Forum for Phoenix 3 (#16)
Thread opener, Player 7 (The Crystal People)
Posted Thu, 2015-07-09 14:52 GMT
it's like a sabotage!
Why schedule changed without notice?
it's like a sabotage!
Why schedule changed without notice?
It has been discussed in Default host schedule; Siba had sent an invitation to all participants.
As often , feedback was limited, but Phoenix 3 had votes to move the host earlier the day, which is what I did during the last two weeks.
Thread opener, Player 7 (The Crystal People)
Posted Fri, 2015-07-17 15:50 GMT
Ok, why my battle ships canceled missions without my orders?
Ok, why my battle ships canceled missions without my orders?
If you have some more details (by PM) I can take a look.