Bugs and Feature Requests for PlanetsCentral and other VGAP software
Does it work? North Star 3.
All TRNs have been submitted but there is no reaction from the host already for two hours. I am itching to play
Does it work? North Star 3. All TRNs have been submitted but there is no reaction from the host already for two hours. I am itching to play
This is the single most frequently asked question on this site, ever
If someone marked their turn temporary, you see that as a OK turn, but host will not run. Probably I should finally change that...
This is the single most frequently asked question on this site, ever
If someone marked their turn temporary, you see that as a OK turn, but host will not run. Probably I should finally change that...
Thank you for the explanation, Stefan. It would be nice to have an OK turn in that case.
If someone marked their turn temporary, you see that as a OK turn, but host will not run. Probably I should finally change that...
When you've planned to do this ?
If someone marked their turn temporary, you see that as a OK turn, but host will not run. Probably I should finally change that...
When you've planned to do this ?
I am slowly migrating to the new ("c2ng") software. Slowly because I don't trust myself to switch all at once. Yesterday, I converted the user filer (see the spike on the CPU load diagram in Server Status? That's me compiling software). While looking at that: the green boxes are programs. Half of them done so far, but host is the most complex one and will be last.
So, to answer the question: hopefully before spring