Forum for FLAK 1 (#69)
Hey all
Now that we are ten turns before the usual game end I'd like to start a discussion when you guys think the game should be over.
We could either do to a traditional turn limit (this would give all of us some planning reliability, i.e. stop building ships at a certain point and rather invest in ammo, mines, etc.) or a score/base/planet limit of x% of the total score/planets/bases (not even sure if Stefan can set up this winning condition, in case we agree to this the winner could also raise his hand ) or we keep it open end and wait for the first one to claim victory.
Looking forward to your responses.
I propose a vote for the end of the game for more than half of the live players
Hey all
Now that we are ten turns before the usual game end I'd like to start a discussion when you guys think the game should be over.
We could either do to a traditional turn limit (this would give all of us some planning reliability, i.e. stop building ships at a certain point and rather invest in ammo, mines, etc.) or a score/base/planet limit of x% of the total score/planets/bases (not even sure if Stefan can set up this winning condition, in case we agree to this the winner could also raise his hand
) or we keep it open end and wait for the first one to claim victory.
Looking forward to your responses.
We could either do to a traditional turn limit (this would give all of us some planning reliability, i.e. stop building ships at a certain point and rather invest in ammo, mines, etc.) or a score/base/planet limit of x% of the total score/planets/bases (not even sure if Stefan can set up this winning condition, in case we agree to this the winner could also raise his hand
A "x% of planets" score would just be "x% of 500 planets" and can be done, but would mean ranks are decided by number of planets. (The host cannot yet distinguish between "score to end the game" and "score to do the ranking".)
Regarding voting, I wonder what criteria one would base a vote on? Given that the first places are pretty close (especially 2 and 3), would this end in a sniping competition (vote yes, build a base and hope the guy in front of you doesn't)?
I would probably vote "after turn 80, the game can end at any time" which happens to be the default ending mode
I would probably vote "after turn 80, the game can end at any time" which happens to be the default ending mode
It's already turn 77. it is necessary to determine the condition for the end of the game. and at turn 77, ending after 80 is not the best choice.
It's already turn 77. it is necessary to determine the condition for the end of the game. and at turn 77, ending after 80 is not the best choice.
I have set the game to end "approximately turn 90", i.e. it starts rolling dice at turn 90.
Thus, if nothing else happens, the game will eventually, but if we come up with a better choice, we can still change.
If you'd ask me for a vote, I still have some energy in my empire for a few turns. Thus, right now, I would vote "continue".
If you'd ask me for a vote, I still have some energy in my empire for a few turns. Thus, right now, I would vote "continue".
I only started this game with turn 66. and I would like to show myself a little once again 20-30
Sounds like ending the game approximately turn 120 will suit both of you? If nobody objects I guess this would be the best solution
If you'd ask me for a vote, I still have some energy in my empire for a few turns. Thus, right now, I would vote "continue".
I only started this game with turn 66. and I would like to show myself a little
once again 20-30
I am fine with any decision, the game seems to have come to a stillstand anyway.
Stefan: I have the impression that explore map kills the FLAK setup a little, everyone's scared to send their ships into the unknown
I would probably vote "after turn 80, the game can end at any time" which happens to be the default ending mode
Why not. This party promised to be quite interesting in configuration of three alliances of two races and three "independent" ones. But when one alliance coopted one independent (and especially, when this independent was replaced by beloved friend) - well, everything rolled downd to the traditional dull shit. No need to flog a dead horse, shut up this shop.
I have to add at this point that the Crystal was not independent, he was allied to Fed and Colo almost from the start. However the gameplay did not show this, I agree. So the substitute did not really change anything, there was just suddenly a much better teamwork and gameplay.
I would probably vote "after turn 80, the game can end at any time" which happens to be the default ending mode
Why not. This party promised to be quite interesting in configuration of three alliances of two races and three "independent" ones. But when one alliance coopted one independent (and especially, when this independent was replaced by beloved friend) - well, everything rolled downd to the traditional dull shit. No need to flog a dead horse, shut up this shop.
especially when you consider that at the 66th turn, kristallin had 763 points and now 1793 - and this is not the limit....
I could push the easy button and say END IT NOW! I AM NOT THE LAST ONE IN SCORE! Nah! This game is fun. I would like to get a little more time dancing with my adversaries. Thus, I do not mind to go beyond the currently set 90.
Cheers Terraner
points and now 1793 - and this is not the limit....
Yep, that's because of your skills, no doubt (sarcasm off)
points and now 1793 - and this is not the limit....
Yep, that's because of your skills, no doubt (sarcasm off)
Yep, that's because of your skills, no doubt (sarcasm off)
these are not skills, but experience, knowledge and calculation
it's been a while in this thread, and we're now at turn 89. Trying to summarize, I find...
- Terraner wouldn't mind continuing after turn 90
- snouka is fine with either decision
- Dahoudaboudadoudawou suggests turn 120
- at0mix wants to go another 20-30, or vote
- my impression of there's still some energy in it (as opposed to, "got boring, finish it off already") still stands
So would anyone object to bumping the end to "approx. turn 110"?
actually, since there was no further progress in this discussion and the game end setting remained at approx. turn 90 I have made my schedules based on this scenario. I guess I can go a little further but my original suggestion to play till turn 120 is obsolete now
So my new proposal would be to end the game at approx. turn 100. However I will certainly stick to the majority vote
it's been a while in this thread, and we're now at turn 89. Trying to summarize, I find...
- Terraner wouldn't mind continuing after turn 90
- snouka is fine with either decision
- Dahoudaboudadoudawou suggests turn 120
- at0mix wants to go another 20-30, or vote
- my impression of there's still some energy in it (as opposed to, "got boring, finish it off already") still stands
So would anyone object to bumping the end to "approx. turn 110"?
So my new proposal would be to end the game at approx. turn 100. However I will certainly stick to the majority vote
How does 105 sound as a compromise
count me in one active game is not enough for me
How does 105 sound as a compromise
Sounds good to me
How does 105 sound as a compromise
these are not skills, but experience, knowledge and calculation
... and beloved friends in alliance
these are not skills, but experience, knowledge and calculation
... and beloved friends in alliance
could you single-handedly pull this race out of last place? let's switch %)
Ha ha, good joke.
Last time I checked, Virgos, Excelsiors etc. were not genuine Crystal Ships. Thus, it seems definitively far from "Single-Handed".
Hand back all the vessels that you were provided from different Parties, and you will see your real strength. You would be surprised.
these are not skills, but experience, knowledge and calculation
... and beloved friends in alliance
could you single-handedly pull this race out of last place? let's switch %)
these are not skills, but experience, knowledge and calculation
could you single-handedly pull this race out of last place? let's switch %)
Maybe I have a few points but each of them is not gifted but earned hardly vs alliance of two races (first), alliance of another two races (then) and alliance of another three (now). Nothing similar.