Rules and Strategy for our beloved game
I offer to change standart schedule from Sun/Thu evening, to Sat/Wed evening.
The reason is simple - with current schedule, odd turns are made in workdays (Mo-Tu-We-Th), while even turns always in weekend (Fr-Sa-Su).
Think it'd be better to have a choice, making both turns in workday evenings, or both turns in weekend.
I offer to change standart schedule from Sun/Thu evening, to Sat/Wed evening.
The reason is simple - with current schedule, odd turns are made in workdays (Mo-Tu-We-Th), while even turns always in weekend (Fr-Sa-Su).
Think it'd be better to have a choice, making both turns in workday evenings, or both turns in weekend.
i agree
I offer to change standart schedule from Sun/Thu evening, to Sat/Wed evening.
The reason is simple - with current schedule, odd turns are made in workdays (Mo-Tu-We-Th), while even turns always in weekend (Fr-Sa-Su).
Think it'd be better to have a choice, making both turns in workday evenings, or both turns in weekend.
I don't understand the argument, though I don't mind it so much. However wednesday is a really bad day for me concerning turnfiles to be finished or uploads to be send... and I regard saturday as inconvenient.
So this time I definitely vote no.
I agree.
I want to talk to the Borg. You want Peace?
I offer to change standart schedule from Sun/Thu evening, to Sat/Wed evening.
The reason is simple - with current schedule, odd turns are made in workdays (Mo-Tu-We-Th), while even turns always in weekend (Fr-Sa-Su).
Think it'd be better to have a choice, making both turns in workday evenings, or both turns in weekend.
I offer to change standart schedule from Sun/Thu evening, to Sat/Wed evening.
The reason is simple - with current schedule, odd turns are made in workdays (Mo-Tu-We-Th), while even turns always in weekend (Fr-Sa-Su).
Think it'd be better to have a choice, making both turns in workday evenings, or both turns in weekend.
I don't understand the argument,
Different people has different lives. Some people play VGAP in workdays only, and spend their weekends far from PC's. Some peoples working hard in workdays, and has only weekend time to play games.
Current schedule is bad for ALL kinds of players, because half of the turns should be made in workdays only, and other in weekend only.
I offer just shift the schedule. So, first kind of people could do their turns, for example, at Tuesday and Thursday, and second kind at Saturday and Sunday.
Just change Sun to Sat and rest in peace.
Different people has different lives. Some people play VGAP in workdays only, and spend their weekends far from PC's. Some peoples working hard in workdays, and has only weekend time to play games.
Current schedule is bad for ALL kinds of players, because half of the turns should be made in workdays only, and other in weekend only.
I offer just shift the schedule. So, first kind of people could do their turns, for example, at Tuesday and Thursday, and second kind at Saturday and Sunday.
Now I got it. In that case wouldn't monday instead of sunday be the logically choice? We keep the 4days-3days pattern this way but apart from that there isn't much difference.
Though personally I always liked to have the weakend for the 3day-turn.
Let's get some structure into this discussion.
Please, everyone speak for the games they're in. If there's enough "yes" (or "don't care") votes for one game, I'll change that one.
I will not perform a global change. Reasons:
(a) Pleiades 6 hosts at Sunday midnight GMT. That is, it already runs at a "weekend-compatible" schedule. The games currently open for joining host in the night as well.
(b) For a game dominated by Americans, "23:00 GMT" looks totally different than for a game dominated by East Europeans.
One additional option I could offer would be to change the host time. The scheduler distributes hours evenly, in case it has to deal with hundreds of games at the same time. We probably aren't there yet...
ComCitCat: if you cannot send turns on Wednesdays, you are also allowed to send them on Tuesdays
ComCitCat: if you cannot send turns on Wednesdays, you are also allowed to send them on Tuesdays
Well could do.
But then again the same argument applies for everybody who doesn't want to make a turn at Sunday. *shrug* So why should I say I didn't mind a change of scedules when I actually do mind? And a lot, cause I switched some RL-stuff to wednesday to get some more time an thursday.
So, first kind of people could do their turns, for example, at Tuesday and Thursday, and second kind at Saturday and Sunday.
Now I got it. In that case wouldn't monday instead of sunday be the logically choice? We keep the 4days-3days pattern this way but apart from that there isn't much difference.
Imagine two players.
Player A can play VGAP at workdays, (Mo-Tu-We-Th), and, at friday evening he goes away and <hunting crocodiles, or drink at bar> till sunday evening, when he sleeps, and then goes work on Monday morning.
Player B working hard, has family, plenty of children, and weekend (Saturday and Sunday) is the only time he has free enough to play VGAP.
Why don't we set up schedule to pleasure both of them?..
It needs one hostrun in the middle of workdays (Tuesday or Wednesday evening), and another hostrun in the middle of weekend (Saturday evening or Sunday morning).
Yes, american time differs from east european time, for 8-10 hours, let hostrun be near 8-9p.m. in america, or 5-6 a.m in europe, it doesn't matter.
I will not perform a global change. Reasons: (a) Pleiades 6 hosts at Sunday midnight GMT. That is, it already runs at a "weekend-compatible" schedule. The games currently open for joining host in the night as well.
Well, Sun, Thu at 0:00 GMT looks good.
I work in all kinds of different shifts on all weekdays, the whole year. There is no regular schedule for me and my life is chaotic as well.
So as long as we keep the 3/4 days intervall for hostruns I dont mind which day of the week the hostrun will happen. I also dont mind the hour.
counting votes, I conclude that the schedule of Phoenix 3 should be adjusted (2x "yes", 1x "don't care").
Suggestion: I will move the host backward 5 hours, then another 5 hours a week later, so it'll end up at a nice time in the morning (when moving more than 5 hours at a time, the scheduler will skip a host date because it assumes you didn't have your time).
It would be best to perform this maneuver on a Thursday host. Doing it for this Thursday is probably too quick for those who already planned, so I'll try to do it for next Thursday (I cannot promise due to RL issues, though).
So no matter what happens you at least have some days to submit your votes
Suggestion: I will move the host backward 5 hours, then another 5 hours a week later, so it'll end up at a nice time in the morning (when moving more than 5 hours at a time, the scheduler will skip a host date because it assumes you didn't have your time).
It would be best to perform this maneuver on a Thursday host.
I have performed the first change.
I hope nobody objects NOW because my current internet connection is pretty crappy.
I have performed the first change.
I hope nobody objects NOW because my current internet connection is pretty crappy.
Do you still intend to change scedule for running games?
Will Pleiades5 be involved?
If so pls make an anouncement in the gameforum + PMs + E-Mails so everybody will know what will change and when it will change at least one week ahead. I still regard this here as general discussion and not for some special - let alone already running - game. And thus I am a bit erm... bewildered. :-/
Do you still intend to change scedule for running games?
Not unless I get more positive feedback for the initial proposal.
If so pls make an anouncement in the gameforum + PMs + E-Mails so everybody will know what will change and when it will change at least one week ahead. I still regard this here as general discussion and not for some special - let alone already running - game. And thus I am a bit erm... bewildered. :-/
Normally, the game forum would be the right place to discuss this. However, in this particular case, Siba invited all game players by PM, so I think it's ok to keep it here.
It would be best to perform this maneuver on a Thursday host.
I have performed the first change.
Second change. Time should now be good for you at Phoenix 3
Will this have any affect on the Titan 3 game?
Will this have any affect on the Titan 3 game?
I don't plan to; there doesn't seem to be sufficient interest in a change.
(For the record: my vote is "don't care", as I always try to do my turn ASAP.)