word      Minefield Id
word      X Location
word      Y Location
word      Owner (1..11)
long      Mine Units
word      Type (0=normal, 1=web)
--- PHost 2.0: ---
word      FCode Planet Id
--- PHost 2.6d: ---
word      Scan Type (0=lay, 1=sweep, 2=scan)

Sent when: Minefield laid/swept/scanned

Sent to: Owner of the ship which lays/scans the mines, and his vision-level allies

This message is generated to report three events:

  • a minefield was laid. PHost reports the status immediately after laying (before mines-destroy-mines).
  • a minefield was swept. PHost reports the status immediately after sweeping. It may report a zero-size minefield when the field was swept out.
  • a minefield was scanned. PHost combined all scans into one message, and reports the minefield size at the end of all scanning. When a mine field is swept out after you scanned it, you will not get a scan record.

A minefield may be reported more than once. It is reported once if it scanned and also once for each ship that adds to the mine (or the ship that creates the mine). The last mine scan message for a given minefield will be the one that represents the number of units in the mine after all mine laying, sweeping, and scooping activity is complete.

The FCode Planet Id field indicates the planet ID which controls the minefield's friendly code. The friendly code of the minefield is the same as the friendly code of this planet. This field is only valid for own minefields and those you have a mine-level alliance with. For scans of enemy minefields, this element is 0.

The Scan Type element indicates the nature of this record. For instances of mine laying, this element is 0. When this record indicates a sweep of an enemy mine field, this element is 1. Finally, when this record is a summary scan message (for both own-race and enemy minefields), this element is 2. In general, all type 0 records will occur prior to all type 1 records (since laying happens before sweeping), which in turn will occur prior to all type 2 records (since mine scans are summarized after all sweeping activity is complete).

When a player uses Winplan, he will see all his minefields this way without explicitly scanning. Conversely, when you use Winplan and do not see one of your minefields, you know it's gone.

When AllowMoreThan500Minefields is turned on for a player, all minefields will be reported with this record type. When AllowMoreThan500Minefields is off, minefields with Id numbers above 500 will be reported using record 46 instead.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.