+0 24 BYTEs ? +24 11 BYTEs PHost only: for each player, 1 if last turn was submitted in Winplan format, 0 otherwise. Unused in THost. +35 11 BYTEs PHost only: for each player, 1 if last turn was submitted using a registered client, 0 otherwise. Unused in THost. +46 11 WORDs 1, if the race is playing, 0 otherwise +68 220 BYTEs Passwords. To get the password for player X: VAR pw : ARRAY[1..22, 1..10] OF BYTE; { this field } password : ARRAY[1..10] OF CHAR; FOR i:=1 TO 10 DO password[i] := Chr( pw[X,i] - pw[X+11,11-i] + 32 ) This is similar to GENx.DAT. The resulting password is zero-padded, not space-padded. High-ASCII characters should be treated as zero, because MASTER sometimes generates those. +288 n BYTEs ? +448 WORD THost: Ship build queue: Id of starbase that built the last "normal" ship (not a priority build). Unused/not present in PHost.
Fields marked with "?" are unused.