The sum of all X coordinates of all planets in XYPLAN.DAT gives 998681. Maybe there is a Y checksum which must be 1002633.

The sum of all bytes of BEAMSPEC.DAT, ENGSPEC.DAT, HULLSPEC.DAT and TORPSPEC.DAT gives 338817, where the listed files need to have exact sizes. Not all bytes are used for actual data storage, but are still part of the checksum. Ship list compilers like Penguin or peng use this to make files compliant with the checksum.

    File               | Size    | Size Used
     BEAMSPEC.DAT      |   360   |   360 = 36*10
     ENGSPEC.DAT       |   598   |   594 = 66*9
     HULLSPEC.DAT      |  6300   |  6300 = 60*105
     TORPSPEC.DAT      |   470   |   380 = 38*10

PHost generates 32-bit digests for these files, using only the "Used" part of the files. See under UTILx.DAT for a description.