Forum for Phoenix 12 (#84)

[Posting] delay turn
Thread opener, Player 9 (The Robots)
Posted Tue, 2025-02-04 14:59 GMT, edited Tue, 2025-02-04 15:11 GMT

hi. severe cold, the temperature is almost 39 degrees. My head is splitting, I can't even make a move. I'm asking you to postpone the launch of the games with my participation until Sunday.

Tequila War 1 (#79)

Phoenix 12 (#84)

Titan 23 (#85)

Lupus 4 (#86)

North Star 17 (#87)

[Posting] Re: delay turn
Player 4 (The Fascists)
Posted Tue, 2025-02-04 17:26 GMT

Certainly agreed. Get well soon!

[Posting] Re: delay turn
Posted Tue, 2025-02-04 20:13 GMT


[Posting] Re: delay turn
Player 1 (The Feds)
Posted Wed, 2025-02-05 17:46 GMT

take you time emperor, even if it takes longer than until this weekend. your health comes first. get well soon!

[Posting] Re: delay turn
Posted Thu, 2025-02-06 14:18 GMT

Feel better soon, a break is no problem!

[Posting] Re: delay turn
Thread opener, Player 9 (The Robots)
Posted Fri, 2025-02-07 06:53 GMT


hello everyone! thanks for the support. I'm back to normal, making moves :wink:

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