Rules and Strategy for our beloved game
It seems, "approximately turn 80" really means turn 85-86.
I offer to start diceroll after turn 75 or so.
It seems, "approximately turn 80" really means turn 85-86.
That's quite on the market. Though I'ld rather write that down in that way. In my opinion 80 or even 85 turns already is an awful short game. That's not enough time to even fight down one enemey - if he is struggling at all that is.
It seems, "approximately turn 80" really means turn 85-86.
That's quite on the market. Though I'ld rather write that down in that way. In my opinion 80 or even 85 turns already is an awful short game.
As for me - it's awful long But no matter.
I just want "approximately turn 80" to be real "approximately turn 80"...
That's not enough time to even fight down one enemey
Unfortunately, we're not playing for fighting enemies down here... just for PTScore.
Unfortunately, we're not playing for fighting enemies down here... just for PTScore.
From "unfortunately" to "just" simply marvellous. Message me if you start a game with end conditions suitable to fight someone down and I'll seriously think again about my planned 2 years abstinence from planets (for RL-reasons).
Message me if you start a game
i'm not hostmaster
I also don't like Stephan's extra rich galaxies.. Some time ago i offered G-List games with poor settings, and expensive ships.
But it's offtopic anyway.
I just ask Stephan to set real "approximately turn 80" end
That's not enough time to even fight down one enemey
Unfortunately, we're not playing for fighting enemies down here... just for PTScore.
PTScore usually correlates somehow with fought-down enemies. At least, if nobody disrupts the game by leaving prematurely.
I still haven't got a clear majority from either the "games are too long" and the "games are too short" faction which to me means: no change. If it's all about the number shown on the webpage: Greasemonkey allows you to change that
Regarding settings: the server can do custom games. If you bring me a few friends for a custom game with a custom config, I'll happily set that up.
PTScore usually correlates somehow with fought-down enemies. At least, if nobody disrupts the game by leaving prematurely.
Sorry. No, PTScore does no such thing. That's exactly my point. There is no time at all to make use of another player's planets economic wise. There simply is no time to do so and there is no reason to, because you'ld neglect maximising core-territory score. Your frighters can't do both. If you are lucky you got him down around turn 60. Really lucky. But I usually begin preparations for maximising score around turn 40 to 45.
It correlates may be somehow with fleetstrength. Somehow. I can say for sure that FED-fleets are generally overrated concerning PT-score for the simple reason that FED-fulls do cost more money compared to other races hulls. These cost's are there for a good reason and there is no problem while playing without PT-Score. Using PT-score gives the FEDs a higher rating compared to fleetstrength which is usually (actually it's not that simple) a downside for diplomacy but you've got a higher score - which does count at the end of the day.
Furthermore fighting one player down is a surefire way to ensure your fleetstrength won't grow too much. Fighting means you'll loose some heavy score ship from time to time. There is no way around that.
I still haven't got a clear majority from either the "games are too long" and the "games are too short" faction which to me means: no change. If it's all about the number shown on the webpage: Greasemonkey allows you to change that
Maybe, you'll begin dice roll after turn 75?... So, we'll have near 50% probability at turn 80.
PTScore usually correlates somehow with fought-down enemies. At least, if nobody disrupts the game by leaving prematurely.
Sorry. No, PTScore does no such thing. That's exactly my point. There is no time at all to make use of another player's planets economic wise. There simply is no time to do so and there is no reason to, because you'ld neglect maximising core-territory score. Your frighters can't do both. If you are lucky you got him down around turn 60. Really lucky. But I usually begin preparations for maximising score around turn 40 to 45.
It correlates may be somehow with fleetstrength. Somehow. I can say for sure that FED-fleets are generally overrated concerning PT-score for the simple reason that FED-fulls do cost more money compared to other races hulls. These cost's are there for a good reason and there is no problem while playing without PT-Score. Using PT-score gives the FEDs a higher rating compared to fleetstrength which is usually (actually it's not that simple) a downside for diplomacy but you've got a higher score - which does count at the end of the day.
Furthermore fighting one player down is a surefire way to ensure your fleetstrength won't grow too much. Fighting means you'll loose some heavy score ship from time to time. There is no way around that.
two races are definetely outsmarted that way. And those are Cyborg and Federation.
In few cases, when we have one quitter, a third race may expand wider than usual and consequently makes difference in the statistics. But in general Cyborg and Fed make the score.