Bugs and Feature Requests for PlanetsCentral and other VGAP software

[Posting] Crew Experience Level in Battle Simulator
Thread opener
Posted Fri, 2024-03-22 17:42 GMT


May be I missed some message about this subject. If so, please nevermind.

I noticed that when configuring ships on the Battle Simulator of the website (PHost4, PList 3.2 to be more precise), I cannot select the experience level for the ships. This is new. I've done it plenty of times before but now the 'l' key appears disabled. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks and apologies if this is something that was discussed before.

[Posting] Re: Crew Experience Level in Battle Simulator
Posted Sat, 2024-03-23 09:33 GMT

This is an oversight in the last update, thanks for spotting.

Fixed on test installation: https://planetscentral.com/test/play/sim.cgi

Explanation: in order to correctly show hull functions, I am now at many more places looking at the actual host configuration. This includes the component that sends configuration and specification data to the web simulator. The default host configuration has experience disabled.


[Posting] Re: Crew Experience Level in Battle Simulator
Thread opener
Posted Sat, 2024-03-23 10:37 GMT

Thanks Stefan,

Amazing work you're doing. Thanks again for your dedication.


This is an oversight in the last update, thanks for spotting.

Fixed on test installation: https://planetscentral.com/test/play/sim.cgi

Explanation: in order to correctly show hull functions, I am now at many more places looking at the actual host configuration. This includes the component that sends configuration and specification data to the web simulator. The default host configuration has experience disabled.


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.