[Posting] Re: High Command ist offering T-Host games
Thread:High Command ist offering T-Host games
In reply to:High Command ist offering T-Host games
Date:Mon, 2024-08-05 17:09 GMT

Qapla, Planeteers! I have reactivated my host to offer new T-Host games if there are enough interested players. I'm using Autotroll and latest T-Host to do the job. Not all templates or the website are fully implemented yet, but the host and AutoTroll are running and accepting players. If you are interested have a look at my site https://high-command.de or send a mail to contact[at]high-command.de Regards Matthias

Servus Matthias!!!

Nice to see you back 👍
You can log me in for the first revival match. I guess all , even previous players, have to re-signing? Will do so asap.
Cheers, Mondoshiva