Forum for Pleiades 3 (#11)
I would like to see explore map enabled for this one if you don't mind.
Cheers paklet
I would like to see explore map enabled for this one if you don't mind.
So, are there any objections to enabling ExploreMap for this one? (Or, for all future "Pleiades" games?)
paklet in Explore Map:I would like to see explore map enabled for this one if you don't mind.
So, are there any objections to enabling ExploreMap for this one? (Or, for all future "Pleiades" games?)
Yeah. I have one. I consider an invisible map unrealistic in the context of stars in space.
And I guess this is a question that should not be discussed in the pleiades3 forum. At least not as long as all the future games are involved.
streu in Re: Explore Map:paklet in Explore Map:I would like to see explore map enabled for this one if you don't mind.
So, are there any objections to enabling ExploreMap for this one? (Or, for all future "Pleiades" games?)
Yeah. I have one. I consider an invisible map unrealistic in the context of stars in space.
Well, how realistic is reaching a star in 81 ly distance within a single month?
The main obstacle I see is that not all clients support ExploreMap. But then, not all clients support PList 3, making Pleiades the perfect setup for ExploreMap :)
Well, how realistic is reaching a star in 81 ly distance within a single month?
The main obstacle I see is that not all clients support ExploreMap. But then, not all clients support PList 3, making Pleiades the perfect setup for ExploreMap :)
Well, I'ld love to play a space game with a realistic physical engine just once. Including inertness and impuls. But there are none and for a reason. In case of lightspeed: would you play planets if it took X x (81 x 12) turns; X>1 to reach the next planet? ;-)
Explore map on the other hand ... well for gameplay it doesn't really matter. It's different, sure. However it's not crucial. :D
streu in Re: Explore Map:Well, how realistic is reaching a star in 81 ly distance within a single month?
Well, I'ld love to play a space game with a realistic physical engine just once. Including inertness and impuls. But there are none and for a reason. In case of lightspeed: would you play planets if it took X x (81 x 12) turns; X>1 to reach the next planet? ;-)
Think of the universe as one big sun system with many planets. And Reavers and creepy blue-gloved agents. Soon, it makes perfect sense to travel between planets within a month. Heck, the game is called "Planets", it's just that we got the name of the distance unit wrong :-)
Explore map on the other hand ... well for gameplay it doesn't really matter. It's different, sure. However it's not crucial. :D
Personally, I also don't play much different with ExploreMap, but it adds a little more suspense to exploration. I.e. hyperjumping races don't start the game by exploring all planets that can be connected with 350+-10 ly jumps.
Explore map on the other hand ... well for gameplay it doesn't really matter. It's different, sure. However it's not crucial. :D
IBTD it makes a lot of a difference IMHO here are just a few quick points:
1. Hyperjumps are clearly easier with the full prior knowledge of the cluster and borgs can much easier sneak up to you.
2. Big meteor impacts can now be pin pointed
And if you want some 'realistic' metaphor think about it as event horizon and fog of war. ;)
IBTD it makes a lot of a difference IMHO here are just a few quick points:
1. Hyperjumps are clearly easier with the full prior knowledge of the cluster and borgs can much easier sneak up in you.
2. Big meteor impacts can now be pin pointed
And if you want some 'realistic' metaphor think about it as event horizon and fog of war. ;)
I'm not quite sure that we discuss the same thing. Explore map is just about personal preference.
HOWEVER if we talk about explore map in Pleiadesthree I wouldn't even talk back. I'm not in. But if we are talking about explore map for every future game, I consider this is not the right place to do so.
Explore map is just about personal preference.
Agreed and I just happen to prefer it, that's why I asked for it and hope that the others in Pleiades 3 don't mind.
streu in Re: Explore Map:paklet in Explore Map:I would like to see explore map enabled for this one if you don't mind.
So, are there any objections to enabling ExploreMap for this one? (Or, for all future "Pleiades" games?)
Yeah. I have one. I consider an invisible map unrealistic in the context of stars in space.
Only a fraction of the stars is accompanied by inhabitable planets, so, while you can clearly observe all the stars, you wouldn't know which ones are interesting. To get that information at turn 1 is what's unrealistic.
Anyway, I'm not in this game and I don't have a preference regarding exploremap
-- Henk
Hello, I think games with same name should has same settings. Only if there was something really wrong, then the setting may be changed and a remark in a kind of "game type history file". Missing explore map is not really a mistake in setting.
So I just propoase a new game type for this "problem". If the only difference to Pleiades is explore map, why not call the new type Pleiades_ExMap. We will see what kind the player more like.
btw: Is phoenix a Explore Map game?
Bye Alexander
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