Syntax: refit <id> <eng> <bt> <bc> <tt> <tc>

Enabled by: CPEnableRefit

Since: PHost 4.0h

This command can be used to specify the parts you want added to your ship with the Super Refit mission.

engEngine type (1..9)
btBeam type (1..10)
bcBeam count (0..20)
ttTorpedo launcher type (1..10)
tcTorpedo launcher count (0..20)

You can not downgrade your ship, that is, you can not reduce any part's type or count. If you try to do that, that part of the order is silently ignored (that is, if you try to "upgrade" a ship with two Mark 4 launchers to one Mark 6, PHost will attempt to upgrade the ship to two Mark 6 instead). Therefore, if you do not wish to change a particular component, give the respective parameter as 0. You can omit parameters at the end. If you specify more weapons than allowed on the ship, PHost silently corrects the command.

The required parts must be available at the starbase.

This command will implicitly set the ship's mission to Super Refit. It can only be used for ships owned by the Federation.


refit 13 9Upgrade ship #13 to Transwarp drives (type 9), do not change weapons (because they're implicitly specified as 0)
refit 13 0 4 5Upgrade ship #13 to 5 Blasters (type 4). The engines are not changed because a 0 was given. If the ship already has more weapons, the weapon count is not changed (but the weapons are upgraded). If the ship already has a better type, the type is not changed (but the number of weapons is increased as required).
refit 13 0 0 20 0 20Upgrade ship #13 to the maximum number of weapons allowed for its hull type. The weapon types are not changed (because they were given as 0), but the weapon counts are maximized (20 is the maximum allowed for any ship).

Conflict Resolution: This command affects the mission of the ship, and therefore conflicts with other commands that do the same. The effective ship mission will be defined, in decreasing order of precedence, by: refit command, beamup command, extmission command, and mission set at the ship's control screen. For example, if a ship has both a refit and beamup order, it will do refit only.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at