Rules and Strategy for our beloved game
Hello all,
we have three different types of games on this server. And there is a difficulty-step between Phoenix and pleiades-style games.
Those are P-List games with a lot of different parameters, compared to old TList. Even with a good AMaster-config some races benefit a lot from their racial standard settings, compared to others.
From my point of view especially carrier-bound races like Rebel and Empire sometimes find it hard to start and mostly struggle in midgame. While races like Chrystal are hard in defence and some cloak-bases races may rush very good.
What I suggest is not much and if I remember correct it was already part of the settings on blutmagie in the past.
The first is: using exploremap on Plist-games to offer jump-ship-owners a true benefit from their shiplist. Cloaked ships maybe forced to use their explore mission instead of flying around blindly cloaked.
The second: set webmimetravelsafewarp=3 like in the Plist 3.1 beta test games. (Perhaps think about an altered decay rate -> lategame)
The third: edit the hullfunc and make gravitonic acceleration and tachyon device bound to an EXP-level for other races than original owner.
These are only suggestions in the spririt of further balance in Plist-games. Please do not bash me. But I think they are worth to discuss.
The first is: using exploremap on Plist-games to offer jump-ship-owners a true benefit from their shiplist. Cloaked ships maybe forced to use their explore mission instead of flying around blindly cloaked.
I am open to that; actually I would have guessed some games already use it. It's been a while since I set up the games...
The second: set webmimetravelsafewarp=3 like in the Plist 3.1 beta test games. (Perhaps think about an altered decay rate -> lategame)
I am open to that as well.
The third: edit the hullfunc and make gravitonic acceleration and tachyon device bound to an EXP-level for other races than original owner.
Here I am using the configuration from the ship list. Unless you have some real evidence why it's better changed, I'd rather not mess with that. But then, if we want to evolve the shiplist into a new version, we could try this here.
I am open to that as well.
I don't like any of suggested changings.
If you want to play something different, try G-List games
I am open to that as well.
I don't like any of suggested changings.
If you want to play something different, try G-List games
Surely I could set up games with that, if you tell me where it can be obtained The problem with stuff from Russia & Co. is that it's usually pretty good stuff, but not advertised widely (which includes English docs).
Long story short: I believe I had an old vesion of GList somewhere, but my current google-fu isn't good enough to locate the current version.
I can send you last version of g-list if you're interested. Here's hull description
The modern game configuration we played includes G-List 4.1 with 50% supply production rate, and Multiscore scenario [three scorers at the same time - Tequila Wars (you may create scoring planets by your command), Mushrooms (scoring planets creates automatically by some conditions), and Super Invasion (scoring planets set up by hostmaster)]. Each scorer has it's own end of game conditions, and players may vote for the game and after turn 66 or so, and their votes has weights according to their scores.
Surely I could set up games with that, if you tell me where it can be obtained
The problem with stuff from Russia & Co. is that it's usually pretty good stuff, but not advertised widely (which includes English docs).
Long story short: I believe I had an old vesion of GList somewhere, but my current google-fu isn't good enough to locate the current version.
I know, this thread was silent for nearly a year.
But except Siba, there was few reflexions. Perhaps some other player would mind to state their opinion.
Additionally, even if we agree not to alter the pconfig parameters, there is another topic I'd like to discuss.
It is the actual ending condition: approx. turn 80 with a turnwise raising chance of executing a lastturn.
I have heard from some players, that feel a bit unhappy with this. In fact it is like rushing for score-points and hold it till turn 80 . And Races like Borg and Federation benefit a lot of it in most cases (not all - but most).
Scoring methods say few about map-control and strategic domination. How about holding 120 planets for 10 consecutive turns or the super invasion addon that Siba suggested a year ago.
Our player-community on the server has grown a bit, since Stefan started. And I know, that the dislike of changes within the community is usally rather high. It would be nice if the participation in this discussion is raising a bit.
Kind regards,