cron] I rolled a 71
[2014-03-09 12:00:08] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 17
[2014-03-13 12:00:07] [cron] I rolled a 51
[2014-03-13 12:00:07] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 20
[2014-03-16 12:00:09] [cron] I rolled a 93
[2014-03-16 12:00:09] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 22
[2014-03-20 12:00:05] [cron] I rolled a 66
[2014-03-20 12:00:05] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 25
[2014-03-23 12:00:07] [cron] I rolled a 78
[2014-03-23 12:00:07] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 27
[2014-03-27 12:00:04] [cron] I rolled a 33
[2014-03-27 12:00:04] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 30
After these two games' experience, it seems to me a good idea now to increase the end probability. At least it seems to me that most players consider the extension time more wear than fun.
Doubling it would make next turn's end probability 65% (not 32%), and probably be enough to kill this bastard within one or two turns Objections?
Doubling it would make next turn's end probability 65% (not 32%), and probably be enough to kill this bastard within one or two turns
No. I just ran randmax for the last few turns, I guess most players did the same.
Actually I find 80 turns quite short for a "hard" game in general. I've had games that lasted for 150 turns and were a lot of fun
none, since I succeeded in killing the last hidden Privateer ship this turn
[...] Doubling it would make next turn's end probability 65% (not 32%), and probably be enough to kill this bastard within one or two turns
Really no objections.
The problem with the end somewhen after turn 80 is that there is no reason to really play on. This is my second game so I don't know what randmax is. Though I kinda heared of it. So right now I am manually maxing score every turn. But there is not really an option to go out for war. It is dangerous but I can't win anything anymore because that would take time. Besides I planned the game for 80 to 90 turns, so my economy will err kinda "collapse" soon. Hence all that's left is maxing techlevels each turn, build a base here or there and move according some imaginary attackers.
I agree with Frunobulax that these 80 turns are kinda short. It seems really hard to totally defeat even a small enemy (which is actually trying) in such a short time not to mention a strong one.
To snouka: yeah that solution would work I guess.
streu in Re: Game over:[...] Doubling it would make next turn's end probability 65% (not 32%), and probably be enough to kill this bastard within one or two turns
Really no objections.
The problem with the end somewhen after turn 80 is that there is no reason to really play on. This is my second game so I don't know what randmax is.
Though I kinda heared of it. So right now I am manually maxing score every turn. But there is not really an option to go out for war. It is dangerous but I can't win anything anymore because that would take time. Besides I planned the game for 80 to 90 turns, so my economy will err kinda "collapse" soon. Hence all that's left is maxing techlevels each turn, build a base here or there and move according some imaginary attackers.
I agree with Frunobulax that these 80 turns are kinda short. It seems really hard to totally defeat even a small enemy (which is actually trying) in such a short time not to mention a strong one.
To snouka: yeah that solution would work I guess.
No objections here.
streu in Re: Game over:[...] Doubling it would make next turn's end probability 65% (not 32%), and probably be enough to kill this bastard within one or two turns
..... This is my second game so I don't know what randmax is.
Though I kinda heared of it. So right now I am manually maxing score every turn. .....
seems "randmax" is a value that can set by admin for end of game after "this" turn. I expect the base for this idea is that 2 race fighting for a special pos for "end of game", does not exactly know what time this "end of game" comes.
(Ohh I just found a description
Nice idea, but I would prefer a pure voting solution. What means: Everybody may prepare the eco for a long or a short game. Who is preparing for a short game is stronger as long it is a short game. If the game is longer without a clear vote for end of game, then the races with a eco for a long game will come into advantage, at least if they was able to survive the short game phase of the game
. Another advantage for the short game strategy is the ship limit. The long game eco races are slower in eco and can so not so fast build ships. And in the time they are getting stronger the slots are full and who know how long the SBQ is.
Bye Alexander
[2014-03-30 12:00:06] [cron] I rolled a 89
[2014-03-30 12:00:06] [cron] games/0007/data: 'turn' condition continues game, probability 65
Our host seems to be pretty lucky. I wish I had these dice rolls in D&D
seems "randmax" is a value that can set by admin
No. Rand max is a playerutility. Here is a short out of date description from Donovan's.