- All decloaked ships now generate a util.dat record (previously, only ships orbiting a planet did so). The record also includes whether the ship was caught before or after movement. (v3.4e/4.0a).
- A mine-laying ship now sends you a util.dat record as well as a message even when it could not lay mines because the field was already maximal. The message will report that 0 mines were laid. (v3.4f/4.0b)
- When you're hit by the Tim Continuum, your planets' happiness does not change. This way, you won't benefit from 0% tax, but you won't be hit too hard by growth tax. After all, you don't collect taxes either. Idea: Sascha Rambeaud (v3.4f/4.0b)
- Messaging was completely revised. Therefore, you receive a number of new failure records (broken tow, gather failed, cannot colonize, cloak failure (incl. anti-cloak)). Some other messages are now also sent to the remote-controller of a ship (beam up, lay mines, colonize, hiss (planet and ship), rob (robber and victim), super spy deluxe, build fighters, ground attack, mine hit, minefield passed, cyborgs gather debris, wormhole travel, chunnel initiated/traveled, boarding, hit by glory device, cargo trimmed). This should end the confusion about "why didn't my remote-controlled ship end up with the same amount of fuel predicted" or similar. Some other messages are deliberately not forwarded (exploration, for example). (v3.4g/4.0d)
- The absolute fighter bay limit was raised to 50. A 20-bay ship with 3 ExtraFighterBays now has 23 bays in total. (v3.4g/4.0d)
- The CPEnableGive option can now take the value Allies to allow only ship givings between allies. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- The wormhole scan record now includes the Id number of the corresponding Ufo as well as whether the wormhole is bidirectional or not. Messages now start with an (-u) tag (except for Tim-compatible English messages), which allows clients to link the message to the wormhole. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- PHost now clears PBx fcodes after a normal (i.e. not clone) ship build. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- Ramscoop now also works when you're intercepting, to match HOST behaviour. (Akseli Mäki) (v3.4i/4.0f)
- The util.dat PAL record was modified so that it reports PBPs used. Idea by Stefan Glasauer. (v3.4i/4.0f)
- The documentation now makes use of the <link rel="..."> element to provide some neat navigation possibilities with browsers that support it (try enabling "View/Show/Site Navigation Bar" in Mozilla). (v4.0f)
- The default experience level settings were changed to allow faster advance. (v4.0f)
- PHost now processes AssignTo=Ship statements for all ships created by Master, so you can create such ships more easily. (v4.0h)
- PHost now accepts spaces in numeric fcodes. That is, a friendly code of "23 " or " 23" is accepted to mean the same thing as "023" for chunneling and combat. (v3.4j/4.0h)
- Jorge Sánchez provided an update of the Spanish language file. (v3.4j/4.0h)
- Gather-build Torpedoes now happens after mkt and does no longer override it. (v3.4k/4.0i)
- Ships which are brought above the DamageLevelForCloakFail limit by a glory device must now decloak after the Glory Device phase; this prevents them from entering a foreign chunnel. (v3.4k/4.0i)
- The definition of the Level2Tow function has changed. In alternative-tow mode, Level2Tow no longer is an absolute win over normal ships. (v4.0j)
- Ships which have both glory devices now do low damage to own ships. They were doing high damage before. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- PHost now enforces the rule that FCodes consist of printable characters only. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- CPEnableGive now also configures availability of the gsX friendly code. (v4.0j)
- Wormhole travel damage is now computed in exact numbers, not truncated, so you can now also get damage which is not a square number. Idea: Mathias Käckenmeister. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- As a simplification, PHost now resets waypoint, primary enemy and friendly code on all events a ship changes ownership. This has almost no effect on gameplay, but closes another covert channel for anonymous games. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- It was possible to name ships in a way such that planets.exe crashed when the ship name was cited in a message. PHost now includes a filter to avoid that. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- The AllowDeluxeSuperSpy option was disfunctional since at least PHost 3.3, and has therefore been removed from the documentation (it is still accepted). To disable Deluxe Super Spy, disable the DeluxeSuperSpy stage of host processing. (v4.1)
- The language file, plang4.hst, now has a different format. The file can be manipulated by standard tools, and compresses much better than the previous one, so that the PHost distribution files are much smaller now. (v3.5/4.1)
- For simplicity and robustness, beamup now always has precedence over extmission, no matter what order they are received in. (v3.5/4.1)
- The Formulas Document has been completely revised and expanded. It should now list all relevant formulas, and no longer require you to revert to the 3.x documentation. During that process, a few formulas were modified slightly. For example, actual climate deaths would often differ by one from the reported amount, due to hard-to-describe rounding effects not obvious from the formula (this one reported by Mathias Käckenmeister). The formulas should now be enough to reproduce PHost's behaviour in a prediction tool. (v3.5/4.1)
- Mining now yields a little more minerals, by using Round instead of Trunc in the formula. Idea by Mathias Käckenmeister. (v3.5/4.1)
Version 20250307-T