Forum for North Star 4 (#38)
Will be Bjoerndalen play in game? Or we take pause and will search replace.
Will be Bjoerndalen play in game? Or we take pause and will search replace.
I think it is better to stop and wait for him.
Bjoerndalen contacted me a few hours before this forum thread to remove them from the game. I have stopped host for now.
Anyone wants to jump in, or know someone who does?
Is there a way to advertise the game somehow? It is not visible on "join game" page, so we can wait forever for a new player.
I think we should start right now. It is a game without alliances, without compassion with our enemies. The solar federation is our enemy, let's eliminate it from now on. Killrace and let's start the game.
I think we should start right now. It is a game without alliances, without compassion with our enemies.
This suggestion sounds tempting to me - on the other hand we always want to play with 11 competitors.
Where is one more willing FED-Player?
I think we should start right now. It is a game without alliances, without compassion with our enemies. The solar federation is our enemy, let's eliminate it from now on. Killrace and let's start the game.
I can understand that you want to start as soon as possible. So do I. But killrace is not an option here. It will ruin the balance of the game. I am against it. We should wait more time and try to find another player.
Stefan, is there a way to send a message to all players of the host?
Is there a way to advertise the game somehow? It is not visible on "join game" page, so we can wait forever for a new player.
I was hoping for someone to know someone, or to write an enthusiastic description of the current player panel for a message board you know That aside, the generic "on-site" means of advertisement is the Planets forum.