Bugs and Feature Requests for PlanetsCentral and other VGAP software
i have noticed that the game uploads section does not allow for changes after the upload. (granted, it has been a few days since i tried to change an upload status.) did i miss it?
anyway, what i am asking for is the ability to mark an upload after the upload is complete as either "ready" or "not ready". that is, to change the status of an uploaded turn after the fact.
this has not bitten me "in the butt", yet, but i can see it happening.
thanks in advance.
i have noticed that the game uploads section does not allow for changes after the upload. (granted, it has been a few days since i tried to change an upload status.) did i miss it?
anyway, what i am asking for is the ability to mark an upload after the upload is complete as either "ready" or "not ready". that is, to change the status of an uploaded turn after the fact.
this has not bitten me "in the butt", yet, but i can see it happening.
thanks in advance.
You can reupload the very same turn and then hit the checkbox for "that's not my final turn". That should do the trick. At least I think it worked that way when I tested last time.
ComCitCat: You can reupload the very same turn and then hit the checkbox for "that's not my final turn". That should do the trick. At least I think it worked that way when I tested last time.
that works, but if all players are "in", and there are less than 30 minutes til the host run, then it is possible that will not work...
part of the issue is that i haven't uploaded a turn yet - my youngest son has done it each time, for me. this issue becomes a problem if he is at school...
what i thought better was a way to uncheck the checkbox at the instant that you realize that you need to change something...
another advantage is that if you list the upload as "not ready", but then change your mind for any reason, then you could just change your turn from marked "not ready" to "ready" without having to upload your turn again. this has happened to me once, already.
thanks for the input. GhostWriter
another advantage is that if you list the upload as "not ready", but then change your mind for any reason, then you could just change your turn from marked "not ready" to "ready" without having to upload your turn again. this has happened to me once, already.
I understand your problem. You want a method to mark a turn "not ready" that takes less effort than re-uploading. I'll definitely add that when I have a way to add some sort of "menu bar" for all those little options. Until then, there's ComCitCat's workaround. Or these:
Workaround #2: use this link
Fill in GAME and SLOT.
Workaround #3: configure the game for online play (Game -> Your settings View/Change -> "Play online with PCC2 Web" -> Save). You need to do this once. Then, to re-upload your turn, open it in PCC2 Web (Play tab, then pick game), immediately exit PCC2 Web (menu in top-right corner), and terminate the session. This will regenerate the turn file (with the same content) and upload that, and ask to mark it "not ready".
Just for the record: the July update of the web application can change a turn to "temporary" after uploading. Click your race name on the game page, you'll get a menu offering you that. Fine print: requires JavaScript.