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[Posting] Oops...?
Thread opener
Posted Wed, 2023-09-20 20:04 GMT, edited Wed, 2023-09-20 20:50 GMT

I hope I have not just caused host to run twice within less than 1 day for Titan 18, Titan 21 and Lupus 1. I assumed it to be a good idea to submit my final turn today so nobody needs to wait unnecessarily. But now the clock is ticking and apparently it's only a few hours until the next host, Titan 18 even just 5 hours...

Stefan, please HELP! :smile:

Thanks & Cheers,

[Posting] Re: Oops...?
Posted Wed, 2023-09-20 20:20 GMT

never seen this before. usually it was always that if all turns were in early the next hostrun will be set to the second next date. I hope Stefan will see it and react before the deadline.

[Posting] Re: Oops...?
Posted Wed, 2023-09-20 21:16 GMT, edited Thu, 2023-09-21 08:56 GMT

Don't worry, the next action is "Schedule Change" and not "Run Host". It is only a few hours ... until the schedule changes and the game returns to its normal schedule from its current schedule "Run host when all turns are in".

[Posting] Re: Oops...?
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2023-09-21 04:46 GMT

Yep, schedule of Titan 18 has returned to normal. Never mind, sorry for having been a little overreactive :lol:

[Posting] Re: Oops...?
Posted Thu, 2023-09-21 17:15 GMT

Yep, schedule of Titan 18 has returned to normal. Never mind, sorry for having been a little overreactive :lol:

Although the scheduler is the part of PlanetsCentral that I trust least, this part is already pretty proven:

If we are on a Sun/Thu schedule, host only runs on Thursday if it's been a complete Sunday-Thursday (or Thursday-Sunday) interval since the last one. The idea is that you can look at the schedule and say "oh, I have time on Wednesdays and Fridays, so I can play this game", and even if a host runs early, you can still keep this regime, and it will not force you to do a turn on another day.


[Posting] Re: Oops...?
Posted Thu, 2023-09-21 19:16 GMT

I fell for it, too :lol:

Yep, schedule of Titan 18 has returned to normal. Never mind, sorry for having been a little overreactive :lol: