Rules and Strategy for our beloved game
I have a Question about queue:
I got a msg telling me the order my SB will build the next ships, one SB will build 2nd, the next 9th, the next 12th and so on.
What happens if I cancel a build order to make a different ship, will this SB lose it's place in the queue order and go to the bottom of the list, or will it remain in it's place?
I have a Question about queue:
I got a msg telling me the order my SB will build the next ships, one SB will build 2nd, the next 9th, the next 12th and so on.
What happens if I cancel a build order to make a different ship, will this SB lose it's place in the queue order and go to the bottom of the list, or will it remain in it's place?
If you want to play this game on high level you should always refer to the PHost documentation (
Changing Build Orders: When you change a build order before the ship is built, the new build order normally starts walking the build queue anew, as if the previous order had never been there. PHost can be configured to allow the new order to inherit some of the old order's priority using the BuildChangeRelativePenalty option. That option specifies how much priority a changed build order loses compared to the previous one, and defaults to 100% (=complete loss). At a value of 25, for example, a build order would lose only one-fourth of its priority, and therefore start in the front quarter of the queue instead of at its end.
In pconfig.src BuildChangeRelativePenalty = 100
games on this host normally use the PBP queue. For those, changing an order will lose your queue position according to the rules described by Vchc.
For the PAL queue, there is a loophole/workaround. If you have a build order on a good position and want to change that one, use the "PB1".."PB9" friendly codes to re-arrange your build so that the order you wish to change is now at a bad place. Change it, and swap the new order back. This takes a few turns to do but allows you to keep a good position.
For a PBP queue, advice would therefore be to change only orders in bad places that you wish to execute as priority builds anyway. If you are awarded a priority build, it doesn't matter how far back in the queue that order is; you're paying with priority points. This could be a sensible option for cheaper special ships (like: you really really want that Falcon with torps, but cannot pay for Selphyrs right now, so you order one with less).
Thank you very much!