Everything: VGAP, RL, or otherwise
Qapla, Planeteers! I have reactivated my host to offer new T-Host games if there are enough interested players. I'm using Autotroll and latest T-Host to do the job. Not all templates or the website are fully implemented yet, but the host and AutoTroll are running and accepting players. If you are interested have a look at my site https://high-command.de or send a mail to contact[at]high-command.de Regards Matthias
P.S: Thanks to Stefan for letting me post this here at the forum!
Qapla, Planeteers! I have reactivated my host to offer new T-Host games if there are enough interested players. I'm using Autotroll and latest T-Host to do the job. Not all templates or the website are fully implemented yet, but the host and AutoTroll are running and accepting players. If you are interested have a look at my site https://high-command.de or send a mail to contact[at]high-command.de Regards Matthias
Servus Matthias!!!
Nice to see you back 👍
You can log me in for the first revival match.
I guess all , even previous players, have to re-signing?
Will do so asap.
Servus Matthias!!!
Nice to see you back 👍
You can log me in for the first revival match. I guess all , even previous players, have to re-signing? Will do so asap.
Cheers, Mondoshiva
Hello Mondoshiva,
thank you. Unfortunately all players have to sign up again, sorry for that. At the moment the intersection between the mail system of Autotroll and the modern servers is not working properly. So for the first I'll sign you up. Just send me a mail with the following:
Real name / Alias / password / primary mail / secondary mail (optional).
Mail it to: contact[at]high-command.de
I hope there are enough players left so we'll get something started. Qapla! Matthias
Edit 2.38 pm: Here's a link to the game's page: https://high-command.de/games/g2/info_g2.html
I wish I had more free time, otherwise I'd join to help betatest!
If you're having problems filling slots and looking for players to help test, there are 6 active TimHost (Version 3.22.047) players on t0kerZ hUt BBS, and some of them may wish to participate. Feel free to advertise there, as they are always looking for more players to help fill a full game.
I just checked, and they are on turn 7 of a game so they probably have spare time to play a 2nd game
Good luck with your project!
Hello Xhumeka,
thank you and thanks for your efforts.
Testing is not the problem as I know how to do things. Host and AT are up and working and the rest is simply a question of time.
The problem is and will be finding players🤔. I believe there are still a few of us out there but at the moment I have no idea how to reach them.🤷♂️
Cheers Matt
just sent you an e-mail.
The problem is and will be finding players🤔. I believe there are still a few of us out there but at the moment I have no idea how to reach them.🤷♂️
Cheers Matt