Forum for Pleiades 1 (#7)
All turns are in, but the hosting does not happen. I am not a big friend of the option to upload a turn an block the hosting. Is it possible to make it visible who blocks the hosting process? A kind hint may to him would then probably help.
All turns are in, but the hosting does not happen. I am not a big friend of the option to upload a turn an block the hosting. Is it possible to make it visible who blocks the hosting process? A kind hint may to him would then probably help.
Did you take into account that host is waiting 30 minutes after the last turn is in?
Subli in turns ready:All turns are in, but the hosting does not happen. I am not a big friend of the option to upload a turn an block the hosting. Is it possible to make it visible who blocks the hosting process? A kind hint may to him would then probably help.
Did you take into account that host is waiting 30 minutes after the last turn is in?
No, why is there an additional 30 min delay?
No, why is there an additional 30 min delay?
For last minute changes. If you are last, you upload your turn and 5 minutes later you think "shit I did not..." then it's good to have 25 minutes left. ;-)
All turns are in, but the hosting does not happen. I am not a big friend of the option to upload a turn an block the hosting. Is it possible to make it visible who blocks the hosting process? A kind hint may to him would then probably help.
CCC's explanation is perfectly correct, but this was not the case this time. This was indeed a turn marked as temporary.
The "mark turn temporary" option is absolutely required when someone plays with the browser client. (I know it sucks, but I work on changing it :-) It can be disabled, together with the 30 minute delay, but that is intended for "Blitz" type games.
It probably makes sense to add a time limit for how long the turn can be marked temporary, to avoid games getting stuck when someone forgets their turn. But that time limit would be in the magnitude of two, three days to be practical.
This time, your kind hint in the forum probably helped and the player "unstuck" their turn.
... The "mark turn temporary" option is absolutely required when someone plays with the browser client. .... --Stefan
I like this "temporary turn" also while playing offline. This enable to upload a first fast *.trn if you do not know "does I has time for a detailed *.trn" or if you are waiting for more informations (For example a answer from another player...).
I think this is a great option to prevent missed turns. And no missed turns (also the turns of your enemy) is always better than a fast turn option.
Bye Alexander
Get än bestuet, da get än veruet; sterft än, da get än gelueft.