long      Old Level
long      Decay Points
long      New Points
long      New Level

Sent when: always

Sent to: every player

This record reports the activity level for one player, as well as the points lost through decay and points gained through turn activity.

PBPs: In PHost 4.0f/3.4i and later, the amount of PBPs used can be computed as

Used_PBPs = Old_Level - Decay_Points - New_Points - New_Level

In previous PHost versions, the Old Level is after PBP consumption. The above equation will yield zero. In this case, the used PBPs can be computed as the difference between last turn's New Level and this turn's Old Level.

If the game does not use PBPs, both methods will yield a PBP usage of zero. See Build Point Details for more information on build points.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.