Everything: VGAP, RL, or otherwise
Hi all,
anyone still playing with VPA?
If you don't want to read the whole thread here you always find the latest Version of VPA: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files
Good news for you: I just fixed some bugs and released VPA V3.72 at SourceForge
As usual you can send me any bugs and feature requests.
PS. Whatsnew 3.72
Version 3.72:
+ Better writing of hull functions at base building
+ Shows Change of experience at ship screen
+ reads most Experience Parameters from PCONFIG.SRC
! Forecast Merlin Alchemy fixed, generates now TDM from Merlin without Fcode correctly
+ Forecast movement now uses Extented Misssions 24+32
(calculates only cargo on board no gather up, so just for simulation only)
! small bug fixed, reading natives from bioscans
! Playing NU: VPA recognizes now foreign bases, too
! Playing NU: keep Utilx.dat
+ VPA reads Utilx.dat: Surrendered ships, visisted planets (bases)
Thank you for your work, Quapla.
Can you add a simple mine scoop prediction to the fuel usage calculation? Like adding the number of topedoes to be scooped (the second parameter of extended mission or size of minefield if the parameter is zero or exceeds the minefield size) to the ship's mass.
Can you add a simple mine scoop prediction to the fuel usage calculation?
I put that on the list - not quite easy, but let's see. ...later OK, almost done - almost as accurate as possible. Just needs some more finetuning and testing.
I use VPA. Thanks a lot! It would be wonderful if it could be ported to a Qt interface so we could use it on Windows or Linux, but... I know all of you guys don't have much spare time.
Thank you.
Hi all,
anyone still playing with VPA?
Good news for you: I just fixed some bugs and released VPA V3.72 at SourceForge
As usual you can send me any bugs and feature requests.
PS. Whatsnew 3.72
Version 3.72:
+ Better writing of hull functions at base building
+ Shows Change of experience at ship screen
+ reads most Experience Parameters from PCONFIG.SRC
! Forecast Merlin Alchemy fixed, generates now TDM from Merlin without Fcode correctly
+ Forecast movement now uses Extented Misssions 24+32
(calculates only cargo on board no gather up, so just for simulation only)
! small bug fixed, reading natives from bioscans
! Playing NU: VPA recognizes now foreign bases, too
! Playing NU: keep Utilx.dat
+ VPA reads Utilx.dat: Surrendered ships, visisted planets (bases)
Thank you I keep on going, but...
It would be wonderful if it could be ported to...
it seems to be some kind of running gag. VPA can't be ported to anywhere. I am quite happy to understand it the way it is. As far as I have seen there was an early attempt to port it to Delphi - but no way.....
Maybe some computer science student in the 18-20 range can have the time and patience to make one.....
In the mean time, congrats on continuing with it.
BTW, in this last version i've noticed that when a ship is on top of another race planet it always shows that it has a base
I can send you the rst on one of the games and some pictures
Thank you I keep on going, but...
It would be wonderful if it could be ported to...
it seems to be some kind of running gag. VPA can't be ported to anywhere. I am quite happy to understand it the way it is. As far as I have seen there was an early attempt to port it to Delphi - but no way.....
BTW, in this last version i've noticed that when a ship is on top of another race planet it always shows that it has a base
Thank you - I noticed that bug and it is aleady fixed, but not released. Actually I reoragnize the forecast, esp. the mine-managemnet (lay, sweep, scoop) - if you like I can send you a hot fix for your problem.
I would Luke the hotfix yes. Its bugging me
BTW, in this last version i've noticed that when a ship is on top of another race planet it always shows that it has a base
Thank you - I noticed that bug and it is aleady fixed, but not released. Actually I reoragnize the forecast, esp. the mine-managemnet (lay, sweep, scoop) - if you like I can send you a hot fix for your problem.
Here we go: Quick and dirty, it is beta, I hope everything works.
I would Luke the hotfix yes. Its bugging me
Maybe some computer science student in the 18-20 range can have the time and patience to make one.....
There have been a few to try, producing things like iclient, gwp, xk, jvpc, jvc, ...
There is a fundamental difference between a program of the 8/16-bit era (which VPA and PCC1.x and planets.exe are), and a program of the 32/64-bit era: things your program can do, how to interact with the user and the operating system, etc. For example, VPA just draws pixels to the screen - nowadays programs have to nicely ask the operating systems and await their turn (some operating systems even go as far as to just kill programs that don't behave nicely).
I have often announced that PCC2 core could work as the basis of a VPA-workalike. Well, it doesn't until now. I am currently working on a "next generation" version that could potentially deliver. Just one lesson I have learned during the last 5 years (which the 18-20 year student does not have, and which is not taught in schools): if you have a large project, you have to spend significant effort to make sure you cannot mis-use your own code.
Applied to things like VPA (or PCC1 or PCC2, for that matter): the programmer has to remember that they must load hullspec.dat before loading a turn file, or that they have to draw the map before drawing the starbase panel and if they don't, it does strange things (invented examples). That is all in Alex' (or quapla's, or my) head. It should be in the source code.
That is what makes "porting" VPA hard.
Right, then maybe we shouldn't port but make one that looks like VPA woth all the keys and layout... just a thought
Maybe some computer science student in the 18-20 range can have the time and patience to make one.....
There have been a few to try, producing things like iclient, gwp, xk, jvpc, jvc, ...
There is a fundamental difference between a program of the 8/16-bit era (which VPA and PCC1.x and planets.exe are), and a program of the 32/64-bit era: things your program can do, how to interact with the user and the operating system, etc. For example, VPA just draws pixels to the screen - nowadays programs have to nicely ask the operating systems and await their turn (some operating systems even go as far as to just kill programs that don't behave nicely).
I have often announced that PCC2 core could work as the basis of a VPA-workalike. Well, it doesn't until now. I am currently working on a "next generation" version that could potentially deliver. Just one lesson I have learned during the last 5 years (which the 18-20 year student does not have, and which is not taught in schools): if you have a large project, you have to spend significant effort to make sure you cannot mis-use your own code.
Applied to things like VPA (or PCC1 or PCC2, for that matter): the programmer has to remember that they must load hullspec.dat before loading a turn file, or that they have to draw the map before drawing the starbase panel and if they don't, it does strange things (invented examples). That is all in Alex' (or quapla's, or my) head. It should be in the source code.
That is what makes "porting" VPA hard.
It's working so far
Here we go: Quick and dirty, it is beta, I hope everything works.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/VPA/VPA%203.72/VPA-V372b.ZIP/downloadI would Luke the hotfix yes. Its bugging me
I have often announced that PCC2 core could work as the basis of a VPA-workalike. Well, it doesn't until now.
I did not know that this could be possible - I will offer my help, if needed.
I have often announced that PCC2 core could work as the basis of a VPA-workalike. Well, it doesn't until now.
I did not know that this could be possible - I will offer my help, if needed.
The idea was to have a core that does all the game-related things (parsing files etc.), and put a GUI on top of that. The GUI could be PCC2, or something else.
OK, this is possible in theory. But on the other hand, the codebase shows its age and has some limitations. For example, sensible network or mobile operating system support cannot be done with it.
The "next generation" version attempts to fix that. The target for milestone three that I'm currently working on (when not procrastinating (or making cookies)) is to have all VGAP algorithms implemented. Currently working on torpedo buying, which was treated stepmotherly in PCC2 already (you cannot sell torpedoes).
Next thing after that will probably be a map or VCR renderer. Oh, and finally deploy the "next generation" code on PlanetsCentral
Can you add a simple mine scoop prediction to the fuel usage calculation?
Implemented in V3.74
Hi all players,
latest VPA brings new features and bugfixes, find latest verion at Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files.
Especially for NU-Players, Rebels/Klingons and gamers who need VPAMM
Version 3.75
! Bugfix: RGAP/Pillage after movemnt -> correct Colonist/Happy calculation (again)
+ CommonMistakes (Shift-F11): Only at NU-Host: Shows too many structures, built by RANDMAX
! CommonMistakes: Small bugfix, showing wrong S-LayMin warnings, playing crystals
! VPAMM.EXE is compiling again, although without Orbiter-Addon (no 'i' at planet)
Hi all players,
latest VPA brings new features and bugfixes, find latest verion at Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files.
Especially a nasty crash was fixed, and the lost "Show Ship Functions" was revealed again, now in Shift-Q
2017-12-28 Quapla (3.76)
+ Minor bugfix, calling Minesim too often
+ Debug output removed
+ Bugfix, forecast now shown more often
+ Bugfix, Show Ship Functions (Expierience) revealed again at SHIFT-Q and new VPA.HLP
! makefile update
Hi. keep up the good work
But.. when i try to open northstar 3 game it gives an error. PLeiades 2 opens ok
The message is ERROR: General Protection Fault Error Address is 0006:ECFF
It gives after reading messages
I can send you the rst of the game
Hi all players,
latest VPA brings new features and bugfixes, find latest verion at Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files.
Especially a nasty crash was fixed, and the lost "Show Ship Functions" was revealed again, now in Shift-Q
2017-12-28 Quapla (3.76)
+ Minor bugfix, calling Minesim too often
+ Debug output removed
+ Bugfix, forecast now shown more often
+ Bugfix, Show Ship Functions (Expierience) revealed again at SHIFT-Q and new VPA.HLP
! makefile update
But.. when i try to open northstar 3 game it gives an error. PLeiades 2 opens ok
The message is ERROR: General Protection Fault Error Address is 0006:ECFF
It gives after reading messages
I can send you the rst of the game
Ok, this is strange. I checked it with NS 3 as well, I had no errors. How do you start VPA, with Dosbox or virtual (Vmware etc) or real DOS? I can imagine that this has something to do with memory, i try to reproduce this error.
But.. when i try to open northstar 3 game it gives an error. PLeiades 2 opens ok
The message is ERROR: General Protection Fault Error Address is 0006:ECFF
It gives after reading messages
I can send you the rst of the game
Ok, this is strange. I checked it with NS 3 as well, I had no errors. How do you start VPA, with Dosbox or virtual (Vmware etc) or real DOS? I can imagine that this has something to do with memory, i try to reproduce this error.
OK, I'll check this. There must be a memory hole or problem somewhere. Keep testing, does ist break at the same Position (0006:ECFF) all the time? Or does this change? How about vgapmm.exe?
Now it's breaking at position 0006:EE0D
VPAMM just say General Protection and writes a vpacore file.
I checked the dosbox config file and in terms of memory and speed it's the same. I even have the sound and serial comm at false, so less memory occupied, i think.
I've renamed vpa3.db to vpa3_old.db and it gives an error in position 0006:EDD1 If i rename again to vpa3.db it gives the error in position 0006:EE0D
The previous turns work well with all versions of VPA. Only when i put this one it gives the error.
You say you can open the game without problems? I've created another empty directory and put the files there. I've used your dosbox conf file and it gives the error in position 0006:EDD1. VPA version was 3.74.
OK, I'll check this. There must be a memory hole or problem somewhere. Keep testing, does ist break at the same Position (0006:ECFF) all the time? Or does this change? How about vgapmm.exe?
OK, I fixed this bug. Strange memory leak after updating VPA.HLP.
Please wait for official release V3.77, a lot more enhancements for Borg-Players to be expected as well...
OK, I just released a brand new version.
Now I hope all faulty runtime errors will belong to the past, since I have changed the usage of pointers (my fault, design from 2 years ago).
at Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files.
Here the latest improvements:
Version 3.77
! Show experience levels at Fleet-View (CTRL-F11)
! Show chunneling ships, depending on Exp. (PHOST)
+ Forecast chunneling ships, depending on Exp. (PHOST), still experimental
+ Show Ship Functions (Experience) at SHIFT-Q while building ships
! Bugfix, memory in MineForecast (Shift-F10) (thx to wasp)
! Treat Mission Training correctly in Forecast and Chunnel
! Show experience at ship's Misssion-Screen
~ Versions V3.74-3.76 were classified as beta (possible runtime errors)
Hi and a happy new year.
Sorry to tell you but it didn't work . still gives the error but on a different position 0006:ED9D
OK, I just released a brand new version.
Now I hope all faulty runtime errors will belong to the past, since I have changed the usage of pointers (my fault, design from 2 years ago).
at Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/files/latest/download?source=files.
Here the latest improvements:
Version 3.77
! Show experience levels at Fleet-View (CTRL-F11)
! Show chunneling ships, depending on Exp. (PHOST)
+ Forecast chunneling ships, depending on Exp. (PHOST), still experimental
+ Show Ship Functions (Experience) at SHIFT-Q while building ships
! Bugfix, memory in MineForecast (Shift-F10) (thx to wasp)
! Treat Mission Training correctly in Forecast and Chunnel
! Show experience at ship's Misssion-Screen
~ Versions V3.74-3.76 were classified as beta (possible runtime errors)
Sorry to tell you but it didn't work
. still gives the error but on a different position 0006:ED9D
A happy new year aswell, wow - that is strange. I have double checked it with different games - even old THost games. Have you tried to start VPA with /M option? Maybe you have corrupted minefields in your DB, so this wir re-read all messages and utilx.dat. Please report - because i can start without problems.
It gives the same error, but you know what? i've tried it in a pen that i sometimes use when playing in another computer and it works fine...
Sorry to tell you but it didn't work
. still gives the error but on a different position 0006:ED9D
A happy new year aswell, wow - that is strange. I have double checked it with different games - even old THost games. Have you tried to start VPA with /M option? Maybe you have corrupted minefields in your DB, so this wir re-read all messages and utilx.dat. Please report - because i can start without problems.
It gives the same error, but you know what? i've tried it in a pen that i sometimes use when playing in another computer and it works fine...
Very strange, do you use the same Dosbox config?
Nope. it works on a clean directory. sorry about that
It gives the same error, but you know what? i've tried it in a pen that i sometimes use when playing in another computer and it works fine...
Sorry to tell you but it didn't work
. still gives the error but on a different position 0006:ED9D
A happy new year aswell, wow - that is strange. I have double checked it with different games - even old THost games. Have you tried to start VPA with /M option? Maybe you have corrupted minefields in your DB, so this wir re-read all messages and utilx.dat. Please report - because i can start without problems.
I think i'm going to cut the losses and will play on this new directory.
When the new turn arrives will try the older one.
Nope. it works on a clean directory. sorry about that
It gives the same error, but you know what? i've tried it in a pen that i sometimes use when playing in another computer and it works fine...
Sorry to tell you but it didn't work
. still gives the error but on a different position 0006:ED9D
A happy new year aswell, wow - that is strange. I have double checked it with different games - even old THost games. Have you tried to start VPA with /M option? Maybe you have corrupted minefields in your DB, so this wir re-read all messages and utilx.dat. Please report - because i can start without problems.
I think i'm going to cut the losses and will play on this new directory.
I wrote an email to you - what were the results?
I think i've already replied. I've sent you my gamedir
I think i'm going to cut the losses and will play on this new directory.
I wrote an email to you - what were the results?
Hi, Quapla!
Here is another bug.
After the first run with a new turn or the run with /M option VPA shows combine result for allied planet (+p level of alliance) and Dark sense on that planet like this:
Surf and Core columns are correct. But the Funds value is from the previous turn.
After the run without message parsing VPA shows the result like this:
Funds value and Surf column are ok. But Core column is empty.
Hi Vchc!
Wow interesting.
- How can I reproduce this? - Only with Dark Sense? - What effect hat +p-alliance? - Only with vpamm? - Do you have game-data, which is not confidential?
If surf and core in the first run is correct, and the $$ and sups are from the turn before, this might be because there are no later information, or just wrong? What is written in the messages, did you compare the (dark sense) message with planet info? Which VPA.MSG do you use? Have you checked the entries in VPA.MSG?
Maybe different interpretation from messages and utilx.dat, I can imagine.
Lots of questions, sorry for that.
Wow interesting.
- How can I reproduce this? - Only with Dark Sense? - What effect hat +p-alliance? - Only with vpamm? - Do you have game-data, which is not confidential?
If surf and core in the first run is correct, and the $$ and sups are from the turn before, this might be because there are no later information, or just wrong? What is written in the messages, did you compare the (dark sense) message with planet info? Which VPA.MSG do you use? Have you checked the entries in VPA.MSG?
Maybe different interpretation from messages and utilx.dat, I can imagine.
It is Empire specific bug and it always shows up.
The planet level of alliance generates records in utilx.dat with the current (at the end of turn) funds and surface minerals of allied planets.
Dark Sense phost's stage comes before planetary processes so Dark sense message contains funds and total minerals info excluding planetary processes of the current turn! For minerals it is not important because the total amount can not be changed during planetary proceseses. But funds do change (taxation).
To calculate the correct full planetary info you should:
- Take Funds from the record in utilx.dat
- Take Surf minerals from the record in utilx.dat.
- Calculate Core minerals taking total minerals from dark sense message and subtracting Surf minerals from the previous step.
Looks like the parsing process directly overwrite the final funds info but instead there should be a check if the utilx.dat info is present.
Once calculated the Core minerals should be saved to DB and always used if present, not only during the parse process.
It is up to you how to handle all this mess
I use VPA 3.77 and vpa.msg from the sourceforge archive.
Thank you.
It is up to you how to handle all this mess
OK, as far as I have seen, this is very old bug (older than 3.65 from 2013), and has something to to how VPA stores and works with the given data. This comes to light only if you have "better" planetary infos than Dark Sense (mostly given by an alliance).
I will see how I can fix this - but it seems not to be very easy, as you know. It seems you wrote a good approach...
OK, I found a way to unmess it
With "/m" you get latest Infos from Utilx.dat and Messages, and $$ from Utilx.dat
If VPA checks that it has been restarted with the same turn, no Utilx.dat/Messages for Dark Sense and PlanetInfo were read.
I hope this works. Please Check the Beta 377c - which I sent you.
OK, I found a way to unmess it
Now the mess is complete!
For some planets it works just fine but for others nothing is changed (as example look at the planet #5, there are many of them).
And a new small bug was added. If a planet has no minerals in the core the extraction rate for them is not shown.
Like this:
For some planets it works just fine but for others nothing is changed (as example look at the planet #5, there are many of them).
I can't see an error here. P #5 had not Dark Sense Info, and no Planet Info about $$ - so it shows 0$. Do you have different information for me?
And a new small bug was added. If a planet has no minerals in the core the extraction rate for them is not shown.
This is not a bug, it's a feature - and was this way all versions before
Anyway, may be I was too quick - I will check this tomorrow closer.
I can't see an error here. P #5 had not Dark Sense Info, and no Planet Info about $$ - so it shows 0$. Do you have different information for me?
Yes, this is my mistake. I am sorry for that. I can conclude here that the goal has been achieved. Thank you, Quapla!
And a new small bug was added. If a planet has no minerals in the core the extraction rate for them is not shown.
This is not a bug, it's a feature - and was this way all versions before
Anyway, may be I was too quick - I will check this tomorrow closer.
Hmm. I am pretty sure I have never seen that before. And the simple question comes to mind - Why should we not to show the extraction rates if they are known?
I can conclude here that the goal has been achieved.
You're welcome, it was fun to check the things out. And I can really say: VPA is a mess...
Hmm. I am pretty sure I have never seen that before. And the simple question comes to mind - Why should we not to show the extraction rates if they are known?
Really? I've double checked this with older versions (iE V3.65 from 2013), and it shows the same. Question back: Why do you need extraction rates, if there is no core anyway?
I will release V3.78 with these changes soon.
Really? I've double checked this with older versions (iE V3.65 from 2013), and it shows the same. Question back: Why do you need extraction rates, if there is no core anyway?
Transuranium Decay depends on mineral density. VPA 3.77 shows density info correctly so I am really sure that the bug is new (check the planet #270 with both versions as example).
Transuranium Decay depends on mineral density. VPA 3.77 shows density info correctly so I am really sure that the bug is new (check the planet #270 with both versions as example).
I have checked it with the last 5 VPA versions, back to V365. At all versions nothing was shown - just now, I checked it with P270 again. There are no mining rate information at DB, so nothing can be shown. (In DB value of -1) I did not change the program code, concerning this issue - but I will check if I can improve the handling of this situation in further releases.
Anyway, I just released VPA 3.78
(sorry for so many updates within the last days - I promise there will be less updates when work starts again )
As usual you can find it at:
Especially important: Again correct Minefied simulation SHIFT-F10 and for all NU players: Correct Mines/Webmines and correct Miningrates
Version 3.78
! Minesim: now detects if you are inside a minefied (again)
! NU: Stores correct Webmines if playing with c2nu.pl
! latest Infos from allied Planets are shown, (esp. from Utilx.dat, not from Dark Sense), thx to Vchc
! If VPA checks that it has been restarted with the same turn, no Utilx.dat/Messages for Dark Sense and PlanetInfo were read.
! NU: VPA calculates NU-mining rates now correctly
I have checked it with the last 5 VPA versions, back to V365. At all versions nothing was shown - just now, I checked it with P270 again. There are no mining rate information at DB, so nothing can be shown. (In DB value of -1) I did not change the program code, concerning this issue - but I will check if I can improve the handling of this situation in further releases.
I have made some additional analysis. The problem was in /M parameter of VPA.
With /M VPA 3.77 shows:
Without /M VPA 3.77 shows:
VPA 3.78 always shows:
But It would be better if both Core and Extr columns were displayed.
I have made some additional analysis. The problem was in /M parameter of VPA.
Wow, thank you, which planet is that? - so i will check it. As far as I have seen, it mostly depends on the DB.
Wow, thank you, which planet is that? - so i will check it. As far as I have seen, it mostly depends on the DB.
That is the planet #270 as always.
Wow, thank you, which planet is that? - so i will check it. As far as I have seen, it mostly depends on the DB.
That is the planet #270 as always.
Very strange - this behaves completely different at my site. I have to check this.
Wow, thank you, which planet is that? - so i will check it. As far as I have seen, it mostly depends on the DB.
That is the planet #270 as always.
Very strange - this behaves completely different at my site. I have to check this.
May be that is the result of our experiments. My DB somehow can be damaged.
At the end I just want to see on the planet info screen in VPA BOTH :
- Mineral densities (from DB or from RST).
- Amount of minerals in the core (calculated from darksense message or dark sense record in utilx.dat or taken from DB).
With this I can predict the amount of minerals on a planet on the next turn.
I can send you the rst of the game
2017-12-28 Quapla (3.76)
What RST are you talking about?.. Don't you see Quapla plays NS3 too?.. :-\
Don't you see Quapla plays NS3 too?.. :-\
No worries - I treated the files very confidential - and used the data only for development purposes, the data from Vchc are from a different game and confidential as well. I sent no own data back.
May be that is the result of our experiments. My DB somehow can be damaged.
No your DB will be OK, it was just a question of display at 'WriteMineral'-function. I solved this issue and it will be released later. Anyway very strange, because I didn't see the actual density with any old VPA I used, only for old turns. I was not aware that I changed things here...
No your DB will be OK, it was just a question of display at 'WriteMineral'-function. I solved this issue and it will be released later. Anyway very strange, because I didn't see the actual density with any old VPA I used, only for old turns. I was not aware that I changed things here...
What do you mean by the "actual" density? There is no actual density for allied planets. Of course it is from the previous turns when the planets were mine or explored.
VPA has a good concept of displaying most possible info of an object. If there is no actual info just display old info with greyed out font. That is how it should work.
What do you mean by the "actual" density? There is no actual density for allied planets. Of course it is from the previous turns when the planets were mine or explored.
VPA has a good concept of displaying most possible info of an object. If there is no actual info just display old info with greyed out font. That is how it should work.
Well, i just did not change the concept, but since some more information were added, some others were not longer displayed. Strange concept, but that is the way it was.
OK here it is, I hope a bugfree version V3.78b
Version 3.78b
! Display of density on allied planets restored
+ simulate enemy sweep, change beams with 'S' at ship screen
! Supplies repair damage fixed
! now really shows exp. at mission screen, calculation of mission+18(training) fixed
OK here it is, I hope a bugfree version V3.78b
Version 3.78b
! Display of density on allied planets restored
+ simulate enemy sweep, change beams with 'S' at ship screen
! Supplies repair damage fixed
! now really shows exp. at mission screen, calculation of mission+18(training) fixed
Thank you very much. All Empire players rejoice.
Hi all
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
ok. I would like to see on the planet screen information about:
- incoming with safetax
- how much mcs come if the happiness is at 100% and i set the tax at x% so that the happiness drops to 70%.
I don't like the economy screen nor the borg calculator. The T or Ctrl-T button doesn't tell us how much the happiness will drop.
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
I wouldn't mind also an interface with randmax
ok. I would like to see on the planet screen information about:
- incoming with safetax
- how much mcs come if the happiness is at 100% and i set the tax at x% so that the happiness drops to 70%.
I don't like the economy screen nor the borg calculator. The T or Ctrl-T button doesn't tell us how much the happiness will drop.
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
I remembered that it would be nice to have the number of turns to reach 100% again from the current happiness with tax set to zero.
I wouldn't mind also an interface with randmax
ok. I would like to see on the planet screen information about:
- incoming with safetax
- how much mcs come if the happiness is at 100% and i set the tax at x% so that the happiness drops to 70%.
I don't like the economy screen nor the borg calculator. The T or Ctrl-T button doesn't tell us how much the happiness will drop.
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
I remembered that it would be nice to have the number of turns to reach 100% again from the current happiness with tax set to zero.
I wouldn't mind also an interface with randmax Thanks
ok. I would like to see on the planet screen information about: - incoming with safetax - how much mcs come if the happiness is at 100% and i set the tax at x% so that the happiness drops to 70%. I don't like the economy screen nor the borg calculator. The T or Ctrl-T button doesn't tell us how much the happiness will drop.
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
Ok, thank you for the input - although I have the sources of Randmax the implementation can be tricky. Using Randmax within VPA should be more than just starting the batch. I think the handling of the taxes is not the main problem, mostly you will have only a few planets in your focus. I will keep that in mind - in case I have spare time to look at the sources again - right now I only play and will not code.
The idea is not to replace randmax but to alter the randmax.ini file in the game dir, as echoview does. Then you run randmax outside VPA.
In the planet screen you can have a section to put the goals for that planet for randmax.
I remembered that it would be nice to have the number of turns to reach 100% again from the current happiness with tax set to zero.
I wouldn't mind also an interface with randmax Thanks
ok. I would like to see on the planet screen information about: - incoming with safetax - how much mcs come if the happiness is at 100% and i set the tax at x% so that the happiness drops to 70%. I don't like the economy screen nor the borg calculator. The T or Ctrl-T button doesn't tell us how much the happiness will drop.
Is this a good thread for a feature request for the next version?
Yes, why not. I will read it.
Ok, thank you for the input - although I have the sources of Randmax the implementation can be tricky. Using Randmax within VPA should be more than just starting the batch. I think the handling of the taxes is not the main problem, mostly you will have only a few planets in your focus. I will keep that in mind - in case I have spare time to look at the sources again - right now I only play and will not code.
Hi, Quapla!
Can you display the exact experience of the ship on ship's screen? Displaying just level is not very usefull. May be adding a parameter for that to the INI file is a good idea (I mean switching between level / exp).
PS. On quality assurance screen visibility settings are not saved.
Hi Vchc, yes I have already tried this. But the only way is to parse the message sent by Phost. I put that on my list. Quapla
Hi, Quapla!
Can you display the exact experience of the ship on ship's screen? Displaying just level is not very usefull. May be adding a parameter for that to the INI file is a good idea (I mean switching between level / exp).
PS. On quality assurance screen visibility settings are not saved.
Hi Vchc, yes I have already tried this. But the only way is to parse the message sent by Phost. I put that on my list. Quapla
You can use 'Record 49 - Ship Score' in utilX.dat
Hi Vchc, yes I have already tried this. But the only way is to parse the message sent by Phost. I put that on my list. Quapla
You can use 'Record 49 - Ship Score' in utilX.dat
Code to deal with that stuff actually already exists in cc/phostm.pas (=the PHost support module that VPA shares with PCC) under the keyword "unit scores", but it's not used. The reason probably is that VPA's database works totally different than PCC's, but to be sure, I'd have to ask 2003 me, who does not remember writing that... Anyway, cc/phostm.pas probably could also need an update. It's not that much happens on PCC 1.x, but still, the file is newer...
anyone still playing with VPA?
Of course, is there anything else?
One bug I notice is experience prediction, especially with training missions. It seems VPA doesn't pay attention to (race-specific) EPTrainingScale that can vary significantly from the default 70 in games here (in the various active games I see race-specific values between 45 and 80). This means the estimated experience with training mission is often way off.
I haven't checked if EPShipMovement100LY is used correctly in calculations, of the active games here one uses the default 40 but others use 60. It wouldn't hurt to review all the experience-related config settings to make sure they're being parsed/used where appropriate.