Rules and Strategy for our beloved game
I have been unable to find a pconfig.src for the Titan or Phoenix-style games ... would anyone be kind enough to share?
It's been a **long** time since my last RST was turned in, but I'm looking to get back into the game and was thrilled to find a live host with active players.
Being new to phost, I thought it would be wise to read up on the actual configuration used at this site. Did a test run locally, against the Spacelord AI, and AllowAlternativeTowing really bit me in the -- behind. Need to rethink / relearn my strategies when that option is in play.
Hope to see you on the battlefield soon(ish)!
The configuration is created when Master is run, thus it is not available for download for a game that has not started yet. (But this reminds me that there should be a preview feature.)
If you are join a game, you will have access to the game's file area, which will contain pconfig.src for download once the game starts.
The pconfig.src for Titan was posted here: Configuration
Here's one for Phoenix:
# # PHost 4 Configuration File -- Simple Version # # This is a simple configuration file for starters. It contains only # the required parameters; all the little "unimportant" ones were left # out. # # This configures a "standard" game with PBP build queue, all PHost # features on (except remote control which is confusing to many # beginners). The choice of battle type is done with the shiplist.txt # file. # # This file does not contain a %PCONTROL section; add one if you wish # to have add-ons in your game. "complete.src" contains a pcontrol # section which you can copy. # % PHOST # # Overall game characteristics # GameName = Phoenix 6 AllowRegisteredFunctions = Yes ScoringMethod = Compatible NumShips = 500 AllowPlayerMessages = Yes AllowAnonymousMessages = Yes CPEnableGive = Yes CPEnableAllies = Yes CPEnableRaceName = Yes CPEnableRemote = No # WraparoundRectangle is only used when AllowWraparoundMap is Yes. # On a "flat" map, the map is as big as it is. AllowWraparoundMap = Yes WraparoundRectangle = 1000,1000,3000,3000 RoundGravityWells = Yes # # Player Preferences # # Players can change these using CP commands. You can turn off the # "Language" command if you only have the plangeng.hst language file. # In "Language", the first element is the Host's choice of language. # All other settings are "No" (conservative defaults that work with # all clients). # Language = English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English,English AllowMoreThan50Targets = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No FilterPlayerMessages = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No AllowMoreThan500Minefields = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No CPEnableLanguage = Yes # # Minefields # ## General AllowMinefields = Yes AllowWebMines = Yes MineDecayRate = 5 MaximumMinefieldRadius = 200 CPNumMinefields = 500 ## Movement through Mines MineHitOdds = 1 WebMineHitOdds = 5 MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10 = 5 HullTechNotSlowedByMines = 7 ## Mine Sweeping MineScanRange = 250 AllowMinesDestroyMines = Yes # Note that because Mine Sweeping happens after decay in PHost, the sweep # ranges must be larger than in THost to yield roughly the same results. MineSweepRate = 4 MineSweepRange = 5 WebMineSweepRate = 3 WebMineSweepRange = 3 FighterSweepRate = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15 FighterSweepRange = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,80 AllowColoniesSweepWebs = No ### Ion Storms IonStormActivity = 0 IonStormsHideMines = Yes # # Planets (Production) # RaceMiningRate = 70,200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 ProductionRate = 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 StructureDecayPerTurn = 1 StructureDecayOnUnowned = 1 ColonistTaxRate = 200,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 MaxPlanetaryIncome = 6000 ClimateLimitsPopulation = Yes AllowEatingSupplies = Yes ClimateDeathRate = 3 BorgAssimilationRate = 100 # # Planets (Combat) # GroundKillFactor = 1,30,1,15,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 GroundDefenseFactor = 1,10,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 FreeFighters = 0,0,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,0,0 AllowPlanetAttacks = Yes # # Ships (Building) # AllowPriorityBuild = Yes BuildQueue = PBP BuildChangeRelativePenalty = 100 BuildPointReport = Allies RecycleRate = 75 AllowShipCloning = Yes ShipCloneCostRate = 300,300,200,200,2000,200,1000,200,200,300,200 ## PBP Building PBPCostPer100KT = 250 PBPMinimumCost = 500 PBPCloneCostRate = 200 ## Ship Build Queue # (The SBQ parameters are ignored when you use a PBP queue. We just # show the defaults for a PAL queue.) SBQBuildPALBoost = 1 SBQNewBuildPALBoost = 1 SBQPointsForAging = 1200 SBQBuildChangePenalty = 0 SBQBoostExpX100 = 0 ## Acquiring PALs # The idea behind a PAL queue is that you have to destroy 2N kt mass # to be granted a N kt priority build. PALDecayPerTurn = 0 PALPlayerRate = 100 PALCombatAggressor = 0 PALAggressorPointsPer10KT = 2 PALOpponentPointsPer10KT = 2 PALAggressorKillPointsPer10KT = 8 PALOpponentKillPointsPer10KT = 8 PALCombatPlanetScaling = 80 PALCombatBaseScaling = 120 PALShipCapturePer10Crew = 0 PALRecyclingPer10KT = 10 PALBoardingPartyPer10Crew = 0 PALGroundAttackPer100Clans = 0 PALGloryDevice = 0 PALGloryDevicePer10KT = 10 PALGloryDamagePer10KT = 2 PALGloryKillPer10KT = 8 PALImperialAssault = 0 PALRGA = 0 PALPillage = 0 PALIncludesESB = No PALShipMinekillPer10KT = 4 ## Ships (Movement) AllowNoFuelMovement = No ## Ships (Missions) AllowBuildFighters = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes AllowDeluxeSuperSpy = Yes AllowRebelGroundAttack = Yes AllowSuperRefit = Yes AllowHiss = Yes AllowExtendedMissions = Yes AllowBeamUpClans = Yes AllowBeamUpMultiple = Yes ## Cloak CloakFailureRate = 0 CloakFuelBurn = 5 DamageLevelForCloakFail = 21 AllowCloakedShipsAttack = Yes AlternativeAntiCloak = Yes AntiCloakImmunity = No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No ## Rob RobCloakedShips = No RobFailureOdds = 5 ## Tow AllowOneEngineTowing = No AllowBoardingParties = Yes TowedShipsBreakFree = Yes AllowTowCloakedShips = No AllowAlternativeTowing = Yes ## Scanners ScanRange = 300 SensorRange = 250 DarkSenseRange = 200 ExtendedSensorSweep = Yes # Ships (Combat) AllowFedCombatBonus = Yes # # Wormholes # AllowWormholes = Yes WrmVoluntaryTravel = Yes WrmTravelCloaked = No WormholeUFOsStartAt = 51 % phost AllowAlternativeCombat = Yes AllowEngineShieldBonus = Yes AllowESBonusAgainstPlanets = Yes BayLaunchInterval = 2 BayRechargeBonus = 1 BayRechargeRate = 40 BeamFiringRange = 25000 BeamHitBonus = 12 BeamHitFighterCharge = 460 BeamHitFighterRange = 100000 BeamHitOdds = 70 BeamHitShipCharge = 600 BeamRechargeBonus = 4 BeamRechargeRate = 4 CloakedMineTravelSafeWarp = 2 CloakMineOddsWarpBonusX100 = 5 CrewKillScaling = 30 DamageLevelForChunnelFail = 11 EModBayRechargeBonus = 0,0,0,0 EModBayRechargeRate = 4,8,5,0 EModBeamHitBonus = 2,2,3,5 EModBeamHitFighterCharge = 0,0,0,0 EModBeamHitOdds = 4,4,5,8 EModBeamRechargeBonus = 0,0,1,1 EModBeamRechargeRate = 0,1,1,2 EModCrewKillScaling = -3,-6,-9,-12 EModEngineShieldBonusRate = 2,4,6,8 EModExtraFighterBays = 0,0,1,1 EModFighterBeamExplosive = 0,0,0,0 EModFighterBeamKill = 0,0,0,0 EModFighterMovementSpeed = 0,0,0,0 EModHullDamageScaling = 0 EModMaxFightersLaunched = 2,4,4,4 EModPlanetaryTorpsPerTube = 0,0,0,0 EModShieldDamageScaling = 0 EModShieldKillScaling = 0 EModStrikesPerFighter = 0,0,0,1 EModTorpHitBonus = 1,2,3,4 EModTorpHitOdds = 1,2,3,5 EModTubeRechargeBonus = 1,1,2,3 EModTubeRechargeRate = 1,2,3,5 EngineShieldBonusRate = 20 EPCombatDamageScaling = 200 EPCombatKillScaling = 800 EPPlanetAging = 25 EPRecrewScaling = 30 EPShipAging = 15 EPShipAlchemy100KT = 5 EPShipChunnel = 30 EPShipHyperjump = 30 EPShipMovement100LY = 40 EPTrainingScale = 55,48,55,55,80,52,55,48,71,67,67 ExactExperienceReports = Yes ExperienceLevelNames = Recruit,Soldier,Experienced,Elite,Ultra Elite ExperienceLevels = 750,1500,3000,6000 ExperienceLimit = 9000 ExtraFighterBays = 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 FighterBeamExplosive = 9 FighterBeamKill = 9 FighterFiringRange = 3000 FighterKillOdds = 10 FighterMovementSpeed = 300 FireOnAttackFighters = Yes HullDamageScaling = 20 MaxFightersLaunched = 30 MaxShipsHissing = 10 MeteorShowerOdds = 2 MineTravelSafeWarp = 2 PlanetaryTorpsPerTube = 0 PlanetsHaveTubes = No RamScoopFuelPerLY = 1 RGANeedsBeams = Yes ShieldDamageScaling = 40 ShieldKillScaling = 0 ShipMovementSpeed = 100 StandoffDistance = 10000 StrikesPerFighter = 5 TorpFiringRange = 30000 TorpHitBonus = 13 TorpHitOdds = 50 TowStrengthDistanceScale = 9 TowStrengthEngineScale = 1 TubeRechargeBonus = 7 TubeRechargeRate = 30 WrmScanRange = 150
Thank you very much! Nifty formatting support for pconfig.src.
AllowAlternativeTowing = Yes
certainly changes the balance for races like the Fascist in standard shiplist games. It's no longer possible to tow a Biocide away with a cloaker.
(Normally they would use a cloaked Coldpain to tow a single, strong enemy away to a few waiting Vicky's and Glory Devices.)
Anyway ... I'll just need to adjust my old strategies, avoid some specific races or maybe look into Plist games.
See you around!
AllowAlternativeTowing = Yescertainly changes the balance for races like the Fascist in standard shiplist games...
As well as configuration for the PBP build queue.