Fields marked with "-" contain boolean values: 1=yes, 0=no. Probabilities are given in percent in most cases.
+0 WORD Recycle Rate for "Colonize" mission, % +2 WORD Odds of a meteor +4 WORD -Minefields (independent of Web Mine setting) +6 WORD -Alchemy ships +8 WORD -Delete old messages --- the Host 3.00 HConfig ends here --- +10 WORD -Disable passwords +12 12 WORDs Ground combat: Attack ratio for each player +36 12 WORDs Ground combat: Defense ratio for each player +60 12 WORDs Free fighters on starbase per turn, for each player +84 12 WORDs Mining rates for each player (50..500%) +108 12 WORDs Tax rates for each player (50..500%) These fields contain 12 words. The first word in each range is 0, the remaining 11 entries contain the data. +132 WORD -Rebels can build fighters on ships +134 WORD -Colonies can build fighters on ships +136 WORD -Robots can build fighters on ships +138 WORD Odds of cloak failure (0..50%) +140 WORD -Privateer can rob cloaked ships (Rob Ship mission) +142 WORD Sensor range (ships visible) +144 WORD Dark Sense range +146 WORD -Lizard: Hissss mission +148 WORD -Rebel: Ground attack +150 WORD -Federation: Super Refit +152 WORD -Crystal: Web Mines +154 WORD Fuel used for cloaking in kt (1..50) +156 WORD Range of Sensor Sweep mission +158 WORD -New natives appear on planets +160 WORD -Planets attack ships +162 WORD Cyborg assimilation rate +164 WORD Web Mine decay rate +166 WORD Mine decay rate +168 WORD Maximum mine field radius +170 WORD Trans Uranium Mutation rate ("isotope TUDR") +172 WORD Structure decay +174 WORD -Overpopulation eat supplies +176 WORD -Ships without fuel can move +178 WORD Odds of running on a mine +180 WORD Odds of running on a Web mine +182 WORD Range from with mine fields can be seen +184 WORD -Mines destroy enemy mines --- Host 3.11a and later: --- +186 WORD -Engine Shield Bonus +188 WORD Engine Shield Bonus Rate +190 WORD Colonies: mine sweep rate when sweeping with fighters +192 WORD -Colonies: can use fighters for web sweeping +194 WORD Mine Sweep Rate +196 WORD Web Mine Sweep Rate +198 WORD Lizard: Hissss Effect +200 WORD Privateer: odds of a Rob Ship failure +202 WORD -Rebel can be attacked by planets +204 WORD -Fascist can be attacked by planets +206 WORD Mine Sweep range +208 WORD Web Mine Sweep range +210 WORD -Terraforming missions ("science missions") +212 WORD Odds to run on a mine with a cloaked ship, in 1/10 % +214 WORD Damage level that prevents cloaking +216 WORD -Federation: Crew bonus ("Scotty Bonus") +218 34 BYTEs Information on small meteors +0 WORD Probability +2 DWORD Minimum Neutronium +6 DWORD Minimum Duranium +10 DWORD Minimum Tritanium +14 DWORD Minimum Molybdenum +18 DWORD Maximum Neutronium +22 DWORD Maximum Duranium +26 DWORD Maximum Tritanium +30 DWORD Maximum Molybdenum +252 34 BYTEs Information on large meteors, same as above +286 WORD -Send messages for meteor impacts --- Host 3.12c and later: --- +288 WORD -One-Engine ships can tow +290 WORD -Hyperdrive ships +292 WORD Climate death rate +294 WORD -Gravity wells +296 WORD -Crystal: like hot planets --- Host 3.13b and later: --- +298 WORD -Mines destroy web mines +300 WORD -Climate limits population --- The Host 3.14 HConfig ends here --- +302 DWORD Maximum income per planet +306 WORD Maximum number of Ion storms (0..100) +308 WORD -Firecloud Chunnel +310 WORD -Super Spy Deluxe +312 WORD -Ion storms hide mine fields +314 WORD -Glory Device +316 WORD -Loki anti-cloak +318 WORD -Lady Royale gambling +320 WORD -Cloaked ships attack +322 WORD -Ship cloning +324 WORD -Crystal and Privateer: boarding (tow capture) +326 WORD -Imperial Assault --- Host 3.2 beta 2a and later: --- +328 WORD Neutronium made by the Cobol ship per ly traveled +330 WORD -Aries ship can do alchemy +332 WORD -Bioscanner +334 WORD Hull tech level, from which onwards ships are not slowed down by mine hits (Hull tech mine slowdown) --- Host 3.22.022 and later: --- +336 WORD -Loki de-cloaks Bird Men --- Host 3.22.036 and later: --- +338 WORD -Allow VPA features (i.e. large cargo transfers)
New Hosts normally append their new settings after the end of the file. Note that Host itself will not upgrade the HConfig file, if the file has the wrong size, the default configuration is used. The HCONFIG.EXE program must be used to enlarge the file.
Some add-ons (most notably, the D&D ones) also read HCONFIG.HST, and cease to work if it does not exist.