Forum for Lupus 3 (#83)

[Posting] Pause request
Thread opener, Player 1 (The Feds)
Posted Wed, 2024-08-07 13:26 GMT

I ask for pause request, I'm on holiday until 20/08. Thank's

[Posting] Re: Pause request
Player 2 (The Lizards)
Posted Wed, 2024-08-07 21:18 GMT

Enjoy your time off :smile:

[Posting] Re: Pause request
Posted Thu, 2024-08-08 20:04 GMT

ok, next host on 22nd.

(but, please, give everyone a little more headway than "I'm gone now". you're not booking your tickets last-minute, don't you?)


[Posting] Re: Pause request
Player 8 (The Evil Empire)
Posted Fri, 2024-08-09 13:51 GMT


I ask for pause request, I'm on holiday until 20/08. Thank's

[Posting] Re: Pause request
Player 10 (The Rebels)
Posted Sat, 2024-08-10 10:57 GMT

ok, next host on 22nd.

(but, please, give everyone a little more headway than "I'm gone now". you're not booking your tickets last-minute, don't you?)


I kindly asked in the other thread for a break till 31 of august. Would be nice if you could expand from 22th of august to 31th of august. Thx.

[Posting] Re: Pause request
Posted Sun, 2024-08-11 07:53 GMT

I kindly asked in the other thread for a break till 31 of august. Would be nice if you could expand from 22th of august to 31th of august.


usual lecture: please try to get some turn(s) through anyway, don't just sit back until September 1st :smile:


[Posting] Re: Pause request
Player 5 (The Privateers)
Posted Tue, 2024-08-20 05:22 GMT

in lupus 4 milko, the move took place. can I run the game in lupus 3 while Milko is here?