These host data file formats are used by THost and PHost 3. PHost 2 for non-DOS platforms uses a "native" format which is basically the same, but words are stored in the native byte order, and padding is used where required by the architecture/ABI.
- AUXDATA.HST - PHost - Miscellaneous [V]
- BDATA.HST - Starbase Data [V]
- BUFF.TMP - Temporary File
- CLOAKC.HST - Cloak & Shield State [V]
- ETEMPx.TMP - Temporary File
- EXTMINES.HST - PHost - Minefields
- GEN.HST - Passwords and other
- GREY.HST - Miscellaneous
- HCONFIG.HST - Configuration [V]
- LASTTURN.HST - Timestamp
- MESS.OLD - Old Messages (=sent last turn)
- MESSPNT.OLD - Pointers to Old messages
- MINES.HST - Mine fields
- NEXTTURN.HST - Timestamp
- OLDFIG.HST - Host Configuration
- PDATA.HST - Planet data
- PHONEY.HST - Hull Remapping Hook
- REFDATA.HST - Victory Conditions [T]
- SHIP.HST - Ship Data
- SHIPSCAN.EXT - PHost - Ship Scan Information [V]
- SHIPXY.HST - Ship Coordinates
- TONS.HST - Ship tons "sunk" this turn [V]
- TONS2.HST - Ship tech sunk this turn [T]
- UFO.HST - Ufos, 3rd party additions [V]
- UTIL.TMP - PHost - Temporary UTILx.DAT Files [T]/[V]
- UTILx.EXT - PHost - Add-on Information [V]
- XTERNCMD.EXT - PHost - External Commands
- XTRFCODE.TXT - PHost - Special Friendly Codes
- XYPLAN.DAT - Planet coordinates