Forum for North Star 1 (#33)
I got a request to skip the Sunday (April 30th) host due to travel.
I hope you're ok with that and find some good replacement activity for the weekend. (I hear some things like open air baths, parks and zoos start their summer season this weekend )
(I hear some things like open air baths, parks and zoos start their summer season this weekend
Don't they have something to do with this obnoxious and scary thing called sun?
I don't mind but whoever that was, should get clear about his/her own priorities. That's no laughing matter, is it.
! S C N R
I got a request to skip the Sunday (April 30th) host due to travel.
I hope you're ok with that and find some good replacement activity for the weekend. (I hear some things like open air baths, parks and zoos start their summer season this weekend
Ok with me... probably will rain here in the northwest though...
I think we always should skip 1-2 turn for reliable player's request.
Speaking of reliable players: I have removed players 8 and 10 who were not submitting turns
Speaking of reliable players: I have removed players 8 and 10 who were not submitting turns
What is the goal of removing?..
I am alright with a short break tomorrow
Removing players who dont submit turns will not really change anything in the outcome of a turn, as long as noone else jumps in. And it might speed up the hostruns since the idle players wont block an earlier hosting. From my side, it's ok.
streu in Re: Schedule:Speaking of reliable players: I have removed players 8 and 10 who were not submitting turns
What is the goal of removing?..
Removing players who dont submit turns will not really change anything
And what about ranking?..
snouka in Re: Schedule:Removing players who dont submit turns will not really change anything
And what about ranking?..
Not submitting a turn gives a reliability penalty. Abandoning a race also gives a reliability penalty if nobody takes the race; dropping voluntarily or being kicked does not make a difference here.
If someone drops out of a game and still ends up at a good place, they will get skill points for that.
If someone drops out of a game and still ends up at a good place, they will get skill points for that.
so, if player was beaten and possess the last place, is there some difference between he end game as registered player, or he resigned and game ended with open race?..
And, if player was beaten, and no longer wish to play, what is an optimal behavior for him, except of submitting empty trns?..
streu in Re: Schedule:If someone drops out of a game and still ends up at a good place, they will get skill points for that.
so, if player was beaten and possess the last place, is there some difference between he end game as registered player, or he resigned and game ended with open race?..
And, if player was beaten, and no longer wish to play, what is an optimal behavior for him, except of submitting empty trns?..
Resigning gets no penalty if you have no units (ships, planets) left. As long has you still have units, you still can and should give orders. For example, you can be junior partner in an alliance (especially with remote control enabled, which allows you to sell your racial abilities: give me five minelayers, one for me, four for you to control back) and thus still make a difference.
Of course it may not be as fun being at the lower end of the score as if you're among the top-3, but that's my understanding of a multiplayer game: other players providing you with a game, you providing a game to others. But I'm open to suggestions what incentives other than a top-notch reliability score can be given to persevering players.
Siba in Re: Schedule:so, if player was beaten and possess the last place, is there some difference between he end game as registered player, or he resigned and game ended with open race?..
Resigning gets no penalty if you have no units (ships, planets) left.
Your rank is determined by three values: your skill. You receive skill points for every game you finish.
Is there differene in SKILL points between player that was beaten, but finished the game as registered player, and player, that resigned at the middle of the game, ans not finished it as registered player?..
streu in Re: Schedule:Siba in Re: Schedule:so, if player was beaten and possess the last place, is there some difference between he end game as registered player, or he resigned and game ended with open race?..
Resigning gets no penalty if you have no units (ships, planets) left.
Your rank is determined by three values: your skill. You receive skill points for every game you finish.
Is there differene in SKILL points between player that was beaten, but finished the game as registered player, and player, that resigned at the middle of the game, ans not finished it as registered player?..
If you play 80% of the game, you get 80% of the skill points. I think it's the same if you're defeated (=zero score) after 80% of the game or resign with nonzero score. I wrote that code five years ago and am too tired to understand it today