[Posting] Re: Extend the game
Thread:Extend the game
Forum:Pleiades 16
In reply to:Re: Extend the game
Date:Sat, 2021-05-08 19:45 GMT

which rules were broken?

I think it was the one that says "at0mix must win every game".

for snouka it is not recommended to create unions of more than 3 races this is not a rule but a recommendation.

James, I wasn’t rude to you and I didn’t give you a reason. therefore I will correct you - RUSSIANS ALWAYS strive for victory. at any cost - to the last soldier and the last bullet. Therefore, I will correct you - the text sounds like this: at0mix never gives up. I - unlike you - always fight to the last ship - to the last soldier - to the last bullet. good luck colleagues ...