Forum for Pleiades 5 (#17)
Hello all,
unfortunately it happens that my graphics card starved yesterday. And I haven't any substitute ready.
Currently I am posting from our office workplace, voilating the admin rules for the use of the internet. I gave my hardware to my local engineer of confidence two ours ago. I am hopeful to solve this problem soon and keep you informed.
So, for clarification: Do you require a break, pushig the next hostrun to the next Sunday (19th)?
a brake is - of course - ok for me!
So, for clarification: Do you require a break, pushig the next hostrun to the next Sunday (19th)?
I have set the game to skip one turn.
(If all turns are in on time, the host will run normally, of course.)
I'm fine with a break, too.
Good luck with your hardware, Allan!
a brake is - of course - ok for me!
So, for clarification: Do you require a break, pushig the next hostrun to the next Sunday (19th)?
Is there any message from Allan yet? He didn't turn until now.
I am asking, beause for us this is the very last turn to build ships without (well mainly) queue. Missing this turn is not unfortunate but big trouble.
So just to make sure I'ld rather wait some more time in case Allan can't turn today. I guess there's a high chance of loosing a player if he'll miss this turn again after already missing one just some turns ago.
Is there any message from Allan yet? He didn't turn until now.
I am asking, beause for us this is the very last turn to build ships without (well mainly) queue. Missing this turn is not unfortunate but big trouble.
So just to make sure I'ld rather wait some more time in case Allan can't turn today. I guess there's a high chance of loosing a player if he'll miss this turn again after already missing one just some turns ago.
Is there any message from Allan yet? He didn't turn until now.
I am asking, beause for us this is the very last turn to build ships without (well mainly) queue. Missing this turn is not unfortunate but big trouble.
So just to make sure I'ld rather wait some more time in case Allan can't turn today. I guess there's a high chance of loosing a player if he'll miss this turn again after already missing one just some turns ago.
Is there any message from Allan yet? He didn't turn until now.
I hope he appreciates your care, and I've set the turn to wait just in case.
However, Alan has sent in two turns for Phoenix 3, so the computer must be working again.
now all is in lets run the host....