Everything: VGAP, RL, or otherwise

[Posting] New Games ?
Thread opener
Posted Thu, 2012-12-20 15:48 GMT

how often do you post new games?

[Posting] Re: New Games ?
Posted Thu, 2012-12-20 18:54 GMT

how often do you post new games?

I plan to start offering "real" games this weekend.


[Posting] Re: New Games ?
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2012-12-21 02:19 GMT

streu: I plan to start offering "real" games this weekend.

OK, so how do i set up as a registered vgap 3 player?

[Posting] Re: New Games ?
Posted Sun, 2012-12-23 16:47 GMT

streu: I plan to start offering "real" games this weekend.

OK, so how do i set up as a registered vgap 3 player?

I have now posted a new game. If it works well, I'll post more.

To join it, you just use the "Join" button.

You will get mailed your result files, and play on your computer, with your registered VGAP3 copy, as usual. Nothing special to set up on the server.

You can also play using PCC2 Web. To do that, you'd configure the game for on-line play (help), and then upload your registration key (FIZZ.BIN file) to the server. However, PCC2 Web still is more a proof-of-concept than a state-of-the-art web app. It's enough for a quick emergency turn from a hotel room, or to watch your VCRs during the lunch break (BTDT), but not more. However, now that the key features of the hosting system are running, I'll concentrate more on getting PCC2 Web to work nice.
