Forum for Pleiades 6 (#18)
Hello Stefan,
hello players,
I have an unexpected assignment in Hamburg. I am away without time and internet access in a windows system, where I may finalize my turn. I again request you to give me 24 hours.
I'll be back un thursday evening. I guess it won't take longer.
I have skipped the host for tonight. Note that host will always run early when all turns are in, so it's still possible to "catch up" afterwards.
I have skipped the host for tonight. Note that host will always run early when all turns are in, so it's still possible to "catch up" afterwards.
Hello all,
please keep in mind, that I sumbitted my turn yesterdays eve, approxx 19:00 UTC. I did not want to delay the game much further.
Carsten and Peron pls be that kind to hurry a bit. It was not my intention to cause more trouble than necesary.