Forum for North Star 2 (#34)
Not sure who is spamming those anonymous messages in game and somehow is unable to start a topic so I decided to give him a hand.
The Ptscore decides the winner on this server and as bad as it is as long as there is no will to change it for whole kind of games we should not change it for a single game.
So the only question is when the game should end.
When one player reaches 200 planets? What do you think?
"...reaches 200 planets"? Yes, it's good idea.
I have 0 planets
"...reaches 200 planets"? Yes, it's good idea.
Hi there,
So the only question is when the game should end. When one player reaches 200 planets? What do you think?
The game with such winning conditions can last more than 200 turns.
I'm not sure that this can be acceptable for most players.
The Ptscore decides the winner on this server and as bad as it is as long as there is no will to change it for whole kind of games we should not change it for a single game.
So, I propose to use the standard end game scenario that was used in all games.
But just for fun anyone (at least Bird and Borg) can continue this game after the official end.
I hope that in the next games winning conditions will be determined before the game starts.
I would like to see an invasion scenario or its variations.
Hi there,
So the only question is when the game should end. When one player reaches 200 planets? What do you think?
The game with such winning conditions can last more than 200 turns.
I'm not sure that this can be acceptable for most players.The Ptscore decides the winner on this server and as bad as it is as long as there is no will to change it for whole kind of games we should not change it for a single game.
So, I propose to use the standard end game scenario that was used in all games.
But just for fun anyone (at least Bird and Borg) can continue this game after the official end.
I hope that in the next games winning conditions will be determined before the game starts.
I would like to see an invasion scenario or its variations.
I agree to finish this game as soon as possible
So, I propose to use the standard end game scenario that was used in all games.
Look. If you want an 80 turns game please go play pleiades and do not join a northstar game. It's annoying to hear about fast ending. All we did so far is killed few players who weren't playing or missed so many turns they could not compete. Now finally there is an opportunity to fight a developed enemy and you want to end. No way. We can discuss some ending conditions, if 200 planets seems to much maybe 175 or something else but please stop with these ideas to end the game while the whole fun to fight a demanding and complicated wars is ahead of us.
If you want an 80 turns game please go play pleiades and do not join a northstar game.
I hate games with alliances.
And in most of these games there were multi-alliances.
I agree to finish this game as soon as possible. But if it will go on (200 planets), I'll play to the end.
Good luck!
Hi everyone!
I agree to finish this game as soon as possible.
Yeah, me too!
ok, if I summarize correctly, we have:
- Kobrov wants to end (but would keep playing; great sportsmanship!)
- darkclow wants to continue
- Iceman (first place in score and ships) wants to end
- Yggdrasill wants to continue
- Bjoerndalen (first place in planets) wants to end
- Sherkhan wants to end
I guess the salomonic decision would be an ending condition that is in the closer future.
Going with the "200 planets" theme, "125 planets" sounds like a sensible goal than. As far as I recall, this very number was also common on for example PlanetsServer, and I wouldn't even go as far as to require "...and keep them for 5 turns", i.e. rush to the planets without caring for sustainability.
Would that be an acceptable compromise?
The second alternative would be to abandon (killrace?) those who want to end, but then probably ending for good would be better.
Hello Stefan,
Thank you for participating in this discussion.
I guess the salomonic decision would be an ending condition that is in the closer future.
I guess in this case we can use the standard end game scenario that was used in all previous games.
Going with the "200 planets" theme, "125 planets" sounds like a sensible goal than. As far as I recall, this very number was also common on for example PlanetsServer, and I wouldn't even go as far as to require "...and keep them for 5 turns", i.e. rush to the planets without caring for sustainability.
Would that be an acceptable compromise?
In my opinion, we can try such winning conditions: "Owning 125 planets for 5 consecutive turns" in the next game (North Star 3).
And perhaps add additional condition that the game should not continue more than 110 turns.
But right now it looks like changing the rules in the middle of the game.
I think that any changes should be applied before the game... or at least in the first 10 turns, otherwise use the default settings.
The second alternative would be to abandon (killrace?) those who want to end, but then probably ending for good would be better.
This option looks preferable for me right now.
But right now it looks like changing the rules in the middle of the game. I think that any changes should be applied before the game... or at least in the first 10 turns, otherwise use the default settings.
Just lol. There is no 80 turn ending in this game Iceman. That's the setup for pleiades type of games, not for this one. Here it was changed for an open ending - this is the default setting. So in fact your idea to end turn 80 is like changing the rules in the middle.
For all of you who want to end: it seems to me you prefer an euro game (just use as much resources as you can to get score) instead of strategy war game (which I believe vga planets is about) where building economy is only first step and fighthing is the essence of the game. This is disappointing as hell.
Just replying to this single thought:
But right now it looks like changing the rules in the middle of the game.
This game started with no ending condition under the assumption that one would be defined during the game. It is inevitable to change this particular rule unless you want to keep going to the heat death of the universe (but most software will either stop working in turn 311 or 32767).
Here it was changed for an open ending - this is the default setting.
Explain how you understand this term.
So in fact your idea to end turn 80 is like changing the rules in the middle.
Your idea about 200 planets looks more absurd.
And standard end game scenario is not my idea.
This is Stefan's idea that was used in ALL previous games and this mean that it has a historical meaning and can be used as a precedent.
In any case 4 players (1, 4, 8, 11) of the remaining 7 players voted to end the game ASAP and only 2 players want to continue.
I guess that makes sense to finish this game for these players and continue the game only for the Bird and the Borg (and, possibly, the Crystal).
I already proposed this option but it seems you want to see only what you want to see.
Explain how you understand this term.
Stefan did. Read carefully.
In any case 4 players (1, 4, 8, 11) of the remaining 7 players voted to end the game ASAP and only 2 players want to continue. I guess that makes sense to finish this game for these players and continue the game only for the Bird and the Borg (and, possibly, the Crystal). I already proposed this option but it seems you want to see only what you want to see.
You do not accept 200 planets. Fine. I do not accept end turn 80. What means we need to find a solution we all agree. What about Stefan's option?
What means we need to find a solution we all agree.
It is almost impossible.
Re-read this topic again.
Each player offered his own version of winning condition.
And finally Stefan suggested the following:
Thus, using the standard "roll a die, starting at turn 80 (or 70?)" would sound like a reasonable idea to me.
That's why I suggested it.
If you prefer voting then:
4 players (1, 4, 8, 11) voted to end the game ASAP and only 2 players want to continue.
It is almost impossible. Re-read this topic again.
Each player offered his own version of winning condition. And finally Stefan suggested the following. Thus, using the standard "roll a die, starting at turn 80 (or 70?)" would sound like a reasonable idea to me.
I know this topic, I did particpate in it and I don't have a feeling the solution is impossible to achieve. Stefan's suggestion there was correct (cause IMO game was already decided) but here he gave a diffrent one (cause game IMO is far from being decided). So please do not ignore this fact and just say whether you accept keeping 125 planets for 5 turns or not and if not why.
4 players (1, 4, 8, 11) voted to end the game ASAP and only 2 players want to continue.
Voting like this doesn't really proof anything. Cause races who are no longer in position to fight for the win will almost always say let's end. IMO they vote should not count at all cause it will always privilege the leading player at the current moment in time while ptscore is not even an accurate measurement of player's strength. We have 4 players in this game who still can take the win and votes between them are even.
The second alternative would be to abandon (killrace?) those who want to end
Let it be.
Yes, it's my choice too.
streu in Re: Game ending:The second alternative would be to abandon (killrace?) those who want to end
Let it be.
Yes, it's my choice too.
Stefan, I choose the second option (killrace)
There is no sense to kill a race like Imperial. I'm pretty sure we will find a replacement here. As for the Colonial we can just agree we don't attack this race and we can leave it open.
You're not making this easy for me....
I announced the search for a replacement in the general forum; maybe we find someone. In this case, it would make sense to change to a "125 planets" end condition.
The killrace option is so intrusive that I think ending the game would be the better option (plus, it's less manual work ). Since we're close to turn 80, I guess the most sensible thing if we don't get replacements would be to use the usual "around turn 80" end condition, which means you could still blow up some ships to make some score, and then end this beast.
darkclow wants to end.
Let's finish the game after 80 turn.
Good luck!
Well, the main question remains, why should we end the game if it's far from being decided?
If you all prefer to end we will end (even if I think it's unfair) - I just want to know the thought process. What was the purpose of playing? Because it's clear that from competetive perspective ending now is like a joke and playing the game was just waste of time.
I have changed the end condition to "turn 80+x".